Thanks for reading if you do. I hope you enjoy. My 200th story was awhile back and I forgot to say so but thanks to everyone who has ever spent the time to read whatever my brain craps out.
“Lulubelle! LULUBELLE YOU GIT IN HERE AND HELP YOUR MOMMA!” Summons from mummah. Normally a fluffy would be excited by this and go scampering off to see what their owner wanted, but not Lulu. The buttercream yellow & white mare drew herself up from the cushion bed she was often to be found and went climbing.
Why climbing? The entire house was filled with trash. It started from even outside the door and there hardly existed a path, beyond what Lulu had created for herself. Hooves scrabbling up cardboard boxes, weggies getting occasionally tangled in plastic grocery bags, skidding down hills of old toys. There were landmarks here, too. Over there in the corner of the living room was Sweetie Wawa Mountain where mummah tossed empty two-liter bottles into. It reached all the way up to the ceiling and bulged out, scaring the mare terribly. What if it came tumbling down on top of her? There was also a great big pile of pokies: Used up insulin needles that of course didn’t have the little orange caps placed back over them. Why that would take an entire half a second of time, and time was too valuable around here.
“Y-Yis mummah?” Lulu advanced on her owner, felt the usual disgust and loathing come over here. It was rare for a fluffy to hate their owner. Even in such bad conditions, you’d scarcely find one that wouldn’t take a bullet for their mummah or daddeh. Her mummah? Even a fluffy could tell how detestable and grotesque she was.
Kathy was her name and she hadn’t moved from her Lazyboy recliner in years. So long that the fluffy had never even seen her out of it. Not a single time. It was hard to describe this as a woman or even a human at this point: This was a blob of immense size that scarcely moved except for when it was eating. She’d worn a house dress the entire time that Lulu had been here but she didn’t know what it’s original color was. Why? The entirety of the material was covered in slicks of shit or old food. The woman didn’t move to use the bathroom, oh no. She did so right then and there. All around the recliner she’d sat in years ago was covered in a thick brown sludge.
It was all she could do to not look at mummah. She was a munstah. Everything about her was disgusting, scary. Lulu had dragged pieces of cardboard to forge a path through the swamp of liquid feces that surrounded the chair, having to replace them every once in awhile as it sank down into it. Carefully navigating on the cardboard squares, she looked up finally.
Mummah’s face was covered in pustules that would pop randomly and squirt pus all over the place. Lulu knew this bitterly from experience and didn’t want to get close to her face. Well, that was one reason. Another was that she was deeply afraid mummah would one day just lift her up and start numming on her. Chocolate ribbed her fat folds along with dried up gravy, flecks of snack cakes studding the encrusting. “Luluebelle, look at me sch’weetheart. Let mommy see your pwetty widdew face.”
Forcing her to stare into mummah’s eyes, her legs began to shake a little. It was always scary. Her eyes were beady and small, fat walling in around them and making her look predatory. Even her hair was foul: A long tangled, knotted nest that one could actually see lice seething about in. “I’m hungry. Hungrrryyyy.” Lifting up a hand resplendent with overgrown and yellowed fingernails, she bid the fluffy away. Lulu was used to this: Skipping over cardboard, she went into the kitchen and got a plastic grocery bag handle in her mouth. It was filled with nummies: The entire kitchen floor was covered in different grocery bags that never got put away. After all, it was on the fluffy to bring it in.
Huffing, grunting, she scaled up a pile of trash with her delivery and oh so carefully set her hooves down so as to not going tripping down and sprawling out. Roaches skittered everywhere she disturbed, but she’d long been housed with the yucky buggies. They didn’t factor into her mind like they used to. Dragging bag of goodies very carefully across the miasma of shit and piss, she presented it to her mummah.
“Ooohhh. Such a good girl.” A hand the size of a tinned ham went out to pat her on the head but she skittered back in reflex. Kathy frowned, showing a mouthful of pitted black teeth.
“You’re so shy. My pwecious widdew…snookum baby…” Lulu watched as she plunged a hand into the grocery bag and went rooting around. Came out with a box of chocolate snack cakes, ripping it open and tearing through cellophane. Kathy wasn’t a dainty eater, oh no. The poor snack cakes went double-fisted into her mouth, crumbs and bits of frosting smearing out over the corners of her mouth. It didn’t even seem like she chewed. All of it got crammed past rotten teeth, forced in until her cheeks were bulging like a squirrel preparing for winter. Lulu winced as her neck fat warbled, forced the wad of food down.
