Introducing the MilkieStation™ (by FluffyLandCityCouncil)

Seeing as how i spent the entire weekend procrastinating playing Halo MCC, and thus didn’t finish the story i had in mind, i decided to explore another idea i had, with illustrations from my friend @FluffyShop . I present you the simple, but practical, MilkieStation, for all your foal feeding needs

The MilkieStation™ is a product created by Hasbio as yet another way to feed multiple fluffy foals at any given time. It differs from other products in that it focuses on substance over style, making it ideal for small budget places such as small time breeders, non-profit shelters and orphanages, and domestic settings. It consists of a small, oval shape feeding station, containing heating, insulating, and size ajusting features, all in a packege made to look and feel like a real ‘mummah’ to the foals

The list of features, in detail, goes as follows:

  • The artificial TEATS (someone is getting fired for that one) are made from soft latex rubber, and are textured and scented to both feel, smell and taste like a real mare’s teat. This is crucial since foals, particularly chirpies, do not respond well to being fed by anything other then their mother’s teat, which can result in complications, particularly a refusal to eat or choking if force fed. Does not apply to starved foals, who are deperate for any source of food
  • The exterior silicone rubber is covered in fluff to further simulate a fluffy mare, and is made from either real faux fluff or faux real fluff, thus avoiding ethical concerns. It is given a fireproof coating, meaning it is not flamable. I repeat, it. is. NOT. flamable. It is given the same scenting treatment as the teats to help avoid stressing the foal during feeding time, although foals that have inprinted on their mother will need time to ajust
  • The lid is a safety feature to avoid foals climbing on top, as if climbing their mother’s back, falling inside and drowning on the milk. The design features six teats in total, allowing for three times the number of foals feeding at the same time. It has been noted that foals who grow up with the MilkieStation™ will wonder, often out loud, why mares only have two ‘milkie places’ and why some ‘milkie mummahs’ have limbs
  • Each new purchase of the MilkieStation™ comes with a free polyethylene terephthalate (PET) bottle, which can hold 30ml/1oz of liquid, for a total of 60/2. It allows more milk to be stored at once, thus allowing for less refills at any given time, and is compatible with most milkbag pumping systems, allowing a constant supply of fresh milk. It also does not shatter when filled to the brim
  • The adjustable pop tube style holder serves to acomodate foals of all ages. Younger foals have trouble reaching teats that are too high and older ones get unconfortable lowering their heads too low to feed, both situations known to (potentialy) cause neck problems. When used correctly, however, it can also serve as an insentive for foals to begin walking, and to prevent unruly ones from stealing milk
  • The body of the MilkieStation™ comprises of a phenolic foam core, wrapped in silicone rubber. Both materials are fireproof, heat and cold resistant, with the foam providing great insulation, keeping the milk warm for a long time. It is easy to clean, and compatible with all of Hasbio’s foal formulas, from the most basic to the most premium. It is also compatible with other liquids such as water and fruit juice, although acids can damage it from prolonged expusure
  • Embedded into the base of the MilkieStation™ is a copper plated, PTC, or positive thermal coefficient, rubber heater, powered by an induction charging compatible sodium-ion battery. It is a PTC heater, meaning it self-regulates its own temperature, allowing milk to remaing heated at the same temperature for prolonged periods, ideal for midnight snacks or for those who stay away from home for most of the time. The rubber is made from silicone, and sodium-ion batteries are less volatile then lithium-ion ones, making the product almost completly safe

Finally, all Hasbio products are engraved with a serial number to help identify any IP violators. If you identify a product with no serial number, or an incorrect serial number, report the seller/buyer to the authorities immediatly especially if they are related to Fluffyland. We must all do our part in helping crush any opposition making society as whole safer, fairer and equal


impressive! how does it stand up to a running kick from a human?


It wasn’t really designed for that, but can survive mostly intact. The foals on the other hand…


no one needed a tit panopticon, but there it is.


“Discourage milk stealing by saying there is a guard micro inside. They may or may not be looking at you, and you’ll never know”

Sounds about right for fluffies


Says you, I’d kill to be surrounded by tits on all sides


Well I’LL be the judge of THAT… :whaaa:

Great job on the details!
Those babbehs nee’ Miwkies!!!


an absolute nightmare to clean


Fill with water and soap
Put on the lid
Shake shake shake
Shake shake shake
Shake your booty, oh
Open and rinse with water
All done


What would happen if you filled it with a mixture of milk and fluffy shit? Just in case someone has brown foals.

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with those tubes?

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Depends, sometimes it works just fine, and sometimes you lose all your teeth


Squeeze to build pressure to suck the water

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Will heating poison affect its action?

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“Poison” is a broad term, as long as it is not too acidic or corrosive it should be fine

Hasbio also does not recomend giving poison to foals of any age


And after all the centuries of modern human baby care the milk bottle was never reinvented.


Just sold for twice the price for fluffies

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MilkieStation: endorsed by Octomom, The Duggars, and Apu Nahasapeemapetilon~


Now you’re just giving me ideas i would rather not have, so thank you

Also, it’s MilkieStation™. The ™ is very important


Honestly having bottle fed kittens…I could put this to use. Shelters could use ‘em too. Otherwise you gotta have four bottles on the ready every hour on the hour.