Always nice to see fluffies in distress, especially soft psychological distress like no sketties sauce.
I’ve been trying to put it into powerpaint for some time, two minutes messing with bing and here it is.
They’ve just been rescued and are now being ungrateful they only got mac n cheese
What ungrateful little shits. They don’t deserve sauce if they’re going to be like that. Someone add a whole bottle of hot sauce so they can atone.
I would sooner throw it away or “feed” it to the sink instead, make them beg for no sauce noodles for weeks before the (nuclear holocaust hot) sauce is added back in normal sauce amount to the pile of pasta.
Being art challenged like I am, I’d love to know how you’re making these.
I have to say. I always believed if fluffy were real I wouldn’t want to kill them all in such horrible ways. Seeing realistic fluffies and thinking about their retarded speech makes me want to rip their teeth out by hand.
Id drown these poopies in a toilet
Skynet is after our jobs, LOL
I probably beat em to death cause how dare rhe deny the cheesey glorry of mac n cheese
We need more stories involving feed fluffies pasta that isn’t sphaghetti and meatballs. I wonder how’d they’d react to penne alla vodka.
Meatballs aren’t pasta and fluffies don’t care if they’re in their spaghetti or not.
Agree with your main point, though.
“Two brown Fluffy ponies crying in front of a plate of macaroni, photo realistic, fluffy fur, fat, short legs, hairless snout, empty room”
Putting cheese in the prompt kept making them have cheese on their face.
The AI is good with colors (at least for single fluffies), so for examples you could put “pink fluffy pony with green mane” and it would still come out good.
Were you using Stable Diffusion or one of the online ones?
Yep. I make one hell of a mac and cheese, and if any fluffy cried because of it, they’d never eat again.
(The secret, btw, is in the blend of cheeses.)
Bing ai thing
Agreed. Any shitrat that turns down my mac is becoming an entree to be served with the next batch.
(post deleted by author)
Crocodile tears, their ears are barely dropping and certainly not pinned back. They’re looking for a soft mark sympathy rollover, they’re definitely not starving. Little shits.
How does it know what a fluffy pony is? Was the Booru in the training data?