Jason the Budget Exterminator (chapter 2) Burrow Busting (by Think_Peace507)

Hello, my fluffy-hating friends. I have come back with a continuation of my previous story. Hope you all enjoy it!

Flower slowly opened his eyes before stretching out, his eyes quickly adjusting to the darkness of the den. Stretching out, he released a small yawn, before snuggling into his mother’s warm fluff. The white earthie foal cooed as he felt his peach-colored mother lick his yellow mane.

“Gud mownin’ babbeh. You’we up eawwy,” his mother whispered, trying her best not to wake up the foals three other siblings, who were also buried in his mother’s warm fluff.

“Gud mownin’ mummah,” Flower whispered back before looking around the warm, hollowed-out den. “Whewe’s daddeh?”

“Speshuw fwend am just outside findin’ nummies su fwuffy can make 'ou aww bestest miwkies. He’ww be back soon,” Flower’s mother whispered back.

Flower grinned as he heard this, laying back down and resting his head on his mother. This warm and safe den was his home, it had been since the day he opened his see-pwaces for the first time. He was the first of his parent’s foals to do it, and while he wasn’t considered the bestes’ babbeh, the title belonging to his wingie-fwend sister Violet, he was one of his parents favorites.

“Speshuw fwend youw back!“ Flowers mother suddenly yelled, Flower turning his head to watch as his father crawled through the entrance oburrow’s entrance, holding a huge bunch of carrots in his mouthPeaches! fwuffy bwought bestes’ cawwots fo’ 'ou,” His father, a white earthie who looked identical to his son, replied.

“Yay! wub 'ou speshuw fwend su much!”

Flowers siblings, his sister violet pegasus Violet and his cyan colored earthie brother Sky woke up, awaken by their mothmother’sden movements.

“Mownin’ time awweady?” Sky yawned, sitting up on his haunches and rubbing his face with his hooves.

“Yay! Biowet wobes mownin’ time! can fwuffy go out an’ pway mummah pwease!?” His sister cheered, standing up and rapidly bouncing up and down.

“Wewacks babbeh. Can go pway wiff dah othah fwuffies aftah ‘ou hab bestes’ miwkies,” Flowers father, Cotton, said with a smile.

“Otay’ daddeh.”

Cotton smiled as he cuddled up with his mate. Peaches quickly went too work, swallowing up the orange part of the vegetables before giving the leaves to Cotton, the green parts being his favorite.

“Fank 'ou speshuw fwend,” Cotton giggled before swallowing up the leaves.

After a little less than an hour hour, Flower and his other two siblings were able to get their fill of milk from their mothers teats and before long they were ready to go outside and play. However, nature began to call Flower, and he realized he needed to relieve himself.

“Wait up sibwings. Fwuffy nee’ to go make gud poopies in dah poopies woom!” Flower smiled before turning around and heading off a bit deeper into the burrow until he came to a bend in the tunnel. Turning the corner, he immediately recoiled at the scent. The room was filled with feces, with a singular brown male unicorn foal sitting in the corner, cottons fourth sibling.

“Stoopi’ poopy babbeh! Why haben’t 'ou cweaned up dah poopies? Nu smeww pwetty in hewe nu mowe!” Flower frowned, trying his best not to breath through his nose.

“Fwuff ‘ou Fwowah. Smawtie nu wan’ gwoss icky poopies. Fwuffy wan’ tasty miwkies,” The brown foal growled.

“Too bad. ‘ou am dummeh poopies babbeh an’ ‘ou wiww nebah get miwkies ow tasty nummies. Ebew!“ Flower replied, turning around and relieving himself right there onto the floor. “Nao num that befowe fwuffy get daddeh to gib ‘ou wowstes’ huwties an’ foweba sweepies.“

The brown fluffy simply rolled his eyes and laid down to go to sleep.

wty isn’t afwaid of foweba sweepies…” He muttered as he closed his eyes.

