Josef & The Awful Technicolor Smarty Herd Ch. 6 [By BFM101]

The situation was fucked.

Josef stood in his bathroom, trying to wash Toughie’s blood off his hands, thinking about what he just witnessed outside, Toughie he was expecting to do something though not as brutal as that. But Runt, basically dry-humping his best friend, his underage friend, and not even realising what he was doing was wrong, it hurt his head trying to make sense of it.

With each passing day Josef thought this herd was beyond teaching, as much as he tried to put them in line there was always something that backfired, someone who started shit up again leading to Josef having to punish everyone and still the lessons never got through to them. Part of him wanted to keep going just to spite them, just to try and find the fun in psychologically abusing the little shitrats again, but another part of him just wanted to drown the fuckers and be done with them, how could there be joy in abuse in your victim doesn’t learn anything.

He dried his hands and went back downstairs and out to the garden, the fast-dwindling herd were still in shock, Sweetheart hadn’t stopped crying even with Whipped comforting her, Bitch was solemnly drinking from the water bottle, her pregnancy being the one of the last chances for the herd’s future since Sweetheart was the only foal left.

Nurse had curled up in a ball around the body of Bubblegum, she wasn’t even hugging her to make her feel better, she knew Bubblegum was gone but between her broken leg and her broken heart she could find it within herself to move. And Smartie…

Smartie was up in the house tending to Mother, making sure she wasn’t shook up by last night’s events. Paying no mind to his dead children or his wounded mate, Mother came first.

Josef made a mental note to try and punish Mother for small transgressions if he could find any, but the sneaky bitch had done nothing, neither good nor bad, she’d just sat there like fucking queen of Sheba.

He quickly back inside to grab some supplies then returned heading for Nurse, he passed Toughie’s legs and genitals on the way where he’d thrown them last night in a fit of rage. He had gone a little overboard with the abuse but it was no more than Toughie deserves, he’d pick the limbs up later today.

Josef knelt down to examine Nurse. “Hey Nurse, you mind if I have a look at your leg. I want to try and help you fix it.”

Nurse barely moved, her hood absently stroking Bubblegum’s head. “Aww babbehs gun foweba sweepies, am mummah nu mowe, nu babbehs, nu speciaw-fwiend. Nuwse wan wie down, nu git bak up.”

“Don’t be like that, you still have Smartie.”

Nurse looked up at Smartie through the window, he hadn’t even said anything to her since being let out of the Sorry-Box, she forgave his distance when they were ferals because he had to lead the herd, but now there was barely a herd and he still ignored her.

“Nuwse nu fink Smawtie cawe.”

She was dangerously close to ‘Wan die’, not that Josef could blame her, but it wasn’t any fun if it wasn;t by his hand so he still needed to set her leg so it healed properly. “I’m just gonna help your leg, this might hurt a little but it’s for your own good.”

Josef took out a Fluffy sized splint and placed both sides over Nurse’s broken leg, he saw her wince and tear up at the pain, but she said nothing, even when he wrapped her leg in surgical tape she kept quiet.

When he was finished he looked down at her. “Do you want me to move you into the house?”

“Nu, Nuwse stay hewe, Ess-Jay stiww in housies, Nuwse nu can sweepie inswide wight now.”

“Ok, do you want me to get his body, we can bury the two of them together later.”

Nurse just nodded, too beaten down to say anything else. Joseph reached into the Fluffy House and picked up S.J.’s body, he could feel his little head wobbling, the extent of his broken neck was worse than anyone had realised. He places S.J. on the grass next to Bubblegum and let Nurse cradle her last two children.

Realising there was nothing to be done with her just yet, Josef left Nurse alone and went to check on Sweetheart, still curled up in the arms of Whipped, so far the only Fluffy she’d allowed near her since last night. When Josef sat down in front of them she looked up and tried to wipe the tears from her eyes.

“Sweetheawt sowwy daddeh, nu mean tu cwy so mush.”

“Don’t even apologise, what happened last night was horrible, you shouldn’t feel ashamed for crying. If it’s ok I’d like to check you over, make sure you’re alright.”

