Irish Fluff Mart Part 2 by hugboxxer04

( Renaming the seires from Euro fluff as to restrict it to only what i know in my home county, this chapter sat in a dock for over a year so finally about to publish it and see what you all think )

Rory looked around the store. “So many options” he thought. Making a list out of the backside of the first list he brought with him. Feeling eyes on him, Rory turned to see the Woman from earlier, he waved at the cashier who just seemed to give a thin lipped smile and nod as he left. Rory’s composure took a knock as he decided it was time to leave “No use loitering around” he thought as he stepped out into the air

A bus later and Rory looked to see his connecting bus as it seem to be delayed by 10 minutes, head phones in listening to up beat music he stopped when he felt a tapping on his leg.
Turning around to see no one there he almost turned back until he saw the mount of fluff and blacklist dirt fluff that seemed to almost perfectly match the tarmac below them both.
…. Holy shit…. Rory was beside himself, this was it, this is how all the storys on the message boards start, A feral looking for food, and a nice new Da da, and love and hugs
Rory drifted into a day dream
“He’s gonna lead me to a family in a box and they will have tons of fouls and then a SUPER cute Alicorn I can teach them to love them all equally and we will live happily ever after, and maybe even I get with the cashier and they call her mom and me and and … and…

“Mistah…. Mistah…” the fluffy almost shouted, “ dos Mistah, hab head sickies” he black earth just looked at him for a few more seconds are the human mumbled to himself.
“Dummeh hoomen pwace bwoke” he said before shuffling off leaving Rory to his fantasies

Finally breaking free Rory looked down and only saw his own imaginary friend the white pegasus flailing her arms in horror as it also clicked for him
“Fluffy?” he said, quickly looking around, it seemed the feral had gone. Rory was fully intending on tracking him down, just even to talk him him.
He didn’t have to look far as he saw an alley just a few a dozen or so meters from where he stood.
Putting caution to the wind he and his imaginary flying pegasus peaked into the ally where he saw the black Feral trudging along, his matted fluff trailing enough to touch the ground.

Rory tiptoed and looked inquesitivly.
“Fluffies, dont normally, grow that much fluff, is he really fat or a weird genetic thing”
The young adults mind filled with questions and he followed the fluffy for what seemed like 20 minutes, he knew he missed his bus but he can get the next one.
The fluffies squeezed under a fence in the backyard of a property.
“Oh”, Rory sighed, “He’s already owned”. Looking as the Black fluffy seemed to not knock on a door but climb into the basement window. Rory’s eye looked once again the house as he clicked, it was abandoned. He probably had a family in their, which was a good but not ideal, he couldnt enter, council property, trespassing, so he had to leave it for today, but he would be back to learn more about that black earthie.

Rory was late home by an hour but still his mother was not back from work. Unlocking the door to the quiet home he stepped in and changed into baggy sweatpants and jumper and out of smart casual/ well presenting attire. Falling onto the couch Rory looked on his phone online for any more fluffy content. Social media with video of fluffies being a surprise gift to them being in wedding boxes offering a ring, a white microfluff saying “wiww 'ou mawwy daddeh”
Rory chuckled “lets see, him in a year”
Then were was, “ can a fluffy beat pokemon red” Rory skipped that.
“Can a Fluffy count to 100” Rory watched until it was clear the Unicorn on screen was looking behind the camera for answers.
“Alicorn hunting, how to find” was a totally fake video with a mare acting.

Rory turning over on the couch He didnt know to do, did he want a fluffy?.. He dosent sure if “want” is the correct wording here.
He looked onto a fluffy fansite to find his answers.

( Author’s note : in irish history there was an epicmonic boom known as the celtic tiger before just crushed by the 2007/8 global recession. Even now many houses were build that were never furnished as the companies couldn’t afford too. In todays ireland these houses are no longer safe, being left to the elements unfinished for a decade has made in un savages-able, only think to do is tear down and start again, which alot of people did but MANY of the houses now a days are just bored up as not to be used for gang or homeless activities)
(Author’s note : even today puppy and other mils raise pets to sell to which is fine but many do not listen to guidelines or don’t have enough space or time to have a farm. )