“‘ou shouwd be dummeh. Dewe am nu comin’ back fwom foweba sweepies,” Flower retorted before sticking his tongue out at the resting foal and leaving the room to reunite with his siblings.

Exiting the burrow, Flower, Violet, and Sky noticed another group of foals playing near another nearby burrow, one of the many dozen other dens which surrounded theirs. Running up to them, they joined in on their game of chase.

Flower and his family were far from alone, with them making up only a small part of a much larger herd that lived in close proximity to a sizable carrot field, the near-unlimited food providing the rapidly growing herd plenty of resources to survive on. By the time Flower had come around, the whole idea of “hunger” was a completely alien idea.

Each fluffy family lived in one of their own burrows, wonderful nests which their ancestors had discovered vacant a “fowebah” ago. Life in and the burrows was rather peaceful, with absolutely zero “munstas” to speak of outside of a few ants that attacked a group of chirpie-babies once, however, none died. It was complete and utter peace, and Flower knew nothing else.

“Thank ya so much fo-wah showin’ up. Those shit-rats have bin’ causin’ meh so much trouble,” Mr. Schofield spoke with a thick Southern accent, watching as Jason unloaded a box and a backpack out of the back of his pickup truck.

“Don’t mention it, Mr. Schofield, I’m just happy to be of service,” Jason replied to the old man as he shut the back of his truck. “So, just to freshen my memory, what exactly am I dealing with here?”

“Well aah haven’t bin’ able to count ‘em all, but you’re lookin’ at about thirty fluffies all spread out in a dozen or so burrows.”

“Thirty?” Jason asked in disbelief.

“About so.”

“Why the Hell did thirty fluffies dig so many holes? How long have they been living here?” Jason asked as he put on his backpack and picked up his box. While feral fluffy herds could dig dens, they were mostly singular communal dens that would house the entire herd, no matter how cramped it was for them.

“Well they aren’t exactly their holes. Ya see about a year ago aah had a pretty bad gopher infestation that aah cleared out. I’m guessin’ the little bastards moved into the empty burrows that aah may or may not have forgotten to fill en.”

“I see…” Jason replied, thinking for a moment about the old man’s words. “If you don’t mind me asking, why were you okay with culling the gophers but not the fluffies?”

“Gophers don’t scream 'n beg fo-wah mercy when ya kill 'em,” Mr. Schofield answered bluntly.


“So how much will this cost meh?” He asked.

“Well I haven’t counted the bodies yet, nor the time it took to snuff them out and clean them up. But judging by your estimates, this would cost you about $800.”

“$800!? Aah was promised ya were cheap!” The elderly farmer exclaimed, throwing his hands up.

“Let me finish…” Jason requested with a patient voice. “This sort of job would cost you about $800 if you had hired someone else. However I’ll be able to do this for about $200, but I’m willing to go lower if you let me use your situation to test some new extermination methods.”

“How much lower?”

“80 to 100 dollars depending on the time it takes, sir.”

“Ha! What methods are ya tryin’ to try out?” The old man laughed, intrigued by what the younger man was suggesting.

“Well, why don’t you open this box and take a look?”

Reaching over, the old man opened up the box and peered into it. Inside were a ton of cherry bomb fireworks as well as a lighter.

“Good lord! That’s a lot of fireworks!”

“Yep. But not just any fireworks. This box right here has a ton of cherry bombs! My license got approved a few days ago. I’m hoping the fireworks will cause the burrows to cave in on themselves.”

“Interesting… what’re the other methods ya want to try?“

“Well, I got a flamethrower in my backpack…”

“Very funny. Now what exactly do you-” The old man began to laugh before Jason cut him off.

“It’s not a joke. I have a backpack and two fuel canisters in my backpack. I also have some recording equipment and a few disposal bags.”

“You’re serious? Ya have a genuine flamethrower en your backpack?”