Sweetheart nodded and climbed out of Whipped’s arms, letting Josef pick her up, he knew most of her damage would be psychological but he still wanted to physically look over her just in case. Holding her in one hand he took a torch out his coat pocket with the other and shone it in her eyes, letting her follow the light as he waved it from side-to-side. By her speech pattern he knew she wasn’t Derped but thankfully there was no signs of underlying conditions to worry about either.

None of her limbs were broken which was also a good sign, but she did show some discomfort in her back right leg, probably bruised by Runt in his attack. The next part was going to be tricky, he just hoped she was up for it.

“Sweetheart, I’m gonna need to check your special place, this will feel uncomfortable but I need to make sure there’s no damage, I’ll be as gentle as I can but if at any point you’re scared say ‘red light’. Ok?”

“Ok daddeh, Sweetheawt undastan.”

“Good girl.”

Josef turned her slowly so he could look between her legs, very slowly he used his finger to brush her tail out the way and get a better look. From what he could see everything was good, he knew with Runt’s castration there was no chance of penetration but he didn’t know if any other damages had occurred, bruising or swelling or the likes, all in all she looked healthy.

“Looks ok to me, if you feel anything strange or uncomfortable tell me immediately and I’ll see what I can find to help.”

He placed her back down in with Whipped who took Sweetheart into his arms again, wiping the tears in her eyes.

“Ok daddeh, Sweetheawt teww if hab huwties.”

“Ok, I’m gonna go get started on dinner soon, if you need me I’ll be inside.”

Whipped looked at the Sorry-Box where Runt was still locked inside. “Wha daddeh gun du bout Wunt?”

“I don’t know yet, but I don’t think it’s going to end well for him.”

“Whipped wan gib foweba sweepies.”

“Easy there, this is my garden and I’ll be the one handing out punishments here, I’m not having anyone taking matters into their own hands. You stay here and look after Sweetheart, leave Runt to me.”

Whipped nodded and went back to looking after Sweetheart while Josef went back inside the house. He knew he was being hypocritical when it came to Runt and Tougher, after all he’d set Crimson loose of them a few days earlier and took Filly as little more than a prize.

She’d lasted 2 days of bad-enfies before Crimson tore her head off and fucked her corpse.

But Crimson was different, all Crimson knew how to do was rape and kill, and he only did that when Josef gave him permission, he was essentially a tool in Josef’s toolbox to hurt Fluffies with, blaming him would be like blaming a hammer for a workman’s murder spree. Whereas Toughie and Runt did know better, they what they did was wrong and they still did it anyway, Toughie could’ve taken control by challenging Smartie but took on Nurse and her kids because they were an easier target, Runt could’ve had a special friend and children by now but he chose to continually break the rules and couldn’t handle the punishments.

No, Josef might be a hypocrite when it came to the health and wellbeing of Fluffies, but he could justify his abuse as hurting bad Fluffies – or at least tricking Fluffies into thinking they were bad. Runt and Toughie hurt good Fluffies for their own self-interests. Nothing productive came out of that line of thinking and Josef was going to make sure everyone knew that by the end of the day.

With the splint on her leg, Nurse was able to walk a little better, it still hurt but she could at least move a bit. She carefully climbed the ramp of the 2nd Fluffy House where Smartie and Mother were kept, he was fawning over her, making sure she was fed, giving her wickie-cweans if even the slightest bit of dirt got on her.

She’d seen it all before but now it just made it ill watching her mate treat his mother better than her.

“Samwtie, Fwuffies gun gib Ess-Jay an Bubbagum gwound sweepies soon, wan come say bye-bye?”

Smartie didn’t even look up from straightening Mother’s pillows as he answered. “Nu fanks, wan stay wiv Mummah wight now.”

Nurse felt herself tearing up again. “Smawtie, dem yur babbehs, yu nu eben say bye-bye?”

“Why, der be udda babbehs?” The coldness in his voice chilled Nurse to her bones, what the hell did she ever see in him.

“Weww yu nu git mowe babbehs fwom Nuwse nyo. Yu stay wonewy in hewe wiv meanie Mummah who nu eben hewp Bubbagum fwom bad-huggies. Hatchu an meanie Mummah.”

Smartie jumped up and smacked Nurse in the face, bruising her just below her eye.

“Dummeh Nuwse nu tawk bout Mummah wike dat, Mummah betta than aww Fwuffies.”

