I've hit 100 subs on my fluffy YT channel, here's a sketchbook tour to celebrate it! (Dragonixa)

Waaaaay back in May 2021 I mentioned how I might do a sketchbook tour, since it was running out of space at that time…

And, well… Because some peeps over there were excited or curious about it, the time finally came! :smiley:

I’m seriously glad to share it (even though it gets pretty personal), but I guess a lot of what I’ve been going through I’ve already overcame and I feel so much better nowadays (hope it stays… haha, who am I kidding :,D), so there’s that~

Despite the life struggle, it was a fantastic start for me in this community. I’m so glad to have joined it and so thankful for all the friends here, as well as my one and only :heart:

Special thanks to:
for being my biggest supporters, both financial and/or emotional wise~

I seriously love you so much, peeps.
Thank you for being here and creating this crazy place ^w^
Nixy QwQ


It feels pretty surreal connecting fluffy art to a real life person. All the moreso with how cheery you are versus the themes of your art.

Also, the sexy moth monster at 22:34 intrigues me.


Huh, guess I have a while til join the list.

Puffy bummed Alicorn fluffy with crimson fluff, and golden mane with piercing blue eyes

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Congratulations :tada: :clap::sparkles:

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I absolutely LOVED the tour! It gave me insight to how you draw, and the person behind the art.




Nixy did it better.
She always does.


Oh I’m a total goofball lol, I just love gruesome shit UwU
I mentioned that the moth girl was a commission I did for my sis, they’re into that stuff I guess ^w^

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Hey, doesn’t hurt to reach out ^w^ I’m open for new friendships :heart:

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Thank you! :smiley:

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The fact that people are actually watching this in full baffles me… My long videos never did well and nobody would even bother to go all the way through, so this is crazy to me and so flattering at the same time ;w; Thank you so much, it means a lot to me :people_hugging:

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I’ve seen someone do this comparison before and it’s so accurate! Hahah

Hnnnn… >w< ~❤
You’re gonna melt me some day ;w;


That was fun I had to switch to YouTube to watch it properly but dand that is some beautiful messed up stuff. I mean you stuff would work beautifully with old Warhammer art UwU

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I hope I don’t get into trouble (being “not-fluffy-related” etc.), but I found some shots from my own old sketchbooks:

These are of a female Kaiju I created, named “La Maxima.”

The 3 fight-scenes depict her fighting:

  1. “Devastator,” another Kaiju I created.
  2. Titanopithecus Rex (T-rex…Get it?)
  3. Mechamaxima, her robot doppelganger.

The next (and final) 3 are from another project of mine called “The Blood of Frankenstein” and feature the heroine, Mia:

Anyway, that’s all for now.


Those are fantastic! Seriously dig your style :smiley:


Thank you so much :heart: I honestly didn’t expect such good reception of this tour since it’s so long, but I regret nothing UwU


Sadly, I may have to shutter Maxima, at least for now. It seems Toho and Legendary have come up with ideas I intended for Max, so I have to come up with new ones.

“Blood of Frankenstein” is on hold for now, but I’m intending for it to be a sequel to Mary Shelley’s story which, I’ve discovered, is public domain.

I’d love to show all the images I’ve uploaded, but that’s over 40 images! I’ll give that a nope. Mebbe on DeviantArt.


BTW if anybody has questions/comments about my posts, feel free to PM me.


Why girl why? You make so much quality art. Who would give you shit for that I mean except Ripoff on discord but he gifs everyone shit.