“Yes. Well… it’s not LEGALLY a flamethrower. It’s going to be legally marketed as a propane torch so it can get around certain state laws. However, functionally it’s a compact flamethrower.”

“Good lord! Where didja git one of those?” Mr. Schofield exclaimed, looking at the young man in complete bewilderment. “Who even makes ‘em?”

“I’m afraid I can’t disclose that information, as I have signed a contract forbidding me from publicly speaking about it. I won’t even be able to release the video I’m going to be recording with it until about a week from now, when it will be officially announced to the public,” Jason explained, trying his best to hide his excitement.

“Well okay then. Just make sure not to burn anythin’ other than those vermin ‘n i’ll be fine with it,” The elderly man grinned. “Now please, lem-me show ya to your huntin’ grounds.”

“Ow! That gib fwuffy owwies!” Sky complained as Violet lightly nudged him to the ground.

“Don’t be such babbeh, bwuddah. ‘ou did that to fwuffy dah wastes’ time 'ou caught fwuffy,” Violet giggled before helping push her brother back up.

“Su who am goin’ to be next?” A foal from another burrow asked.

“I’ww be next. ‘ou bettah stawt wunnin’ ‘cos i’m gon’ stawt countin,” Flower said before sitting sitting down and starting to count to three, his siblings and a few other foals all scattering in all directions.

“One… two… two… um, what comes aftah two?“

“Twee, Flower,” Flowers mother said as she watched under the shade of a nearby tree.

“Speshuw fwend you’we su smawt,” Cotton whispered as he nuzzled into her yellow mane.

“Otay’! Am goin’ to catch 'ou nao!” Flower exclaimed as he got up onto all fours and began to chase the other foals.

“'ou know speshuw fwend. Fwuffy think it’s about time to hab some mowe foaws,” Violet smiled, nuzzling her mate’s neck.

Understanding what she meant, Cotton immediately stood up and got behind Violet, his mate getting into the mating position.

“So what exactly are ya 'unna do with the flamethrower? Just stick it en 'n burn 'em?”

“Actually the fire will be the least of the fluffies worries. You see during WW2, the Imperial Japanese would often dig these hidden dugouts and machine gun nests right into the side of hills and mountains,” Jason began to explain as the walked through a carrot field. “Now these structures were quite complex, and the normal bunker clearing technique of just chucking grenades in just wasn’t cutting it. So they began to use flamethrowers instead.”

“Go own.”

“Now the flamethrowers proved to be extremely effective because they not only filled areas with fire, but they were also able to suck the oxygen out of the room. The only risk of course was that carrying one made you a rather juicy target, but since fluffies don’t know how to shoot, I don’t think I have anything to worry about.”

Mr. Schofield broke out into laughter as they continued to walk.

“Now wouldn’t that be something? A bunch of fluffies with a bunch of tiny little guns?” He grinned as the pair reached the end of the field.

They continued to walk a few more yards before the old man stopped and pointed at a nearby large oak tree standing by itself in the middle of a grass field.

“That’s where they’re at…”

“Yeah… I think I can see them,” Jason responded, his eyes locking onto a large group of multi-colored LSD horses. “I’ll take it from here.”

“Thank ya once ah-gain,” Mr. Schofield smiled before turning backward and heading back towards the farmhouse.

Placing the box onto the ground, Jason swung his backpack around and unzipped one of the small pockets on the front before reaching in and retrieving a pair of binoculars. Placing down the backpack, Jason lifted the pair of binoculars up to his eyes and began to scan around the tree.

“Good lord…” He whispered to himself as he laid his eyes on over two dozen bio toys, all either playing, eating, or fucking right in front of the tree. “How do you even let it get this bad?”

He continued to scan around until he noticed the entrances to the burrows he was supposed to destroy. There were around thirteen of them, all obvious groundhog dens, although with a larger entrance to better fit the larger animals. Jason wondered if the fluffies had done any other renovations to the dens as he began to pack back up.

