Hello everyone!
well, here’s the second chapter of Josef and the smarty heard in comics and colors
(Yep, I decided to change the coloring for this one (aquarella painting) since it looks much cooler at least imo, and it gives the story a real “story telling” sensation ^^ hope you like it!
And of course please consider visiting the original chapter of the story and giving it a read (This comic wouldn’t existed if this storying hadn’t been written by @BFM101 ^^ Chapter 2
The myristicin found in parsley is also the same chemical that causes people to hallucinate after overdosing on nutmeg. It’s a similar experience to being on a deliriant drug like diphenhydramine or nightshade… pants shittingly terrifying, and much more intense than most “normal” drugs in a very unpleasant way.
Since fluffies are so susceptible to small amounts of anything, Mummahs should be tripping balls as they self-abort her broods.
Honesty I really wish people would show fluffies being drugged, brain damaged, retarded, mentally ill, etc., more often, besides the generic derp stuff. Neurological effects have so much unused potential.