You’re walking down the streets
A fluffy mummah try to give you its last babbeh
You’re busy eating a hot dog and have no idea wheter
she wants you to take it home, or just feed it.
But what happened to her other babies ?
This last one looks like he is her “bestest speshal”
And you’re still eating your hot dog.
What do you do ?
So, I have vanished in the last weeks, Sorry I was moving to a new house.
Oh boy, how good it is to move to a better place… I’m still trying to get rid of all the boxes of stuff but I’ll try to be back at normal posting. I wanna try to post at least every other day.
The endings for Selfish choices will be posted this week
For commissions, illustrations and so on, feel free to contact me!
Finish the hotdog, say “sorry, I was so hungry! But don’t worry, I’ll buy you some nummies if you’re a good fluffy and wait for me here. I promise I’ll be back”.
Then I’d leave for a day, and come back with a bag of chirpy foals for her. The foal won’t be her last baby anymore, and she’ll have some nummies too.
I’d give her a hard fucking stomp in the middle of her abdomen, and then pop the foal into my mouth before chewing it it and spraying the meaty red paste/mist into her face. Go fuck yourself, shitpig.
Let her wait patiently as I finish my hotdog. Then hold her down as I snatch the foal out of her hoofsies and slowly break each one of its legs as it screams before finally twisting its head off. For the final touch, rub sandpaper on her nipples until her teats are fully sanded down, tear her entire mane out with my bare hands, rip her tail off, then stuff the remains of the foal back into her cunt.
Oh, and kick her in the face several times as one last “fuck you” before I leave her for dead.