And now I am here
i admire your hability to make a fluffy POV that long without having an aneurism
Lol, thanks. I had a protracted battle with spellcheck when I wrote that.
There is more, I decided to make a followup, she manages to survive and gets to experience the hell of a runaway fluffy mummah.
Need to get back into the hang of drawing fluffs, have done a bunch more digital art since then, but having trouble getting the simplicity back, so far I just have a text.
She lives? She survives being thrown in a lake/ocean?
Came here from Gayroomate’s dub video. Its really jarring that I could read fluff speak fluently now hahaha. But anywho, this is one of my personal favourites from this community.
Fucking disgusting
But anyways…
That fluffy sure can babble
Thanks, it was both my first and my magnum opus.
Trying to rekindle the creative juices and get back into illustrating the continued saga.
I don’t have the free time I used to so it is slow going.
I posted a few new sketches. I have not been able to get the same effect from modern drawing software like Krita and a tablet.
I swear MS Paint was the pinnacle of fluffy art software.!
Hey there! Just want to say I love your work (and your name lol). This is one of my favorite floof stories of all the events there were.
All her fault. Bad enfies are a given, but a small selection of her more subtle crimes here:
- Thinking she’ll be a good mummah (risible)
- Tells on herself in her narration that she only wants forgiveness so she’ll be let off punishment, not the slightest bit sorry for wrecking her dad’s life
- Favouritism towards self-coloured baby even in dreams
- Tries to play both sides by luring Carrot out but then acting sorry when her dad does exactly what he told her he’d do
- Complains about the light being turned on! The ingratitude!
- Ableism and disgusting insensitivity toward a paralysed and dying patient, as if she needed to be any more of a heartless monster
- Thinking she is better than poopies
- Surviving
Verdict: irredeemable narcissistic monster, i.e. standard fluffy.
Sentence: remain a fluffy.