Jason put his backpack back on before picking up his box and starting towards the tree, which was only about sixty yards away.

“I’m gon’ catch 'ou!” Flower yelled happily as he chased Sky, his brother slowly starting to slow done as he ran himself to exhaustion.

“Nu uh! am dah fastest fwuffie ebah. You’ww nebah catch fwuffy!” Sky yelled back before attempting to make a turn far too sharp for a fluffy, causing the foal to roll his front-right hoof and fall sideways onto the grass. Flower stopped dead in his tracks as he stared at the fallen foal.

“Owies!” The blue fluffy cried out as he laid on the ground.

“Oh nu! Am bwuddah awwight?” Flower asked as he stared down at the blue foals injured hoof, the area right above it starting to swell.

“Huhuhu…” Sky cried to himself, tears flowing from his eyes as his hoof felt as if it was on fire.

“What’s goin’ on? Did 'ou win Fwowew?” Violet asked as she ran up from behind the two of them.

“Nu! Bwuddah am huwt! We nee’ mummah an’ daddeh to gib him huggies su fwuffy can feew bettew!“ Flower replied as he turned around and began to run off towards the big tree where his parents were resting after mating. Violet turned and followed Flower, leaving Sky completely alone as he continued to cry.

Jason watched as a foal took a rather nasty fall a dozen yards away, his playmates stopping by his side before running off back towards the oak tree where a number of adult fluffies had seemingly taken notice of him. They quickly began gathering up their foals while keeping an eye on him, obviously trying to figure out if he was a “munstah” or not.

“Huhuhuuuu…” The injured foal cried as Jason approached, not even aware of his presence.

“Hell yes this is perfect,” Jason chuckled to himself as he stopped and looked down at the foal who was currently crying to himself. Jason knew that he needed a way to scare the other fluffies into their burrows and make sure they stayed there, and this foal gave him an idea on how to do it.

Reaching down he picked up the foal with one hand before placing him on top of the box he was carrying. The foal laid there as Jason carefully continued to walk towards the oak tree, the small animal still crying to himself.

“Hey little buddy? What’s wrong with your leg?” Jason asked, looking down at the obvious swelling. The foal opened his tear filled eyes and stared up at the human.

“Fwuffy feww down. Am hooman goin’ to hewp?” The blue foal asked through sniffling.

“Yeah, totally. I’m gonna bring you to your mommy and daddy, and they’re going to give you hugs, and I’m going to give you some tasty spaghetti,” Jason said sarcastically before stopping and placing the box down ten yards away from the oak tree, all of the fluffies watching as he gently reached down and picked the foal up.

“Weawwy?! 'ou hab sketties?!” The foal questioned as his eyes lit up, the tears disappearing as the promise of the much-beloved pasta dish reached his ears.

“Hehe. Yeah,” Jason said as he rolled his eyes before spotting a pair of adult fluffies running towards them.

“Nu! Nice mistah pwease put babbeh down! Babbeh needs wub an’ huggies! Babbeh has huwties!” One of the two adults, a peach-colored mare pleaded with him.

“Oh? Are you his mommy?”

“Y-yes! I’m babbehs mummah! Nao pwease put him down!”

Jason smiled as he looked down at the peach colored mare before looking back at the delicate blue foal in his hand, his leg still swollen.

“Sorry buddy, it ain’t nothing personal,” Jason apologized with a smile before reaching down and grabbing ahold of the fluffies swollen leg and giving it a hard twist.

“SCREEEEEEEEE!” The foal cried out as the human twisted his front right leg backwards, the fluffy instantly voiding its bowels all over Jason’s box.

“Oh God damn it!” Jason yelled in frustration before twisting the front left leg backward as well. “Little shit!”

“SCREEEE! M-MUMMAH HELP! MEANIE HOOMAN AM GIBIN’ SKY WOWSTES’ WEGGIE HUWTIES!” The blue foal screamed out as he writhed in the human’s hand, trying desperately to slip out.