“Nuwse saw hew Smawtie, saw hew wook at Toughie huwtin Bubbagum, she nu cawe, she neva wike Nuwse or babbehs. Yu choose, Nuwse or Mummah, cause Nuwse nu wan anyfing wiv hew nu mowe.”

Smartie scowled at his mate and turned back to his mother, his choice made. Nurse just looked on, as much as she’d come to hate Smartie she still felt heartbroken that he gave her up that easily. She turned away and left, the ache in her leg no longer the worst pain she had.

Smartie nuzzled into his Mother who licked him on the head. “Gud babbeh, Mummah wuv bestesh babbeh, nu need dummeh mawe wike dat.”

“Why Nuwse say meanie fings bout Mummah?”

“Mummah fink she jeawous, neva wiked Mummah be su cwose to Smawtie. Nyo she bad mummah, nu wan take responsabiwity fow wosing babbehs.”

“Bu Smawtie foght Toughie gib babbehs foweba sweepies.”

“Yu fink gud mummah wet meanie Toughie dat cwose to babbehs unwess she wan him tu be? Nu, she knyo she bad mummah, wet Toughie huwt babbehs, tuu scawedy to be mummah hewsewf.”

Smartie listened intently to his mother, of course she was right, she was the bestesh mummah and always right, Nurse hadn’t done enough to save their children and now she was pretending to be upset about the whole thing and blaming Mother for not helping her lie.

“Smawtie hate Nuwse, onwy wuv Mummah.”

“Mummah knyo babbeh, Mummah knyo.”

Outside, Nurse joined Sweetheart and Whipped at the side of the garden, Whipped had dug two small graves for S.J. and Bubblegum, they waited for Nurse to arrive and set herself up beside them.

“Smawtie nu come?” Whipped asked, already knowing the answer.

“Nu, wan stay wiv Mummah.”

“Dummeh Smawtie, Whipped shouwd gib him sowwy-hoofies.”

“Jus weave him. An fank yu boff fow hewping Nuwse, nu wan be awone.”

Sweetheart nuzzled into Nurses side. “Nu weave Nuwse awone, Fwuffies hewe.”

Nurse smiled at the little Alicorn’s affection, then felt a pang of guilt, despite her bullying Sweetheart for weeks beforehand for being a monster she still showed empathy towards Nurse. To keep herself from crying she looked up at Whipped and nodded, Whipped gently took the foals bodies and placed them into their graves, letting Nurse have a final look then kicked the dirt over them, finally putting them at rest.

Josef watched all of this from his window, he figured after everything this would be the one time he’d allow them to dig up his garden. Funnily enough the flowers were back and blooming better than ever, at this point he was only keeping the Fluffies here for his own amusement, though the last few days had been far from amusing.

He’d never seen Fluffies do a funeral before, then again he’d never let any of his other victims get the chance to bury their friends and family before now. It was a strange, almost human level of empathy; he made a note to see if other Fluffies did similar when given the opportunity.

He also noted to desecrate future graves to see how badly Fluffies reacted.

But that was for the future, right now he had other problems to deal with, big brown dickless problems still crying in the Sorry-Box.

Then and there Josef decided to try something, but he needed Sweetheart’s help and if it backfired it was likely to hurt her just as much as last night.

At dinner time Josef poured out the kibble into the trough, his carefully calculated portions thrown out the window by the speed in which the Fluffies were dying so he relented and let them have a better meal tonight. Afterwards as the surviving herd members started to dig in, Josef knelt down beside Sweetheart.

“Sweetheart, I have a favour I need to ask you.”

“Wha du tu hewp daddeh?”

“After dinner I’m gonna need you to come with me to talk to Runt, just for a moment.”

He saw her immediately start shaking, with a little bit of scardie-pee-pees dribbling out of her. “Sweetheawt nu wan see Wunt daddeh.”

“I know, but it won’t be for very long. I’m going to give Runt forever sleepies after dinner, I can’t have him alive after what he’s done. But I want to give him a chance to apologise to you, if he does then I’ll give him a quick death, if not… well tonight might get a little loud.”

“Sweetheawt scawed daddeh, but undastan yu wan gib Wunt chance, he was gud Fwuffy tiww he bad. Wiww hewp afta nummies.”

