Just Another Day At The Office: By Stwumpo

Another old Reddit story, this one features some of my earlier concrete social commentary, where I’m putting it front and center like a self important dickhead.

Hey. My name’s Matt. I’m the Quality Control Supervisor for the euthanization machines. That’s fancy capitalist talk for “guy who makes sure fluffies don’t escape the grinder or the furnace.” They’re fed in by conveyor belt, but as it reaches the final destination, the bumpers along the sides disappear as the conveyor splits in two. The only guardrail is some Goofy Movie shit in the middle ensuring that, when you get to the fork, you have to turn in SOME direction.

Why remove the outer walls? Because this system is about maximizing efficiency with minimal downtime. And to be blunt, when you have them boxed in at this point, the hollerin and carryin on causes panic and they clump up. Back when it was FULLY automated it’d jam every few hours due to enough fluffies getting trampled trying to flee that it gummed up the machinery. No walls, no uncontrollable pileups. They just fall off.

The room is a fifteen by fifteen by thirty upright rectangle of concrete. No doors. The conveyor doesn’t just push fluffies through the opening, it drops them a foot onto the new belt as it comes through the wall. This way none of them can climb back, and the belt outside had already been gradually narrowing to make sure there would always be room on the final belt, which was far wider. Then, after the split, the left has a furnace and the right has a sort of slow moving wheel based crusher, like the ones they use to turn cars into little piles of shaved car. Like car zest for some kind of horrible Autobot cocktail you never want to see.

They both operate at “efficiency plus” which is the super serious name that the rich assholes running this place use to refer to running the furnace just hot enough to kill within a few minutes and the shreddercrusher on low power. Fluffies are delicate, so it doesn’t take much, but running it on low makes it SLOW. Like so slow that a starving foal can pretty easily keep out of the way of it. Honestly I’ve seen more than a few treat it like a game. That’s why there’s the fork. Fluffies only start really churning through the shredder once there are enough of them piled that the ones at the bottom can no longer dodge death, and since word eventually reaches back, fluffies will start crowding away, hence the furnace. If you give them two choices, they’re typically dumb enough to explore both even when they’re obviously equivalent.

And then some of them fall off onto the floor. That’s where I come in.

Like I said, no doors. Got here via ceiling ladder. My job is picking up and disposing of fluffies who escape briefly. It pays well, probably due to all the clearly human screaming I hear. No matter. Not like I have much choice. We don’t have a union since Amazon bought out the facility, and I live in a “Right To Work” state so if they want to sack someone for a protected reason (like unionizing or sucking dick in my free time) all they have to do is claim they did it for a different reason. Don’t even have to say what. So boom. One shithead boss dies and leaves his even shittier headed son in charge. Old man was just a dick, but his son is one a them MAGA weirdos who thinks the guy from The Apprentice discovered a global pedophile ring and then didn’t just join it and start…

Look. I got sacked for political reasons, and then the little prick blackballed me. Nobody would hire me. I had to send apps out of state before I could get calls back. So now I’m not a mechanic. Now I work here.

I don’t have to clean up constantly I’ll usually wait for enough to have hit the ground that they form huggy piles so I can get a couple fistfuls. I know they’re not really alive. I read they’re like a biomech or something. I pick up a blustery unicorn foal blowing a raspberry and screaming about giving me hurties. I hold his skull by the temples between my thumb and middle finger. I squeeze hard and his screaming stops.

Looks alive to me. Guess I’m just old.

Once I got used to how alive they sound, it got way easier. Hell, I kinda enjoy it now. No cell service, so I sit here and read. If I get bored, well, I’m in a room full of toys.

“Pwease! Pwease hewp!” I look down. There’s a mangy mare with one pretty healthy plump foal on her back. “Pwease! Scawy wawkie pwace stawt moobin’ an Shugawpwum get scawedy! Pwease hewp babbehs! Am onwy wittwe babbehs!” I chuckle. “Looks more like LASTEST babbeh there. Guess you’re a bad mummah.” That’ll set her off.

“Nuuuu! Whewe gween babbeh gu! Onwy hab puwpwe babbeh nao! Huuu huuu huuu…,” I let her sob for a minute. She wanders off and I get up to clear a jam at the mouth of the furnace. Sometimes you’ll get one that manages to wedge itself in the furnace door because fear of death outweighs the injuries doing so will cause. It’s hard, and even if they were pulled back their bones would be shattered.

