Josef's Surefire Hangover Cure (by recreationalsadist)

Josef Mongola woke up with a pounding headache.

“Ugh, last time I do a drinking contest with Ricky.”

Putting on his Fluffy slippers (made from genuine fluffies skinned in front of their loved ones) he got out of bed and made his way to his kitchen to figure out how to get rid of his headache.

Let’s see…tomato juice, various other thingies, and-

“Nyu Daddeh am awake! Wan huggies!”

Without thinking due to his hungover state Josef grabbed the alicorn foal he’d adopted the night before and tossed it into the blender as well.

The foal had no issue with its new position on top of a variety of other hangover cure ingredients.

“YAY! Babbeh am hab wotsa nummies nao! Nyu Daddeh am bestest!”

Then Josef put the top of the blender in place and turned it on.

“Wai babbeh be spinning? Wait, SCREEEEEEEEEEEEEE-”

The foal’s scream was cut off as the blender’s blade pureed it.

Not having noticed anything, Josef poured his hangover cure into a glass and took a deep gulp.

Then his eyes popped open, he ran to the bathroom, and he proceeded to purge every drop of alcohol in his system into the toilet from all three ends.


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Vomiting is just gonna make the dehydration worse. False advertising.


Um, all three ends?!

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What, you’ve never vomited, pissed, and shit all at once? Someone’s never had food poisoning and it shows.

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Oh, I’ve had food poisoning, more time than I care to recall. Usually, I’m so dehydrated from shitting and puking that I don’t/can’t piss.

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Ah, well in that case you have my apologies and sympathies.


Would have given Josef a real nightmare waking up and ends up puking in the toilet as well.:joy:


A rare insight into how Josef first got infected with F.A.07

Through drunken tomfoolery


Never grind whole foals
Skin and gut first!