“Thank you Sweetheart, you’re too good to me.”

Josef left the Fluffies to their dinner and started preparing for later, letting Runt apologise worked on two levels, if he did apologise then it would help Sweetheart start to heal again, knowing that Runt accepted that he was at fault and she was just an innocent victim.

And on the other hand, Josef thought as he pulled out a cooking pot from his kitchen, if Runt didn’t apologise then Josef wouldn’t feel guilty about what he was planning to do to him.

Once dinner was finished Josef gave Sweetheart a few minutes to let her stomach settle then picked her up and took her over to the Sorry-Box. Runt had been in there all day, no food, no toilet, he’d bashed and banged for hours at the start but his energy had given up sometime in the afternoon and he’d spent the rest of the time crying.

“Are you ready?” he asked Sweetheart. She just nodded, too unsure of herself to talk.

Josef opened the lid of the Sorry-Box, ignoring the foul stench of cold piss and shit that smacked him in the face, and looked down at Runt. He was caked in his own filth, blood and bruises from where he’d pummelled against the wall were also peppered all over him, he back right leg broken from when Josef threw him in last night, he looked a right mess.

“Daddeh come to sabe Wunt fwom dawkies?” Runt asked hopefully.

“No. In fact Runt I’m here to give you forever sleepies, you’ve done a bad thing and you have to be put down so it doesn’t happen again.”

“Wunt no wan foweba sweepies, Wunt gud Fwuffy.”

“You were, and that is why I’m giving you the chance to be a good Fluffy again.”

Josef placed Sweetheart on the ground, then reached in and pulled Runt out, placing him in front of her. Neither of them wanted to look at the other, Sweetheart out of fear, Runt out of shame.

“If you apologise to Sweetheart for what you’ve done, I will kill you quick, you’ll barely feel a thing. If you refuse to apologise, then you will have worst hurties before you die.”

“Wunt nu wan foweba sweepies.”

“It’s not up for debate, you’re lucky I’m given you the choice at all, Toughie never got a choice and he screamed for hours when I took away his legs and his special place.”

Runt gulped at the image in his head, then slowly looked up at Sweetheart, filling something in the pit of his stomach when he looked at her.

“Wunt sorry Sweetheawt.”

Despite herself, Sweetheart felt a little smile on her face, Runt wasn’t a bad Fluffy, he just did a bad thing, and as much as it hurt her she was happy to know he recognised what he did wrong.

Then the look on Runt’s face changed, and he got angry. “Sowwy yu be tuu dummeh to knyo Wunt am gud fow yu, Wunt onwy wan wuv an huggies and yu gib wowstesh heawt huwties to Wunt. Hatchu munstah babbeh, HATCHU.”

Josef grabbed Runt by the mouth and pulled him up and into the house while a wailing Sweetheart ran back to Whipped, Josef felt a pang of guilt seeing her like that, it was technically his fault Runt was acting up, because Runt still had his testicles but no penis he was sexually frustrated and had gotten confused over his friendship with Sweetheart. Had Josef just completely gelded him, he might have still been a good if somewhat sad Fluffy.

No, no Josef was not taking the blame for this, Runt had every opportunity and he squandered them all, he chose to become a weird incel freak and blamed Sweetheart for his own inadequacies. Runt made his bed and now Josef was going to burn him in it.

Josef tossed the shitrat onto his kitchen counter. “You wanna tell me what the fuck that was about Runt? I gave you a chance, one more than you clearly fucking deserved, and you pull that shit? Christ Sweetheart’s already fucked up from you basically dry-humping her and now you’re saying it’s her fault.”

“Sweetheawt show Wunt wuv, Wunt knyo she wan be speciaw-fwiend bu tuu scawed to say, Wunt jus angwy she nu weawise dat yet.”

“Runt, she’s still a fucking child, she doesn’t love you, she’s just friendly.”

“Wunt knyo betta dan dummeh Joesep.”

There was no saving him, Josef hated that he even tried, just wasted his fucking time and made things with Sweetheart worse.

“Ok then Runt, you be a piece of shit, it’s only gonna make what comes next that much easier for me.”