It’s a big blue stallion. One of the bigger fluffies I’ve seem come down here. He’s managed to grab on to the edge of the opening, largely with his teeth. He’s crying. He’s terrified and in pain. I almost reach out for him, but then I have a way funnier idea.

“Hey buddy, do you want a new daddy?” His tears slow. He’s trying to move his head to indicate. “What? I can’t hear you use your words.” Now a new expression. Panicked confusion. He needs my help, but asking for it would mean letting go. But he seems to have an epiphany of sorts.

If he lets go, new daddy will catch him!

“Fwuffy wan nyu-” and he falls. I step towards the furnace to look down inside. It’s hot enough to kill, but it takes a minute or two. He’s running around and screaming. The burners are below a grate far enough down that the fluffies get slowly toasted rather than immediately incinerated.
“Hewp! Hewp! Fwuffy faww in buwnie pwace! Nyu daddeh, sabe fwuffy!” Sure, bud. I go to the conveyor belt where a mummah is holding her last baby. She knows what’s coming and isn’t trying to avoid it. All that matters is her and her lastest baby being together. There’s plenty of unaccompanied foals, but hers is well fed and plump so I think I can throw it better.

“It otay, babbeh. Stay wif mummah. Huwties nu take wong time. Babbeh stay wif mummah su bof can gu tu skettywand.” She’s softly stroking her sobbing baby. “Nu faiw! Am gud babbeh! Mummah an babbeh nu shud hafta gu fowebba sweepies! Wan gwow up an be big fwuffy! Wai nu can gwow up? Huuuuu…” Sweet, he’s a talker. I was getting bored.

I grab him like an orange from a fruit basket, completely ignoring his mother. I shove my thumb in his mouth and close off his throat. He can breathe through his nose. Or not, he’s just a projectile. “Nuuuuu! Nu take wastest babbeh! Nu huwt!” But she stops. “Am…am nice mistuh gon be nyu daddeh fow babbeh?” Huh. Weird. They’ve usually given up by this point.

I ignore her. I walk to the furnace about ten feet away. The other guy is still down there. He’s running. Like ACTUALLY running. It’s the fastest I’ve seen a fluffy move. He seems to know that stopping means death. Even as it is, I can see bits of his hoof pads getting left behind with each frantic clumsy step. “Tu hawt! Tu hawt! Fwuffy nu wike! Owwies! Owwies an buwnie huwties!” I line him up as the mother approaches. I take my thumb out. “Anything you want to say before you die?”

He’s coughing up bile and blood. His eyes are red and puffy from the strain of trying to scream with his mouth plugged up. “Nu huwt babbeh…Gib back tu mummah…babbeh wan be wif mummah fow gu tu skettywand… Nu…nu wan get wost. Nu wan be awone…” His mom is here now. Good.

“Don’t worry Fastball. You won’t be alone.” His eyes light up. “Babbeh…babbeh am Fastbaww? Babbeh wub nyu namesi-” And I send him on a beeline to the slowing blue fluffy in the furnace. Couldn’t have aimed it better. He impacts on the side of Blue’s head, knocking him down. The second his face and torso hit the metal grate, he’s done. He’s not dead, but he’s never gonna unstick himself. Not that there’ll be much left to unstick, mind you. In a brilliant stroke of luck, the babbeh lands safely on his side. Nice. Time to fuck with mamma.

She’s still sobbing about “Huuhuu mummah wose wastest babbeh, nu am mummah nu mowe…” I grab her by her head mane and hoist her up to look into the furnace. Her baby is sitting on top of the slowly expiring fluffy he helped to knock down. It’s very hot in there. He’s really feeling it.