“Hooman pwease stahp! ‘ou gibin’ babbeh huwties! Pwease stahp! Pwease!” The mare begged as the other fluffies began to panic.


“Nee’ to hide!”

“Scawy hooman!”

Many of the fluffies scattered, each making a mad dash toward their holes. However, the mare in front of Jason wasn’t as willing to abandon the foal, instead continuing to beg for her child’s safety.

“Put babbeh down nao! ow i’ww gib hooman foweba sweepies!” A white stallion exclaimed as he ran up beside the mare, two foals riding on his back.

“Pwease put bwuddah down nice mistah! He’s gud fwuffy!” One of the foals begged.

Jason looked down at the pathetic creatures before looking back at the writhing foal in his hand before grinning.

“Okay, sure!” Jason exclaimed with a smirk before grabbing ahold of the foal’s head and slowly twisting it, the foal letting out a pained gasp before a sudden faint pop. The small foal’s neck gave away all residence as the force of Jason’s hand snapped the delicate vertebrate, allowing the head to fully rotate backward. The foal’s eyes laid half-closed as Jason dropped the young animal’s body onto the grass, much to the dismay of the family.

“Babbeh nuuuuuuuuuu!” The mare screamed as she watched the foals lifeless body hit the ground. The mare began to sob as she ran over and tried to hug the life back into the corpse of her dead child.

The stallion was also deeply effected, tears welling up in his eyes. However, his expression quickly turned into a look of fear as Jason locked his eyes onto the Mare.

“Speshuw fwend wun!” He cried out, his warning falling onto deaf ears as the mare continued to sob and scream and beg.

“Babbeh wakies! Pwease nu take foweba-!” The mare sobbed before being cut off by a swift kick from Jason, his black combat boot making direct contact with the mare’s snout. The mare recoiled backward onto the grass, her nostrils immediately started to leak blood.

Surprisingly the mare survived the hit, her eyes half shut as her simple mind was left spinning in a daze.

“Speshuw fwend! Git up!” The stallion yelled, the foals on his back erupting into a fit of sobbing. The sound of her living children seemed to snap the mare out of her shaken mind, her eyes widening as she stared up at Jason who lifted his leg to deliver another blow. In a burst of speed impressive for a fluffy, the wounded mare rolled onto her belly before standing up and charging towards her mate, Jason’s boot only barely missing her delicate spine.

“You can run but you can’t hide you happy meal-looking fucks!” The human yelled with a joyful tone as he watched the fluffy family retreat to their burrow. Laying down his backpack, Jason began to unpack, taking out his camera and two-foot-tall tripod. Jason placed the tripod facing towards the burrows before setting the camera on top of it and hitting record. Taking a deep breath, he crouched down so he could look into the camera’s lens.

“So here we are, at Mr. Schofield’s farm. And if you look behind me, you may notice a few obvious burrows,” Jason said with a calm and professional voice. He knew that he would be recording the intro and outro back home, where the audio quality would be slightly better, so he spoke as he had just transitioned. “Now I have no exact number on the number of pests that are currently here. However, I think I have a rather accurate estimate. Now I have something very special planned for you all. Something which I have been looking forward to showing you all. Let me show you.”

Jason then pulled his backpack towards him before unzipping it and slipping out the small flamethrower from within.

“Here it is!” Jason exclaimed with a grin as he showed it to the camera. “This right here is the flame-chucker 2.0. This is the newest product from ‘Eradicate X’. If you recall they released a similar product a few years ago, however, due to many factors it failed to take off. However, the company has since taken those issues into account and has designed this new flame-chucker. It is lighter, smaller, and far more effective than the previous version, and frankly, has blown me away with its performance. However, I know that you all didn’t come here to listen to my monologue about the specs. You came here to watch me burn some scientific mistakes! So without further ado, let’s get to it.”