Josef grabbed Runt by the neck and threw him into the cooking pot he’d prepared earlier, while Runt was dazed Josef put the lid on top and tied it down with strings between the lid handle and the two pot-handles on the side. Runt would never be able to get the lid off himself and that’s exactly what Josef wanted.

He carried the pot outside, ignoring Runt’s cries for help as he helplessly clawed at the smooth metal surface, just slightly too big for him to reach the top, and placed him down on a cooking rack. Josef had set up a camping stove outside, a fucking good one capable of handling bigger volumes of food.

Like the Fluffy pot-roast he’d just put on top of it.

The rest of the herd started gathering round, wondering what Josef was doing, even Smartie and Mother had made it down to join the rest.

“Daddeh Joesep?” Asked Nurse. “Yu cookin nummies?”

“No my dear, I’m cooking Runt.”

And with that he lit the gas and stepped back as the flames slowly crept up the pot and starting heating it up. It took a moment to get going, Runt was too busy crying to notice the change in temperature, then he noticed the floor started getting a little hotter, then a little more, then he couldn’t stand without his feet being burnt underneath him and he began to panic.

“NUUUUU! Nu wan buwnie huwties, tuu hawt, nu wike, Wunt am nu nummies, nu wan cook.”

Runt began hitting himself on the sides of the pot, his half-witted mind trying to find a way to break out of the solid metal. Josef held onto the sides and kept the pot steady to Runt didn’t accidently knock it over.

By now even the sides were getting to hot to touch, no matter where Runt went he was being cooked, his fur was starting to singe, slowly filling the pot with smoke, his hoofs were now completely broken and the exposed flesh was sticking to the bottom, causing him even more pain whenever he had to lift his feet, and he had to lift them to avoid the heat. He let out a blast of scardie-poopies but that instantly began boiling on the floor, the bubbles popping and sending scalding shit water onto his already agonised body.


By not the stench of burnt hair and boiled shit was seeping from the pot but Josef didn’t relent, he had given Runt more chances than he deserved and now he was done with him, Runt was going to suffer and there was nothing that could just his mind about that.

Most of the other Fluffies had turned away, whether by the sight, the sound or the smell, or likely all three, they couldn’t handle watching it much longer. The only Fluffy who didn’t turn away, who kept her eyes locked on the pot the entire time, was Sweetheart, she wasn’t happy watching someone she once trusted die the most painful death she’d ever seen, but she was determined to watch Runt pay for what he did to her.

Inside the pot, Runt could feel himself getting weaker and weaker, his whole body was in excruciating pain, he had lost all energy to move his legs which were seared to the bottom of the pot meaning he couldn’t even if he wanted to. The parts on his body where the fur had burnt off were covered in boils, some of which had already popped from the claustrophobic confines of the pot and stung him in the hot air. And his vocal chords had been shredded from the screaming, his lungs in tatters from the heat to the point where he was coughing up blood.

In his weakened state he collapsed to the floor, the sensitive skin on his underbelly stuck itself to the bottom of the pan, he was stuck there, cooking alive. He tried to think past it, think about Derp and their babbehs and finally seeing them again.

But then he let out one final cough and tore the flesh off his stomach from the sudden jump, Runt’s final thoughts were of pain and misery.

Josef kept holding the pot down even after Runt stopped moving, making sure that he was finally dead, after a few minutes of nothing he let go, safe in the knowledge that Runt was gone. He suddenly felt a little lighter, as though all the stress and worry had been lifted from his shoulders, he also felt tired and it was getting towards night time, perfect place to call it a day. He turned off the gas and put the equipment and Runt’s Pot to the sidelines, the pot was ruined but it was a small price to pay for a unique death.

Before he left he took a small box with a button on top out of his pocket and placed it just on ground just in front of the porch, he motioned for Sweetheart to come over.

“Sweetheart, I’m going to the basement to work on some projects, I know that Bitch is getting close to having her babies so if anything happens while I’m away press this button and it’ll set off a light in the basement to tell me to come back upstairs. Only press it when the babies are coming, not for any other reason, ok.”

“Ok daddeh. Is Wunt gun foweba sweepies?”

“He has hun, he won’t be hurting anyone again. Just avoid the pot and I’ll get rid of him in the morning, ok?”


