After 1 million years, it is complete! It’s Merick being annoyed while Snack is being affectionate. A friend suggested that the scenerio is that Merick went grocery shopping and Snack noticed a food he likes. He asks how she could know that and she replies that “Ob couwse Snack knu! Wub daddeh!” well…that and the fact she lives in his gut. He cracks a smile only to hide it just as fast as it appeared.
Tried something new this time. As in…i tried making the background cohesive to the characters by making the color pallete similar even though it makes no sense. Enjoy my simplied grocery store I guess
Time spent on the drawing: almost 19 hours
Looks wonderful!
Definitely worth the time spent, the result is great 
This is wonderful! Loving the new background.
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love your artstyle so much :v
Im honored, since you are one of my fav artists in fluffycommunity 
You put a lot of work and time into this and it shows! I remember when you originally posted the sketches for this. It’s come a long way since then!
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Thank you! I care about perfection, to a ridiculous level sometimes. Everyone is their own worst critic afterall
nevermind ^^’
thanks, but beyond that, your art is so fucking cool * ^ *
Psst…You could show me support by commissioning me or drawing Merick or Snack 
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Won’t laxatives and a proton pack help getting rid of Snack?