“Hewp! Peep! Peep cheep! Hewp babbeh! Mummah sabe Fastbaww! Mummah sabe wastest babbeh!” The mare is despondent. “Nuuuuu! Wastest babbeh! Mummah hewe, babbeh! Mummah hewe!” She turns to me. “Pwease, mummah need babbeh! Babbeh need mummah! Pwease nu make wittwe wastest babbeh hab buwnie huwties awone, mummah need hewp babbeh su babbeh nu am scawdies. Den mummah an babbeh gu tu skettywand. Babbeh get wost wif nu mummah!” I laugh again. “Hey Fastball!” I yell, “Your mom’s going to skettyland now! Sorry you won’t go with her, but baby fluffies don’t get to go to Skettyland unless they have a mummah or daddeh to carry them in.” An already panicked baby was now weeping steam tears. They boiled off his cheeks leaving red patches of bare skin. “Nuuuuu! Mummah! Sabe babbeh! Mummah say babbeh gu tu skettywand! Mummah pwomise! Mummah teww babbeh nu be scawed! Nuuu! °haf° °haf°.” The stallion’s fluff finally ignited. It quickly reaches the baby. He’s engulfed in seconds. No longer able to speak, he just screams as his fluff disappears and his flesh begins to harden and crust. His eyes have burst from the heat. The last thing he hears is his mother shrieking. “Nuuuu! Wastest babbeh! Mummah gon come soon! Bwing tu Skettywand!”

“No you’re not.” I boast. “You’re going in the crusher. Lastest Baby won’t ever find you! He won’t even recognize you!” I force an evil laugh as I walk around the passthru and towards the grinder. It’s churning a lot of bits and bobs around. The mare is struggling against my grip and whining. “Nu! Put mummah in buwnie pwace! Mummah wan die wif babbeh! Mummah wan die wif babbeh!” Some of the mares with babies seeing this start to panic. “You dumb sack of shit, now they’re upset.” I growl. “You don’t get to die how you want. This isn’t about you. I sit down here all fucking day watching you shithogs piss and moan until you die. If I want your baby to die alone, your baby will die alone. And you?” I smile cruelly. “You just bought yourself a longer life.”

The screeching her foal was making has stopped. In her face I see recognition. “See? Now you’re a mummah nu mowe.” My mockery has no effect. She’s still in shock. I take her to the rim of the crusher. One by one I put her legs over it and hit the loose ends to break them. She screams, but it’s hoarse.

Hehehe. “Hoarse.”

I drop her in the corner opposite my chair. “Here. You’ll die tonight. Or maybe tomorrow. Either way, your lastest baby is long gone.” I lean down to her. “You shouldn’t have told me what to do.” I glare and she cowers. Maybe feeling guilt for causing this.

I think this job has made me a shitty person.


You know, I was just thinking that the one thing this pig horse torture forum was missing was politics. There really isn’t enough of that in everything else, it’s they’re hardly ever brought up or inserted in other forms of entertainment. Thanks man, you are the real hero


(post deleted by author)

Hey I’ve got real bad news about art and it’s probably gonna bum you out but most art expresses a political belief. Mine is just more explicit than some. Feel free to ignore it I guess. This one isn’t nearly as political as a lot of my later stuff I’m still reposting here, I kinda just make passing reference to it.

Did you have any thoughts on it aside from that paragraph though?

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There’s a subset of modern political thought—mostly left-wing, but it wraps around to the right as well at times—which claims that since all art is inherently political, art should inherently be used as a political tool to educate, awaken, and liberate the people towards the end goal of a utopian world; and art which does not contribute towards these goals can be considered a tool of regression. The basic idea is, to simplify it greatly, that the people must be exposed to a constant stream of politically active media of all types from all angles, not just the propaganda of the party and the state—and in this way, there is essentially “no hiding” from the message, no matter where one goes.

All of this has been called a conspiracy theory by some, who claim it isn’t real/was made up by “fringe far-right extremists” etc. (usually they are the same people who also want to convince you that National-Socialism isn’t a form of socialism, Egyptians were black, and the Trump pee tape exists) but it’s a real and fairly common ideology in far left thought circles, mostly originating with Italian socialist Antonio Gramsci during the 1920s. The claim being made here is not that all modern media has a secret political message in it, as the conspiracy theory strawman typically goes, but rather simply that there are some people who believe saturating art with political activism is necessary to achieve their goals.

Art as a vector for activism has become an increasingly common mindset among the western upper-class in particular, though. It is in part the mindset behind the recent drive to inject blatant political activism into things like superhero movies and beer brands, although to be fair the situation is far more complicated than that.

None of this is to say that politics and art aren’t deeply intertwined, of course. Many of the greatest artistic endeavors are in fact heavy with political commentary and/or symbolism—the first thing that comes to mind for me is Repin’s Barge Haulers on the Volga, a beautiful painting made even more haunting by its literal and symbolic connections to contemporary Russian working-class struggles. Really, the issue isn’t politics—it’s art as activism.

