King of the Fluffs- Life in the Dull herd 3 (by RubySpear01)

King of the Fluffs- Life of a Dull mare 3

It had now been four days since the foals were born. Their soft peachy fuzz now fluffier and now they no longer have to fear the cool air in the chamber. They were still chirpy babbehs, eyes still closed. But now they were wiggling around and bumping into each other more and more. Leaf was proud of them, even the fillies.

But this didn’t stop her concern or resentment towards the hot pink unicorn chirpy. Leaf promised herself she’ll try and save that filly from growing up to be a meanie. Because if not then there’s no doubt she’ll be slaughtered for the cannibals. And because of the pink filly Leaf noticed her own little temper getting to her.

As a distraction Leaf would lean in her nest on her back and let her two chirpy colts cuddle and crawl around on chest and stomach fluff. This was proven easier for her, especially so they can just crawl over to her Miwkie places and nurse. The fillies supply of Miwkies was still rationed and would be shortened if they acted up. So to prevent anymore Miwkie thief’s Leaf would sometimes lay in a sphinx pose or if she was holding her colts on her tummy she was close her hind legs tightly together. Much to the annoyance of the fillies.

But this didn’t mean she outright hated the foals. Every now and then she would clean and coo to the pretty fillies. Saying things like.

“Bad babbehs git wuv tuu. Onwy ‘cuz mummah wuv yu.” “Bad babbehs wearn tu be guud.” “Wiww Cwean da hewd.”

Currently, Leaf was on her back, hind legs closed and she watched as her colts wiggled, bumped into each other, and snuggled into her chest. Leaf couldn’t not admit how she cooed and awe’d at their cuteness. And they were so silly and squeaky and fuzzy. The blueish-grey colt was closer to her face.

“Hewwo wittwe babbeh.” The foal lifted his little head up to the sound of his Mummahs voice. “Babbeh am su cutie.”

“Peep, peep.” The colt seemed to reply, causing Leaf to giggle. She was already so proud of her sons, nice round bellies full of their mummahs Miwkies. Their babbeh fluff all nice and clean, when they pooped she would simply and instinctively clean her fluff and them and clean the poopies off. Beside her the fillies were wiggling about and peeping to one another.

“Chirp chirp, peep peep.” The brown chirpy was crawling to his Mummahs Miwkie places, already hungry, Leaf smile and gently nudged her grey colt to join his brother. She opened her legs and watched and felt them using their little snouts and stubby forelimbs to feel around for a nipple. They succeed and close their mouths over each nipple and num and suckle their mummahs Miwkies. Leafs ears perked as she enjoyed the sound of suckling.

She watched her colts with pride, when they become adolescent colts they will be trained to be the herds toughies. And they could be anything. Good gatherers, scouts, guards, patrol toughies and toughie trainers. And one day they will find their own special friends and have families of their own.

After some time they each detach and continue to crawl around her stomach.

“Peep! Peep!” The hot pink filly was scrunching up her little face. “Hnnngh!”

Phhht “Cheeeep…” the Hot pink filly seemed to stop and let out a relieved huff. Leaf hadn’t really been paying attention until the stench hit her.

“Eeugh.” Leaf used a hoofsies to rub her nose as she looked to see what happened.

The pink filly was making calm and happy chirpies. Behind her were tiny clumps of yellowish brown poopies. Nearly the same color as Leaf, only it was slightly lighter. At this Leaf sat up and gently placed her colts together in a clump of her fluff.

The pink chirpy pooped right in the middle of the nest. Leaf was shocked, and noticed the color was like her coat only lighter. Could it be perhaps that the filly was mocking her fluff color, that her fluff was worse than poopies? Leaf felt the surprise morph inside her. From surprise to sadness, hurt by the idea. Sad to anger, as this was her nest. Oh sure it wasn’t the foals fault for pooping. Everyone poops, but this seemed like a deliberate attack.

And then Leaf got an idea. Fluffies rarely, if not ever remember being a chirpy babbeh. You could ask any fluffy. The farthest they could remember was the walkie babbeh stage. This gives Leaf the idea to use force and punishment for the pretty foals. She could punish them until their eyes opened.

Leaf let the anger surface until in a fit of anger she used her hoofsies and shoved the hot pink filly into the poopies she made.

“Peep! Peep peep!” The fully flailed around, not liking the the stinky poopies on her fuzzy fluff. But Leaf wasn’t done with her. Leaf raised a foreleg and swatted the Pink chirpy stumbling out of the nest. “Peeeeep! Peep! Cheep cheep peep cheep!”

