Intermission: Fluffy Dan (by : FallenAngel007)


A comission by @Chikahiro , a fluffy ver of the funny and annoying Dan Hibiki of Street Fighter game.


Pretty good, I knew it was Dan as soon as I saw it.


I love it


Don’t forget to put your name in the title.


If there was anyone that would fit the absurd level of confidence relative to the gross incompetence of a smarty, it’s Dan Hibiki.


Why do I want to put on a steel toed boot and kick it in the crotch while screaming savoring the feel of everything from the no-nos through the pelvis to the fluffy’s perception of space and time cracking from the impact and then doubling over from laughter as I see the floof’s expression of shock and pain?

Must be because it’s Dan Hibiki.


Ha ha ha, never thought I’d see a fluffy Dan! :joy:


Have you seen Dan in Street Fighter V by chance? The more advanced players are actually enjoying him as he’s got some rather fun technical tricks. And an infinite that I don’t think has been patched out.


:joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: I LOVE THIS!

if there’s one fluffy who could never die, but never win either, it’s fluffy Dan Hibiki



I asked @FallenAngel007 to make him a smarty to because honestly? It just felt right for the character.

He’s an important part of Street Fighter’s heart and soul so far as I’m concerned.

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“Dummeh taigah-munstah! Ou gib daddeh fowebah sweepies! hatechu! gib ou worstest huwties an fowebah sweepies!”

It was a ridiculous idea and I’m very glad that @FallenAngel007 took the commission :slight_smile:

Great experience, 5 out of 5 stars, would do again :slight_smile:


Someone on reddit asked who would win: Dan or Fluff Dan. I had to answer that!

That’s a good question. I think the main thing is fighting even a full-size fluffy wouldn’t stroke Dan’s ego enough (quite the opposite).

In one scenario Dan beats it up handily then gets the crap beaten out of him by everyone/anyone else for beating up a fluffy. Dan wins but Dan loses.

In another Fluff-Dan beats Dan in what would be an epic upset (lets be real here - MAYBE a Dragon-Fluff punch to his nuts would do it), but Dan falls on him and its a double-KO. Fluff Dan gets a moron-box loss.

Most likely: they see themselves in each other, coming to a partnership doomed to failure. Probably arguing who the teacher is versus who is the mascot. Neither taking responsibility for running the dojo because “I’m the brains, the other one takes care of the little details like paying the bills.” Jimmy/Blanka will be confused. Sakura dumbfounded. Both end up on the streets living in an alleyway, sharing a box. Moron-box ending for both, yet still slightly hugbox-ish since their fans (us) love seeing them like this.

Worst possible ending: They end up in a MUGAN-based Street Fighter versus Mortal Kombat game. End up being used as the dummies for combo videos and fatality compilations. Abuse-box end.

Could go either way: both end up in a dating sim as playable characters. Who will find love first? Can you unlock the special mode where you try to find someone (anyone) who will love them both? Weird-box end.

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Feel free to pm me when needed :smiling_face:

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