Inverted Bowl Fluffy product testing - Chapter 8.1 - Lothmar (Art by Gal with pastels)

(Hugbox Filler.)

“Good morning fluffies…” A female voice adds entering the safe room.

“Guw bwight time doctah mummah!” Rosey added trotting over to sit down in waiting.
“Mownin’…” Assistant sighed from the bed.

The freckled brunette in her lab coat glasses and work clothing set down the food and proceeded over to assistant and nodded to Rosey who began eating after given the go ahead. “I take it you understand now why I said you weren’t ready for babies yet right?” She adds gently stroking assistants head and turning her chin up to look at her.

“Sisstant sowwy no whisten… Poow widdwe babbehs~” As her eyes teared up the woman nodded solemnly.

“I believe you. Which is why you should get up and eat, you’ll need your strength to make milk.” The doctor added standing up and heading to the door.

“Buh mummah, sisstant nu wike miwky tingy…” Assistant added shaking off the tears and grimacing her face remembering the times her mother had pumped her previously.

“Who said anything about using the pump today? “ She smirked and as she opened the door a series of peeps and chirps could already be heard.

“Is dat?” Rosey added curiously looking up from her food. “Babbehs. . .” Assistant added standing promptly but shakily as she walked over toward the door and food dish.


“Their condition has stabilized, so im going to let you look after them for the project.” No sooner had she started to squat down closer to them had Assistant started standing on her back legs eager to reunite or verify her foals even a moment sooner. “Easy girl…” she adds in a calming tone and the mare slowly drops to a seated position tail swishing vibrantly. The two foals are presented and Assistant muzzle scoots in first for reaffirming sniffs followed by rose who waits her turn and waits for her sister to approve before snuffling herself.

Assistant turns around while her sister is sniffing and hurries to eat what food she feels up to. She still had plenty of milk but her enthusiasm was returning and with it her appetite. She coughed a bit an left half the bowl behind before lapping up some water and returning to her baby’s. The foals were set on the ground and immediately caught hold of their mothers scent from the milk they had been feed each day since they were born and began to crawl their way. Something about this feeling felt nicer then before… It was somehow, safer. The foals burbled and chirped between suckles as they snuggle into their mothers bosom and kneaded gently.

“Am mummah gain…” Assistant added with tear eyes. “Mummah wub babbehs.”

“The Filly is called Fizzy and the colt is named Bubbles, or bub for short.” The doctor added referring to the unicorns that were mostly identical shade of light purple except that their white spot patterns were flipped with the pattern on his left side and the colt being an inverted bowl fluffy. The team was curious if the Inverted bowl fluffy mutation was linked to the male sex as this had been the first they’d gotten from processing flatbeds samples. Decent numbers on regular bowls though but all of Flatbeds foals and eventually his sons would be explicitly tagged and tracked for authenticity and legal disclaimers and liability wavers.

“Such pwetty namesies, mummah am soo~ Hap~peh…” The doctor leaned in and propped the fluffy up.

“A little too much at once it seems.” They sigh as assistant had passed out. Assistant had a condition the team referred to as an ‘emotional limiter’ when it came to happiness. Studies had determined it was a type of natural evolution amongst fluffies. As prior to this evolution such fluffies had the chance of their hearts literally bursting from excessive happiness. The phenomenon coined as ‘Happy nappies’ by fluffies.

“Wosey hewp.” She added moving over and leaning to support her step sisters weight. With the foals detached the doctor moved them all over to the bed where they could snuggle in.

“Good girl Rosey. Please help Assistant in case she has more narcolepsy and keep an eye on your niece and nephew.” The woman adds standing back up and brushing themselves off.

“O’tay. Wosey Hewp sissy and hew Babbehs.” She added taking position to monitor the group until assistant woke up from her short term reboot. “Can Bubbwes and Fizzy go to pawk tomowwow to meet dewe daddeh?”

“They’re a little young for the park.” She added reluctantly. “But I doubt assistant will go without them. Sure I don’t see the harm. I’d like to meet Flatbeds owner anyway.”

“Fwatbed hab Daddeh and speciaw fwiend noa.” Rosey added casually gossiping with a hint of sadness on their face having reminded themselves that the one they loved was in the hooves of another.

“Is that so.” She adds with a smile making a mental note before exiting the saferoom.


That’s where the trouble started, that smile.

That damned smile