L2Hatetober 01:Xenofluff (love2hatefluffs)

31 days of doodles! This is not related to Goretober or Flufftober, though I might try to keep up with one of them too




“Jocelyn get me my flamethrower it happened again”


That’s kinda a small facehugger, given that they’re usually depicted as being able to completely wrap around a human sized head.

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Noah, get the boat

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Aww, it’s a premie :glee:

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Alien Vs Predator GIF by foxhorror
let’s begin the hunts :glee: :alien:

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if this happened in an Alien movie, humanity would be screwed

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God Xenoflufs always make me laugh I like to imagine fluffy biology is so shit it utterly ruins the galaxy’s second greatest predator:
Claws as sharp as safety scissors
Toddler tier running speed, couldn’t even cling to walls if it tired
Blood is an 8 on the PH scale
Constantly trying to hug and cling to other Xenomorphs
Nesting fluids are a gross watery smelly substance that repels even other Xenomorphs
Not even worth as fodder to train fledgling Predators


Nuke it from orbit!

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Acid shit killers

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The Predators just kinda feel bad for it. Makes them feel all awkward.

Imagine being hunted by a Predator and this thing shows up and everyone feels so awkward they just leave.

“…should we even continue the hunt, I am absolutely not feeling it anymore.”

“Yeah I’m definitely not in the mood for running OR fighting back a this point.”

“Fair enough, man.”

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