Just a little hungry (TheRapist)

Hey guys! what do think of my starving foal? feedback maybe



I really want to eat some good skettys in front of him


Feedback? Just feed it.

To a snake if yer a sadist.


with twine tide to it’s back leg, keep it in place,


I dig it, looks good. Equal parts pathetic and lovable.

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ok I’ll feed it little bits of twine.

You know what? You do you, whatever you want, it’s yer fluffy after all. :upside_down_face:

He will not have the strength to do it and to complicate it further by drinking 1 glass of milk.

~flips phone open to call the milk patrol~
Got another one…
~gives locations~
~milk truck pulls up~
Get dat baby some milkies!


Preferably a gallon or two, forcibly tube fed to it with a rubber band around its neck so it doesn’t spill a single drop. :imp:


That’s kind of mean, the poor snake wouldn’t be fed nearly enough!


Hihi, i didn’t sed to who the victim of the sadism was indeed!

Snakes are good animals and don’t deserve the abuse. They’d need at least two or three of these pathetic, starved little things to get a proper meal. :black_heart:

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Ah, snake fan, it seems?
I bet you’d heard a lotta Harry Potter references…

Feed it just enough to live, but never enough to be full. There is potential for years of asymmetrical abuse awaiting this foal if you’re smart about it.

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Feed it just enough to live but never to feel satiated. And occasionally stuff it to the brim so its stomach doesn’t start to shrink, so it’s always hungry and suffering.

My friends progressed past children’s books about twenty years ago, so no. :slight_smile:

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Eh, the Foal Deserves it. Now feed some Hellgremlins in front of the Foal to break its heart further <3

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Looks mummified already.

Love the user name

Little fatty, buy him a stuffy freind and then keep pretending to feed the stuffy freind :glee: