Just Another Day At The Office: By Stwumpo

Why did you immediately default to calling me a Nazi apologist? That’s literally all I’ve been waiting for an actual explanation on. I don’t give two shits about the rest.

…yes… yes, they are.

Are you okay?

Because the nonsense idea that Nazis were actual socialists rather than Right Wingers capitalizing on a popular movement to seize power is literally propaganda that the Nazis distributed in the 30s. I didn’t say you were a Nazi or a Nazi apologist, I said you were repeating Nazi propaganda.

We done here?

Do you not understand that they can have socialist and not-socialist elements at the same time? Why is this so hard for you?

Yes, the Nazis claimed to be “the real socialists”. So did the Stalinists. And the Maoists. I hope to God you are not deranged enough to not use the “they were not real socialism” argument. And taking Marx’s theory and replacing “da bourgeoisie” with “da Jews” and adding a bunch of fascist stuff does not make it not be based on Marx.

We’re done, unless you feel the need to have the last word—which I assume you will. But this was a pointless argument holy fuck.

Well we agree on one thing I guess then lol


Let’s be friends now and talk about things that don’t suck.