Leaf leaned forward and scolded the the chirpy in a threatening tone. “Yu am wowstest babbeh! Gif mummah heawt huwties! Babbeh am gon’ be sowwy!”

Leaf huffed for a bit until she calmed down, the other foals all chirped in panic at their sister’s distressed cries. Leaf eventually began licking and cleaning the poopies the hot pink chirpy made.

And once she was done, Leaf grabbed the buttercup yellow filly and placed her on her teat. “Wun, tuu, twee, fo’, fife, seex.”

And pulled the yellow filly off and placed her with her brothers. The yellow foal was still hungry and complained about the lack of miwkies but she calmed at the warmth of her brothers. Leaf looked to the pink one.

“Yu nu git Miwkies. Yu am very bad.”

The poor pink chirpy cried and wiggled aimlessly, and of course Leaf felt remorse for her actions. Leaf sighed, sitting there and thinking about what she’s done.

It wasn’t long until it was late in the evening. And finally Leaf decided to clean the hot pink chirpy. Once she picked up the foal the little filly immediately cried out in angries and saddies. But once Leaf began cleaning her fluff and ridding her of any dry crusted poopies the foal calmed slightly. Leaf placed her near her sibling unceremoniously and the siblings all cuddled for a nap.

Leaf sighed. She was relieved with having something to take her frustrations out on, but she knew deep down within her. That she was no better than her own mother. But once these foals were all grown it wouldn’t matter anymore.

Some time later Buddy returned. Leaf got up to greet him and help him relax. He settled into the nest, it becomes obvious that it was an eventually day.

“Hewwo speciaw fwen’, am Otay?” Leaf asked.

Buddy nodded slowly. “Happee tu be back in nestie wiff famiwy. Jus’ tiwed.”

“Som’ bad happen?”

“Ye, fin’ pwetty stawwion wen scou-tin’.” Buddy said the word ‘Pwetty stawwion’ he spoke as if it was a vile thing. Which in this case it was. Leafs eyes open wide.


Buddy nodded. “Stawwion say he wost hewd from monstas, an’ den say he wan’d nummies. Buddy an’ scou-tin’ fwen’ gif huwties an’ take to da cage.”

“Wha’ dummy wook wike?”

“Gween pointy, gween wike weaves and gwassies.”

“Hmph, dummy fwuffy fink can take Dull hewd nummies.”

“Yus, an’ cowd times comin’.”

Leaf took a moment to think about the upcoming winter. Suddenly Buddy spoke up.

“Wha’ tu du wiff bad babbehs?” He referred to the pretty foals of theirs. Leaf knew the aforementioned question, since they were born she wondered what their future would look like. Despite the ongoing war and family dramas Leaf was still a mummah, all mummahs wanted the best for their foals…but everyone is different, fluffies sure as hell take the cake.

Leafs fear now was watching the fillies grow up, if they get the chance to, only to suffer and plead for death. So many possibilities went through her head. Rape, rape- abortion, starvation, freezing, fed to the cannibals, beaten. And worse of all the endless wan’ die loop. A good quarter of the pretty fluffies in the pigpen were broken and forced into the depths of darkness of their minds. They would simply be left in the pigpen and on occasion be dragged out to be fed to the cannibals. And only in death would a pretty fluffy be free. No pretty colored fluffy ever escaped the Dull herd alive as of yet.

“Miwk mawes.” Leaf answered.

Buddy blinked. “Miwk mawes?”

“Yus. Be betta, an’ dey nu git huwt too mush.”

It was true, there weren’t enough Dull herd mares to feed all the foals, especially the orphaned ones brought in. To combat this problem the herds three leaders declared that any pretty fluffed mare that was captured would be forced to nurse the foals. If they didn’t like it the cannibals would eat off their limbs and tongues. And if the pretty mare didn’t produce milk yet…well they’ll be enf’ed. And when their hormones kicked in and their foals were born they’ll be allowed to keep their pretty colored babbehs and any poor colored ones will be raised by the dull herd. The pretty ones will grow up in the pigpen and expect the same fate as any other imprisoned colorful fluffy. Miwkies mares will be rationed proper food to produce Miwkies and be allowed out of the pigpen to nurse the foals. And if anything goes wrong they’ll even be protected.

Buddy and Leaf laid together, Leaf offered Buddy a piece of root which he took. They nuzzled each other, silently hoping for the good of their family.