Art tends to intrinsically degrade in quality when the maIn focus is something other than the art itself. In general, media which is overly focused on pandering in order to make money or promote activist causes tends to fail. The key seems to be whether the art is a platform for promoting the artist’s political opinions, or if the political elements are a necessary part of the content itself.

Of course, I enjoyed it very much as I do most of your work.

You create wonderfully vile and hateable characters

“Art is political” is a tired line anymore though and what I said stands and being tired of every single channel of escapism being tainted with modern thingism is valid, and I’m sorry to hear i have to see even more about homosexual class struggle whatever the fuck stuff going forward, but if the quality holds, I’ll muscle through

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This is pretty much my opinion, too.

You’re supposed to get overwhelmed by it, though. You’re supposed to feel like you’re the one who’s wrong. The one who’s abnormal, for not thinking what you should be thinking. You’re supposed to just accept that you are wrong, and change your mind… After all, would an artist lie to you?

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I mean, it IS a conspiracy theory propogated by far right extremists. Also, National-Socialism isn’t a form of socialism any more than “I Can’t Believe It’s Not Butter” is a form of butter. Let’s not have that conversation. It’s tired and I don’t want to do it for the hundredth time.

The idea that people put political messages in art not as a genuine means of expression but rather because we’re all trying to push and normalize ideas is silly. It ignores most of why people make art in favor of finding an easy justification for ignoring art that contains ideas you personally find challenging.

This piece was, like, BARELY political. That said, you’re not ENTIRELY wrong. There is ONE perverse motive that leads me to include political themes when sometimes I mah otherwise omit them:

It really really pisses off a very small group of people who I happen to not see eye to eye with on basically anything, and I think that’s funny.

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Gee I’m sorry for making art that reflects my life and personal experiences. I get that you may be annoyed by people talking about stuff that you don’t personally care about, but complaining about it in the comments isn’t so much a critique of the art as it is aimless whining that “thing bad.”

Thing not bad. Thing not good. Thing just thing. Take thing, or leave thing. Complain about how thing was done. But if the thing that was done isn’t something you wanted done in the first place, you aren’t gonna offer much in the way of constructive feedback to people who DO want it done. It’s like showing up to a baseball game complaining that nobody is playing soccer. You can argue the merits of soccer until you’re blue in the face, but I’m not playing soccer, I’m playing baseball.

You said you like my writing, well, this sort of shit is inherent to it. I can’t do one without the other. It’s okay to just enjoy the parts you like and ignore the parts you don’t, you don’t have to announce how much you don’t care about part of the subject matter.

Don’t like The Weggies Show? Turn off FluffTV.

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Bruh stop calling it art. It makes you sound even more insufferable than the stupid political b.s. It’s pony torture. And is a critique because it makes the story worse by interrupting it needlessly with some luke warm take you can get in every other corner of internet and media.

The point is nobody wants politics in fluffy stories, they want fluffies, fluffies are in no way shape or form a platform for ideology of any kind, and you make your material worse by including it.

No, the politics is not inherent, and you absolutely can do them separate. It’s a weird, out of place irrelevant side rant you throw in that has no effect on anything else in the story. This is a “soccer” website, you are writing “soccer” stories and then jamming in “baseball” at random intervals. You wrote these for reddit, well reddit is literally bursting with left wing political circle jerks to post in, F/C is about fluffies

If are going to post, people are going to comment on what they do or don’t like. I did both.

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Hoo boy.

You’re in deep, aren’t you?

I hate to break it to you, but @AlicornEisenhorn is right. This isn’t Reddit; this isn’t a left-leaning echo-chamber full of people who will quash any criticism as hate. “Art is political” is a tired, boring, overused excuse for ramming activism down people’s throats.

To address the other… stuff… you said. National socialism is a race-based form of Marxist theory in which class struggle is replaced by race struggle. So yes, it’s pretty obviously a form of socialism, regardless of Hitler’s attitude towards private property. Hitler even says in Mein Kampf that he based some of his ideas on Marx. If you want further proof, look at SA numbers during the 1930s: the vast majority of Rohm’s two million brownshirts were disaffected communists and Social Democrats, to the point that there were jokes about the Nazi party turning red during that era.

