Iris (MintFox199)

Hi! This is my first drawing ever of my unicorn fluffy, Iris! Any advice is appreciated and I hope you like her!

Swiftbitches drew Iris for me as a request and I finally decided to try and draw her on my own! Thanks so much to Swiftbitches for drawing her for me.
here is the art done by Swiftbitches for comparison.


There we go.
Just keep[ practicing and i’m sure you wil improve in due time.


Very nice!

I can offer a little bit of advice. If you’re using coloured pencils, a lot of that jazz is layering. Throw down a layer of a colour, then go over the whole drawing again with another colour, then repeat… and repeat… and go nuts.

Experiment later with the same colour but lighter or darker versions to create shadows and highlights.

Have fun with it!

Art is a lot of experimentation and finding what works for you and what you like.

You’re well on your way! :heart:


Also let nobody tells you that your art is crap.
Not only did you just start out, but every artist is a work in progress all you can do is get better at what you are doing.


Thank you, I used a pencil to draw her, then I colored with crayons, and I outlined with black sharpie, then erases excess pencil markings


Thanks so much


That’s just adorable :heart: I’d love to see more art from you ^w^

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Thank you! When I get an idea I’ll definitely try to draw it, maybe I’ll think up a new fluffy?

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