Sweetheart curled up and took a nap by the button, ready in case anything happened during the night. Josef gently patted her on the head and went inside, leaving the herd to their business.

Down in the basement Josef found Crimson chewing on some bones of a long-dead Fluffy on a table, he let Crimson out of his cage now and then to stretch his legs, knowing that he would never leave without his permission. Crimson looked up, seeing the tired look on Josef’s face.

“Daddeh ok?”

“Yeah buddy, I’m good, just had a rough night is all. I took care of that brown fluffy in the sorry-box, cooked him alive.”

“Sownd sowe.”

“It certainly did if his screaming meant anything. But I’ll tell you what’s bothering me, I told myself that I was hurting Runt because he deserved to be hurt for what he’s did, but the truth is I hurt him because I wanted to hurt him and I don’t know why I’m lying to myself about it.”

“Dus daddeh wike Fwuffies in gawden?”

“No, no they’re still invaders and pests to be dealt with. I guess I pity a couple of them, Sweetheart the Alicorn I told you about, she doesn’t deserve what they put her through.”

“Cwimson fink munstah babbeh am pwetty.”

“Easy boy, she’s one of the only good Fluffies I’ve met, you’re not meeting her. Not yet anyway. I don’t know, maybe somewhere down the line I got my wires crossed between abusing the little fuckers and caring for them and I accidently gave a shit. Let’s try not to let that happen again.”

Josef gave Crimson a little scratch on the head and returned to his work, he needed to get back into the abuser mind-set and prepare himself in time for Bitch going into labour. If all went to plan then his next experiment would be one of his best to date.

Chapter 7


Woah Josef pitying a fluffy? That’s new. Although I can’t say I don’t feel bad for Sweetheart.

I hope Smarty’s forced to watch as his mother is destroyed in front of him.


i want smarty to watch his mumma get bad enfies or be forced to give them to her >:)


I like this. I don’t like Joseph, as he’s a Nazi edge lord, but I like that he has some twinge of pity for fluffies, even though he’ll get rid of it. I want to see the Mother suffer. Gaslighting bitch needs to realize the world’s not her servant.


Mother will get what’s coming to her, but there’s still a couple chapters to go before she’s in the firing line. I’m planning about ten in total for this story so not too much longer before she gets hers. I just hope it’s brutal enough for people.


I want to see Joseph suffer. This ambivalence is enjoyable.


This man claims to be experienced with Fluffies. Yet he expects this much of a family of young low breed ferals and runaway domestics.


I kinda want mother’s fatal mistake to be being her own son’s special friend, and just drive josef to burn them all to purge his yard of their sin. Is Bitch redemption arc still in the plans? Because I hope no poopie/monster babies ruin it for her.


Seeing that bitch of a mother brainwash that worthless smarty is pure worth having her gone! He didn’t even went to see his own flesh and blood’s burial and the mother even blame Nurse for it, truly a wicked bitch of a mare!

Nice chapter can’t wait to read the next.


I may be misundersating the story but I feel bad for runt. given a choice and choosing to have his a family only have them blown up when tries to leave again and lose his ability to have kids but not the wanting to mate. Of course what he did wasnt ok but I feel this is more josephs fualt not then runts


I pray for sweethearts safety shes too good…But other then that Josef still off the walls nuts. Cooking a fluffy in a pot, that…unique.

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Gee Joseph, giving a fluffy a horrid sex drive and no release and you try to blame Runt and call him an incel? At least you know you are lying to yourself. And Sweetheart getting mad enough to watch runt die at mere dry humping from a confused friend is pretty cold for the “good” one.

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I wouldn’t class the molestation and attempted rape of an infant as confused dry humping.

Josef might have set Whipped up for failure but Whipped still consciously made the decision to attack his friend.

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I thought by this time they had been with Josef for weeks upon weeks now? Isn’t she basically a teen? She’s old enough for Crimson to forcibly have kids with? Also i’d say Josef did most of the lifting in making sure Runt did what he did.

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well ageing depends solely on headcannon tbh

Admittedly this is only my third story so I hadn’t fully commit to a Fluffy life cycle yet but Sweetheart is still classed as a filly. She even tells Toughie that she’s almost fully grown but still isn’t fully matured yet. Far too young for Whipped to try anything with

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