31 days of doodles! This is not related to Goretober or Flufftober, though I might try to keep up with one of them too
“Jocelyn get me my flamethrower it happened again”
That’s kinda a small facehugger, given that they’re usually depicted as being able to completely wrap around a human sized head.
Noah, get the boat
Aww, it’s a premie
let’s begin the hunts
if this happened in an Alien movie, humanity would be screwed
God Xenoflufs always make me laugh I like to imagine fluffy biology is so shit it utterly ruins the galaxy’s second greatest predator:
Claws as sharp as safety scissors
Toddler tier running speed, couldn’t even cling to walls if it tired
Blood is an 8 on the PH scale
Constantly trying to hug and cling to other Xenomorphs
Nesting fluids are a gross watery smelly substance that repels even other Xenomorphs
Not even worth as fodder to train fledgling Predators
Nuke it from orbit!
Acid shit killers
The Predators just kinda feel bad for it. Makes them feel all awkward.
Imagine being hunted by a Predator and this thing shows up and everyone feels so awkward they just leave.
“…should we even continue the hunt, I am absolutely not feeling it anymore.”
“Yeah I’m definitely not in the mood for running OR fighting back a this point.”
“Fair enough, man.”