Invulnerable (Part 7) by:MightyMorphinFluffy

You’ve been walking for four bright times now. You have kept your babies safe and fed but you just feel like something is wrong…like someone has been following you…watching your every movement.

You can’t keep looking for your daddy’s house if someone is following you because then they’ll know where daddy lives…and they could try to hurt daddy! For now, you’ll just have to find somewhere else…maybe you could try finding the restaurant you always went to with your “family” when you were still a baby.

Then you could stay behind the restaurant for a while until it’s safe and then you can go back to your daddy since his house isn’t far from the restaurant…Yeah…that’s what you’ll do. Your thoughts are interrupted by Pudding.

“Bwudda? cheep Wub! Wub Bwudda! Best Bwudda! cheep” Pudding says happily.

“Puddin say fiwst wowds? Am tawkie babbeh?! Su pwoud of ou babbeh!” You exclaim as you scoop Pudding up into a hug.

“Mummah?” Pudding asks

“Yes, Puddin…Am ou mummah…an mummah wub ou su much!” You tell her as you hug her tighter and give her kisses.


Gonna try to keep the rest of the parts of this series around the same length as this one