The issue really comes from people conflating fascism and national socialism as synonyms. In the same way that socialism and communism are technically different creatures, fascism and national socialism are considered different ideologies. National socialism is unique from fascism, which is authoritarian nationalism; although if you trace the lineage of fascism, you find that it’s basically an evolution of socialism, which is an evolution of the theories of Marx and Engels. Similarly, national socialism evolved partially from fascism.

“It’s a far-right extremists conspiracy theory, nobody is using art to push activism”… No. Read your guy Gramsci; he spells it out. You keep quoting W.E.B. DuBois, who was a socialist, to defend putting left-wing political messages in your story. Is it so hard to believe there are people on your side who have bad intentions just like people on the far right…? Some people use art as propaganda. Not all people do. I made it clear that not all left-wingers so this, but there’s a subset who very obviously do. Why is that so hard to accept?

So you misquoted me AND still peddle Nazi propaganda about their own intentions and ideas. Cool. I guess they murdered Communists for fun.

Look, consume my art or don’t. I was trying to engage in a back and forth, but if all you guys want to do is whine about Reddit being an echo chamber while simultaneously saying ideas you find challenging shouldn’t be on here then I’m just gonna ignore you and invite you to do the same of me.

It is art. Just because you don’t respect what people do here doesn’t mean I don’t. Sorry you treat this site like porno or whatever.

Your critique is taken under advisement. Gonna go ahead and ignore it, as it comes from someone who wants something different out of my art than what I want.

Also wait hold up what the hell does W.E.B. DuBois have to do with this

Nnn…o, they murdered communists because they were political extremists who blamed communists (and Jews) for all of their problems. However, it’s true that many people who joined the SA during the era right before and during the Nazi ascent to power were disaffected left-wingers. This is thoroughly documented by a great many sources, and I don’t understand why you want to deny it and call me a crazy Nazi apologist or whatever.

The Nazis killed communists in Germany to secure a one-party state, because both groups were unwilling to share power; and the Nazis were more willing to make temporary alliances within the government to increase their authority, something the communist faction was not willing to do, so they ended up winning. Later, the Nazis killed communists because they invaded Russia, which was under communist rule at the time. They also killed anyone with political views considered “subversive”, including and especially communists.

None of this means they weren’t race Marxists.

I am unsure why this is so difficult for you to accept. I do know there is a taboo in left-wing academia against reading natsoc/fascist theory because of this bizarre superstition that reading it will instantly turn you into a fascist (it won’t; it’ll just make you realize fascism is even stupider than you initially assumed). This has caused people to declare that fascist/natsoc theory (i.e. Mein Kampf) is worthless for understanding fascism/national socialism because it’s “all just propaganda” and “fascists lie anyway lol”. Even worse, the people who came up with the well-known socialist interpretation of how fascism came to exist (that it’s a reactionary bourgeois movement pushing back against progress) did so without actually reading any fascist/natsoc theory.

Y’know, because it’s all just propaganda or something. Because fascists are somehow different from other human beings and don’t ever write books with their thoughts in them, I guess.

To provide context, this is like me saying Mao’s Little Red Book is worthless for understanding Maoism because Maoist communists lie and propagandize constantly so we can’t trust anything in it; and anyone who quotes Mao is clearly an idiot or a secret Maoist apologist because no sane person would ever quote Mao to better understand Mao. Do you see how dumb this mindset is?

Lastly. I have been providing context for everything I say—comparisons, historical references, etc. I have been trying to make it as clear as possible without being rude that the things I’m saying are supported by facts, not just my assertions. You have replied, basically, by ignoring everything I’ve said and implying I’m some kind of Nazi apologist. I have no idea if that’s what you intended, but it’s certainly how you came off.

Not everyone is going to have the same political opinion as you do, and if you make a politically charged piece of work, you should expect some disagreement. As of right now, you are honestly sounding like more and more of an extremist every time you respond.

Regarding the W.E.B. DuBois. The quote you used (“all art is political”) is one of his. DuBois is generally agreed to have at the very least had socialist sympathies. I brought this up with reference to your claiming the art-as-activism among socialists thing is just a crazy right-wing conspiracy theory, because the irony (which I really hope I don’t have to explain) was pretty funny.

I do not have any idea what you mean when you say I misquoted you, as I didn’t directly quote you at all and if I paraphrased something I’m fairly sure it would have been very obvious that it was paraphrased, given my extremely florid writing style.

