Julep (fluffybooru id: 55764) (by: babbehteef)


Reposted by @StoneRouge


Julep a cute!



Your smooth smooth art is petting my eyes


Ooooh <3

Dumb question: how do good pillow fluffs make good poopies? I can see them getting around slowly like an inch worm but that’d be really tiring. It seems they would be more accident prone due to the lack of mobility.

Or ask I thinking too much and just need to enjoy the cute fluff here?


In regards to the original Pillowfluff stories and canon, it was sort of accepted that Pillowfluffs were a high maintenance pet with a short lifespan, and they would have a constant need for attention and dependence due to their immobility. Its kind of why pillowing is technically a form of abuse, since its a willing deprivation of a sentient animal to make it more subservient as a pet.

However, in the case of Julep, BT mentioned that she lost her legs in an accident, which makes her story more of a disabled pet as opposed to one thats the result of willing torture.


Thank you!


Depends if they lost it at the hooves, knee, or shoulder/hips.

Also depends on if the work allows Fluffies ti improve their Kegals, or just get better at it with age.

Most Abuse stories involve Fluffies around one year old. They live to around 20 depending on the canon. So an unspoken subtext is Fluffies are terrible shit machines because they don’t fully mature all at once, they wean and can procreate while their bodies are still kind of developing otherwise.


They’d probably need extra care and maintenance as Oculus mentioned. Owners could set them up with diapers; or since fluffies are vocal, a well-behaved and trained one could let the owner know when it’s time to go. I kinda see it like how one would care for a handicapped dog or cat.


Note to self: draw Julep on a wagon.


It’s weird: I’ve not been reading these long but between the hug box, sad box, and abuse box stuff I’ve been trying to make it a point to pay more attention to my own pets.

Here is like I don’t know if I could take care of a pet like this due to work, helping out with the family etc. A pets quality of life matters, so …

I think I’m over thinking these but… Maybe that’s not bad.


Anyways, thank you @babbehteef :slight_smile:

If it helps you, a lot of motivation for early fluffy pony fiction was centered around pet care and animal rescue. The PETA origin was created as criticism of PETA and their methods, without the fluffies being at fault. Mill stories like the ones Mayclore wrote were a harsh criticism of puppy mills.

The whole hellgremlin approach, as well as an over-emphasis of abuse happened when some abusers got too carried away with seeing fluffies as “non-animals” or “existing to troll bronies”. Thats also factoring in drama and some people being excessively edgy for the sake of edgy. Personally, and while I do have a hugbox bias, I do think fluffy pony fiction works better when its an allegory for animal care and rights.


Absolutely. There’s so much commentary and snark to be had. That’s the part I like the most about fluffy content.

How adorable.