It's Time For Her Foals To Move Out - RE (BRdude)

This was a pain in the ass to do with a mouse, I’m on the brink on considering moving out from mspaint to something that has layers.

Side by side comparison:


Take those foals! Take them and let her wonder what happened to them.


I’d look into other free art programs, there’s a good number of them out there. Try and see what feels right for ya.

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If you’re interested in growing your art, I’d look into programs that offer working with vector graphics - like free Inkscape or paid Adobe Illustrator (or Photoshop for that matter). They’re a bit more time consuming but compared to raster tools like lines and basic curves, vector graphics are superior when you can’t use a tablet for drawing. There’s unparalleled freedom in editing each curve, each point along the shape, and the art once you get a hang of it can be so damn crisp…

Otherwise, Photoshop offers line smoothing so drawing using mouse can look pretty decent. Probably there are other drawing apps with that functionality of course. Or apps that work alongside drawing program, like Lazy Nezumi. Some of that stuff is even free.

Or you can just keep doing Mspaintesque art, that has its own niche and I’m definitely not hating it.


I indeed would like to keep making this pixelated mspaint kind of art, as I started drawing again mostly for nostalgia from making art in Minecraft, I’d use mspaint for the guide and just count the pixels for the wool…

But actually controlling the curves and having layers instead of using ctrl-z and micromanaging pixels sounds a million times better.

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You can pixelate your art once you’re done with vectors. Look into apps that allow you to dither images, like Tezumie: Tezumie-Image-To-Pixel

Here’s your original image I pushed through Tezumie (which also allows you to limit the palette colors):

pixel_buffer_image (1)

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It’s all about finding ways to perfect the technique you wanna use and the end result you wanna go for.

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Props to you for the mouse art - I remember what a pain in the ass it is. Kudos for the effort


If you can learn how to make vectors do what you want? That’s a marketable skill. Seriously.

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