Jason exhaled after finishing his little speech. He always hated praising products from companies that he had no particular loyalty to, and he knew his fans didn’t care. But he also knew that sponsors were what allowed him to not only provide his service but also try out new toys that he would have never been able to afford. At least now he would be able to do his job.

Reaching into the backpack, Jason retrieved one of the small metal fuel canisters before attaching it to the bottom of the flamethrower. He then grabbed a handful of cherry bombs from the boxes along with the lighter and a can of lighter fluid before shoving them into his jeans pockets.

“Well let’s get to it then…” Jason sighed as he reached down and picked up the camera and tripod before moving it to the first hole. Angling the camera, he pointed it directly at the entrance of the burrow.

“Don’t wowwy famiwy. Meanie munsta hooman won’t be abwe to get us,” A lone voice said, not even trying to be quiet.

“I don’t know if the camera is picking up that voice… but I can clearly hear them,” Jason said to the camera as he turned a valve on the canister, allowing the propane into the flamethrower. “Let’s see if you guys will be able to hear this!”

Flipping the ignition switch, Jason aimed down the hole before pulling the trigger, a burst of fire erupting from the barrel and into the hole. After a second Jason released the trigger, the roar of the small flamethrower replaced by the pained screams of half a dozen man made horrors.





Jason listened to the screams for a moment before looking down at the flamethrower. “Good lord this thing does not kill them quickly, does it?” Jason mumbled. It was obvious to him that the flamethrower wasn’t hot enough to kill them quickly, only setting their highly flammable fluff ablaze, damning them to a painful death. He didn’t even know if it was making enough smoke to choke them out.

Flipping off the ignition he placed it on the ground before taking out a cherry bomb and lighting it’s fuse. He waited a brief second before rolling it down the hole. Stepping back he covered his ears right before a sudden ‘bang’ could be heard, the explosion throwing dirt into the air.

“Goddamn!” Jason exclaimed as he watched the tunnel collapse in on itself. “Hahaha! Now that works! I don’t think I can hear any of them. Let’s move on, shall we?”

Flower and his sister cowered against their mother, their father standing in front of them trying his best to shield them from whatever was coming. Every few minutes they could hear a loud ‘bang’ which seemed to be getting closer.

“Huu, huu, huu… Babbeh am scawed…” Violet cried.

“Don’t wowwy babbeh, daddeh won’t wet anythin’ happen to 'ou."

“Why did dah mean mean hooman gib bwuddah foweba sweepies?”

“I-I don’t know. Babbehs am meant fo’ Huggies and-“ FFlower’sother began to say before a sudden loud bang could be heard, this time closer than ever before. The whole burrow shook, small amounts of dirt raining down onto the floor of the burrow.

“Scawy!” Violet screamed.

“Shush babbeh! Hooman may heaw 'ou!” Cotton exclaimed.

The fluffy family went silent, save for the sniffles of Flowers’s sister. Flower’s simple mind raced, trying to make sense of everything that had just transpired within the last ten minutes. His artificial pre-programmed mind trying to cope with the violent actions committed by the human, a species that he was programmed to love and be loved by. Humans weren’t supposed to be monsters, so why did he act like one?

“Okay, this here is the last one…” The human said, his voice being heard down the burrow. “Let’s see how this one goes!”

Flower’s father puffed up his cheeks as he heard this, moving himself a bit closer to the entrance, getting ready to defend his family at any cost.

“Go ‘way Hooman! If 'ou come in hewe i’ww gib 'ou fowebah-!”

A sudden bright light filled the burrow, the light being accompanied by a blazing heat which caused the family to recoil. Flower clenched his eyes shut and awaited death, however death did not come, instead he was met by a torrent of screaming.


Cotton opened his eyes, only for him to wish that he hadn’t. In front of him stood his father who was writhing in agony, his white fur turning black from the new coat of flames which adorned him.