Lol okay man, sorry I asked.

And I answered…?

I genuinely don’t know what you’re trying to accomplish by acting like a smug bag of dicks.

Up until now, I’ve really enjoyed everything you’ve written. Like, you’re one of my favorite content creators on here tbh. But this exchange is just really unpleasant and I don’t understand the attitude, especially when I’ve gone out of my way to avoid insulting you.

Well, no. It’s the rudeness and aggression that’s the issue… I’m fine with having a back and forth. I’m just unsure why you feel the need to accuse me of “peddling Nazi propaganda” out of nowhere because I disagreed with you. That’s a bit much.

Look, everyone knows Fascists appropriate the language of Socialism to seize power. That’s not some new idea, I’m not the first person to present it to you. I’m also not the most convincing or the smartest, which is why I’m not gonna try. You’re clearly very convinced of your beliefs, so I’m not gonna bother failing to talk you out of them.

Your weird anti-socialist conspiracies are very funny, don’t get me wrong. But you seem to be taking this pretty seriously and I’m just not interested in having a conversation that serious with somebody this wrong. If I sound dismissive, it’s because I’m dismissive. If I sound like I don’t respect you, it’s because you ENTERED this conversation lying to someone else about my motivations and ideas…

But saying all that seemed a little rude, and like it might result in you thinking I wanted to have this argument with you. So I didn’t say it.

I see.

I take issue with quite a bit of this. Once again, you are coming off like a political extremist.

“Everyone” does not “know” that fascists “appropriate” the “language of socialism”. There are so many things wrong with that assertion, not least the fact that language inherently communicates meaning. Fascists use the same kind of language as socialists because they are talking about the same subject and approaching it in a different way.

“Appropriating the language of socialism” is a nonsense term that means “they’re talking like us but we want to pretend they’re different so uh they stole it from us.” All justified by the fact that the Nazis used the term “workers” to appeal to a wider base. Great argument, post-WWII French socialists.

So I’m going to assume that you do in fact buy into the “fascists lie about everything so anything that doesn’t fit my pet theory is a lie/propaganda/appropriated socialist language” superstition. That’s really, really unfortunate, and it makes me wonder what other stuff you believe in. Especially since you’d apparently rather not talk to people who are “wrong”.

Which, fair enough. I mean, I don’t like talking to flat-earthers. But the difference is that I don’t treat people who are “wrong” as though they’re too stupid to tie their shoes. I just treat them as if they have an opinion I disagree with. Y’know, instead of calling them Nazi apologists and acting like a smug little shit for no real reason.

Yeah, I still don’t understand that. Do you really have so little exposure to anything outside the extreme left that the stuff I’m saying comes off as some kind of conspiracy theory to… I don’t know, discredit socialism or something? That’s incredibly bizarre, dude. From where I’m standing, you’re telling me that I’m a Nazi apologist because I repeated mainstream assessments of historical politics; a bunch of fascists (who have no language of their own, can only ever tell lies, and communicate in propaganda) stole your ideological language (but didn’t use it to communicate what they were thinking, which is the point of language); and that you don’t want to talk to people who have “wrong” beliefs.

You sound like you are unwell, or an extremist, or a cultist, or something else esoteric like that. And I truly do not mean this in an insulting way. I’m trying to get through to you how you are coming off here. At the very least, it seems like you’re in an echo chamber that isn’t letting you get at a lot of information you should have.

I dunno. This is very unfortunate… Like I said, I enjoy your work a lot. I don’t understand why you couldn’t just say “sorry you didn’t like it, hope you like the next one more” without all the smug shit and Nazi accusations. Like, I don’t really want to chat about fascism, exactly, but if an offhand comment is enough to make you want to defenestrate me, that’s not a good sign.

And no, I’m not all that convinced of my beliefs, not more than the average person. I’d actually be a lot more open to what you have to say if you hadn’t immediately jumped to calling me a Nazi propaganda peddler. Even there, I like how you’re careful to remind me that they’re my beliefs. My very wrong ones. God, I can’t stand gaslighters.

“Extremist” is such an ugly word. I prefer “Radical.” I don’t think there’s any point continuing this exchange, do you?

You’re wrong about Nazis, though. And you’re the one who brought them up to begin with. They’re a far right ideology, and that’s not a point I’m gonna argue. I’m just gonna repeat that you’re wrong.