Last Chance for Bestest Babbeh: The Rescue (DrExposition)

Based on “Last Chance for Bestest Babbeh” by Backstubb (Last chance for bestest babbeh [art by backstubb] - Gayroomate for Fluffy Ponies Reupload - YouTube)

“Nuu, pwees, babbeh am good, an nee nu toysies or sketti onwy witwe hugie. Jus take good babbeh to wowme housie!” the little pink fluffy foal begged desperately as it clung to my gloved finger.

I had just been on my way home from a grocery run when I heard the loud chirping coming from the alley. By now, everyone knew what made those noises. There were so many feral fluffies in the city that you saw them everywhere. I would have ignored it but part of me just could not walk away. As a child, I always had a soft spot for animals and even though these fluffies weren’t considered real animals, they were still living beings.

I went into the alley and followed the sound of the chirping and then I finally found the source. There was a fluffy family living in the alley. They used a cardboard box as shelter but it did not serve them well. The mother was dead, her pink coat did not keep her warm as she froze to death. There was a dead green foal stuck to her teat and another yellow one dead with an icicle sticking out its back. Also, I think there was another dead foal that was buried in a pile of shit. My attention then drifted over to the last surviving member of the family, a pink foal that looked up at me with wide eyes as I knelt down and offered my hand. It immediately clung to my finger and begged for my help.

“I don’t know,” I said to the pink fluffy foal. “You fluffies are pretty demanding.” I could see tears that were frozen under its eyes as it shivered. It was a miracle it managed to survive this long, exposed to the cruel and cold winter. This was the fate of feral fluffies in this season. Their coats were just aesthetic and not designed to keep them warm. After all, these creatures were never designed to survive in the wild.

“Pwees, mistah! Pwees!” the fluffy pleaded desperately.

I sighed and then scooped up the little creature in my palm. I ignored the smell of faeces as I put the fluffy in my coat pocket and patted its head.

“You stay there. I’m taking you home.”

I had an old cage from when I used to own a cat and put the fluffy inside and set it next to the fire. I didn’t want to risk the thing getting too close. These fluffies weren’t very smart and it could accidentally burn itself when trying to get warm. I also needed to make sure that it was fed. It was a foal so it could not eat solids yet, from what I read. Luckily, I managed to pick up some supplies from Fluffy Mart so I could care for the pink thing. I grabbed some milk from my fridge and put it in a bowl to warm up in the microwave and then after that I filled a milk syringe with the warm milk.

I went and opened the cage as the fluffy stared at me, smiling.

“Daddeh!” it chirped and I smiled as I scooped it out and put the tip of the syringe against its mouth.

“Now, you need to eat,” I said I slowly fed it milk from the syringe.


Three months later…

The fluffy I had rescued had grown up and was now an adult fluffy. I named him Ribena because of the colour of his coat and mane and that was my favourite drink as a kid. Once it was warm, I took Ribena out on a leash. He also had on a collar with his name on it. Taking care of Ribena had been challenging. It was like taking care of a needy little kid who was also fragile and too dumb to live. Luckily, I gave him a safe room for him to sleep and play with toys and a litter box. I had to train him properly so he did not shit on the floor; he had done it once or twice before he finally understood that his urine and faeces went in the littlebox.

I took him to the vet to get him neutered. I did not want him to cause any unwanted pregnancies with any female fluffies he found. It was for his own good even if he could no longer father foals. I decided to take him to the alley where I had found him. The carcasses of his family were now gone, even the box. But I still remembered this place.

Ribena put down a flower in front of the entrance of the alley. I told him about his family and he remembered how to pay respects to them.

“OK, now let’s go to the park, Ribena,” I said.

“Yay, pway at the pawk! Pway wit fwens!”


Thats fucking adorable, also the fact that it was that comic reminds me about how everyone in the discord did edits of that picture, like this!


Basically, @DrExposition, you’re making “good endings” all around, eh?

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I mean, it seems that way. To be honest, when you see these sadbox stories, don’t you feel like just giving them some kind of happy ending? Maybe that’s just me.


Well, can’t say I don’t share such a sentiment.

Pure sadbox always leaves me a bit kerfuffled, asking myself “wait, that’s it?”. If there is no payoff at the end of the story it feels to me like going on the internet and searching for pictures of dead animals.

I am all for catharsis, but it must at least be bittersweet, or it just doesn’t click for me.

However, do be careful when making said “alternate timelines”. Certain artists are very jealous of their work and won’t tolerate that you gave a happy ending to a fluffy they’ve already given for dead. Maybe asking them for permission might be a good idea.

That being said, I am not the police, so do what your heart tells you to.

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Neat. Can you link the picture next time instead of a reupload of a Gayroomate video though? I don’t want to open audio just to remember which picture this is regarding, especially since Gayroomate is no longer part of the community and backstub’s art is actually here on the site to share.

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Saw that classic piece, nice ending at least it didnt went spoiled due to his trauma of the death of his family.

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