“Speshuw fwend nu!” Flower’s mother screamed. She attempted to stand up to assist her mate but was stopped by his begging.

“STAY ‘WAY! STAY ‘WAY!” He screamed at her, trying to keep his family away from the fire which was spreading across him. Without a second word, Cotton charged upwards out of the burrow, trying to distance himself from his mate and children. One last gesture of love for his family.

“Oh shit!” Jason exclaimed as a burning fluffy crawled out of the hole, his fur so burnt that whatever color it may have been was not recognizable.

“SCREEEE! SCREEEE!” It squealed as it slipped out of the tunnel.

“Just stand still damn it!” He yelled before delivering a hard kick to the fluffies side, the animal’s rib cage bending inwards. Before it had time to react, Jason began to repeatedly stomp it, not only trying to kill the wretched creature but also to smother the dying flames which coated it.

By the time that the fire had beenthoroughlyy stomped out the fluffy had expired, his body twisted and fur burnt off, exposing the charred and cracked flesh from underneath.

“Speshuw fwend nu!” Peaches cried as she held her babies close, who was also in a state of distress. Everything had been so good for so long, why did everything have to change so quickly?

All of a sudden a strange sizzling noise was heard, as a strange red sphere was rolled down into the den, sparks flying out of one side of it. The fluffy’s eyes widened as they stared at it, their artificial minds recognizing the red intruder as a ball.

“Baww?” Violet asked excitedly, all fear and sadness from before being forced out by a programmed response. She broke out of her mother’s grip before running across the burrow to the ‘ball’.

“Wait bestes’ babbeh!” Peaches exclaimed worryingly as she dropped Flower onto the ground and ran over to her daughter. Violet placed her front hooves around the ‘ball’ before trying to pick it up, only to let go as the sparks burnt her front legs.

“Hu, hu, hu!” She cried out as she turned to her mother. “Mean baww gib bestes’ babbeh buwny-!”

Cotton had just managed to stand back up before being violently thrown back into the back wall by a sudden violent force, a bright light blinding him for a split second. His ears rang in a painful high-pitched tone as he struggled to his feet, his vision blurred by a large amount of dust and dirt.

He choked and coughed as he tried to look around and locate his family, his heart dropping as he failed to locate the entrance of the burrow. The burrow had collapsed, with the only light being a single small opening that allowed a very little amount of sunlight through.

“Mummah? Sissy? Whewe am 'ou?” He asked through a fit of coughing, his delicate lungs struggling to bring oxygen to his body. He searched and searched, running around in circles as he tried to find them until he caught the sight of a lone peach-colored hoof partially hanging out of the dirt. “MUMMAH?!”

Running over, Flower began to nudge at the limb, the body part not reacting at all to his attempts.

“Get out of dah diwt mummah! Babbeh am scawedy! We nee’ to find sissy!” He cried out as he tugged at it with his mouth, trying his best to pull his mother out of the dirt. However, instead of pulling out his mother, he only managed to tug out his mother’s severed leg, the end of the limb splintered and mutilated.

“SCREEEEEE!” He screamed as he dropped it and fled down deeper into the tunnel, his heart racing as he scurried his way down into the darkness. “Poopy babbeh! Hewp!”

Turning the corner, Flower ran directly into his brother, the both of them collapsing down.

“Ouch! Stoopi’ babbeh! What am 'ou doing?! What’s happening?!” The brown foal exclaimed as he rubbed the top of his head.

“Poopy babbeh! Famiwy am takin’ foweba sweepies! Fluffy nee’ hewp!” Flower cried as he tried his best to see his brother in the dark.

“Famiwy am takin’ fowebah sweepies? Eben fathew?” The brown foal asked, a small smirk appearing on his face.

“Yes! dah buwwow cowwapsed too! fwuffy nee’ youw hewp to- ACK!” Flower cried out as the brown foal charged him, burying his horn into the foals neck. Flower collapsed, squirming on the ground in pain as the Brown foal began to repeatedly stab at him with his horn.

“SCREEEEEEE! HEWP! HEWP FLUFFY! HEWP!” Flower squealed before receiving one last stab to his throat, causing him to gurgle out moans of pain.

“Sowwy bwuddah. Buh dewe am nu comin’ back fwom foweba sweepies…” The Brown foal giggled before leaving his mortally wounded brother to die alone in the room.

“Well… I guess that’s that…” Jason smiled as he began to pack his things back up. He quickly packed away his camera and flamethrower before placing a few leftover cherry bombs back into the box. He also scooped up the two fluffies who died outside of the burrows, the blue foal and his father, before placing them in a garbage bag. Before long he was finished.

However, before he managed to leave, he noticed a slight amount of movement coming from one of the caved in burrows.

“Oh shit… some survived?” He groaned as he walked over. Suddenly a brown unicorn foal emerged from the den, his small head turning up to stare up at the black-haired human. Jason raised his leg up in preparation to stomp the foal until he noticed a small amount of blood on the top of its horn. “What the…”

“Gib fwuffy foweba sweepies hooman. Do it!” The foal yelled. However the human didn’t kill him, instead he lowered his foot down before crouching down to his level.

“Hey, little guy…” The human smiled. “What’s with the blood? Are you hurt?”

The fluffy shook his head.

“Dis boo-boo juice am fwom fwuffy’s stoopi’ bwuddah. Fwuffy gabe him foweba sweepies!”

“Is that so…” Jason smiled, an idea starting to form in his mind. “Do you have a name?”

The fluffy shook his head once more.

“Hmmm… well why don’t you come with me? I’ll get you some sketties, a special friend, and a nice warm home. I’ll even give you a name…”

“Weawwy? Am ‘ou weawwy goin’ to gib smawty aww of that?”

“For sure! In fact, why don’t I give you a name right now? How does Digger sound?”


“So how about it? Want to come with me?”

Digger slowly nodded, still unsure about what was happening.

“Well then… let me finish up here and I’ll take you home. We’re gonna make lots of money together…” Jason grinned.


While i like the story, i was constantly yanked out of it by the fluffy’s dialogue- it’s far too advanced for a wild fluffy, much less a foal; there is no universe in which a wild foal knows the word sibling.

They also tend to have primitive if any usage of pronouns, usually restricted to you, he or her, never using I or any of its contractions, as the fluffy is programmed to use its name instead, with a glitch having it revert to just ‘fluffy’ if it is lying.

I’d be more than happy to discuss this further with you if you wish.

All that said, I love that there’s a discount for ‘experimental treatments’

Keep on writing!


Yeah I’m sorta new to this. I’ll get better as I progress. Guess I just need to reduce my iq to around 40 to truly write fluffy dialogue :laughing:


At first I though the herd and the main family focus was a simple family turns out they got poopie foal issue. Guess thats karma

But love the slow flame thrower blast at them noted their fur are quick to burn imagine the chain reaction inside an underground nest.

Keep it up.


So far loving this series! Hope there’s more!

Loving the details, Like why some people hire exterminators. As shown here, Mr. Schofield is put off by their screaming and begging for mercy in their babbly babby voice, it gives him the uncanny valley feeling.


& that is why one usually does not use fire on fluffies. Granted, tunnel infestations are an exception - if one is very sure of where all the tunnels lead.


I remember one of the older headcannons being that fluffy fluff is made partly or entirely of nitrocellulose, aka gun cotton, adding extra fun for whenever they catch fire in an enclosed space, where they can explosively deflagrate.


I’m picturing this. The barbecue is ruined!

That was a brilliant story. Please keep writing and telling more Jason story’s.

These cunts can get fucked for keeping a shit eater

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Kinda dig the vibe tho. Its got morning children cartoon feeling to it. Makes it wasier to read for sure. You could just dumb it down in your head tbh