Before, she’d tried getting mummah to slow down. It didn’t do any good though. Also, she couldn’t simply leave. Screaming would happen until she came back. Peeling wrappers off of beef sticks, the processed meat gnashed between her teeth four at a time. Greasy saliva trickled down from her lips and splattered down on her already disgraced dress.
All while this happened, mummah kept her eyes glued partially to the television and to the fluffy herself. She was watching some show where mummahs and daddehs had big screaming fights. The teebee made her nervous. Why would mummah even want to watch such a thing? Fighting was bad but she gleefully soaked it in like a desert plant with the first rainfall of the year.
“Wan weab…” Lulu made to turn around but was stopped by a ratcheting belch from her owner. An empty cardboard snack cake box sailed right into her head. Tears formed at her eyes, turning around again.
“YOU STAY HERE! YER MY COM’MANY!” So she planted her butt down on one of the cardboard panels keeping her pretty fluff from touching all the poopies surrounding the Lazyboy. All the fluffy could do was cry to herself as her owner polished off the beef sticks and began pouring M&M’s into her mouth from a huge bag. This was what always happened. What happened next did too. Massive gut seizing, she began to vomit. First a little puddle onto the front of her boulder sized breasts, then twisting as much as she could to cover the floor beside her in a thick blanket of stinking stomach contents. Roaches, not even beholden to staying in the darkness, came skittering in from all corners of the room to have at their prize.
“Fwuffy am git mummah meddysins…” Lulubelle carefully meandered across the room to a minifridge. That’s where mummah’s die-a-beaties medicine was. Using her nose to tip the door open, she clumsily got what she needed in her mouth and got close to her mummah. Kathy fumbled a hand down for the insulin, grunted, plunged it into herself. The used needle joined the already huge pile and that was Lulu’s cue to leave her be. Retreating from the living room, she went on to the kitchen. Messy in here but not filthy. It had to do as a safe place.
For food, Lulubelle got left a giant bag of kibble that she had to chew the corner of to even get to. For wawa, it required Kathy’s son to fill a massive water jug that dispensed it out. For the potty? She did it in the living room. It’s not like anyone would notice or care. There were no gud poopies in this Hell.
Lulu hated her son almost as much as him. Many people thought fluffies had bad memories, and sure, some did. Hers worked just fine though and she remembered the day he’d come to the shelter. Saying what a nice home she was going to have, that it was better than the shelter.
This was not better than the shelter. He was a liar. Will had adopted her from a shelter where she’d at least felt clean and safe then dumped her off here. Every time he came to deliver new groceries and kibble, he ignored her. He was a bad man and his mummah…HER mummah was bad too.
“Hae dis. Nu wan bad housie. Am gud fwuffy, wan gud housie.” It’s not like Lulubelle was bad. She actually tried to be good and nice. It’s not like mummah left her any choice but to feel the way she did. Fluffies were for huggies and wub, they weren’t meant for this. Nothing deserved this. Even Lulu knew that.
“Wuwu wan wun away.” Telling herself this did no good. There were clear hoof prints of the door where she’d scrabbled around attempting to free herself. Even when her hooves got on the doorknob, they could do nothing. Bapping her head against it didn’t do anything either. Pointless to think about.
All she wanted to do was lay on the cushion bed in the corner by the stove. The only place that felt safe. In her dreams she could be outside having fun with other fluffies, running through sweetly smelling grass while the sun shined overhead. Collapsing in the comfort of the bed, she made herself go to bed. It’s how she spent most of her life. Mummah didn’t exist in the dreams where she went.
“Lulubelle! Mommy needs cuddles! Now!” Awoken from pleasant dreams like always. Cuddles? No, no, no. Lulu attempted to curl against her blankets and hide her face. Mummah couldn’t even see her but she wanted to hide anyways. Anything but cuddles.
“Lulubelle! Now! REEEEEEE!” It was a sound which sliced right through her. Lulu had never heard a pig before but it was a perfect replication of one bleating angrily. Rolling from her bed and getting to her hooves, Lulu peeked out from the kitchen and peered at Kathy who was impatiently waving a hand beside the recliner.
Well the noise wouldn’t stop until she complied so she went climbing over piles of trash in her usual path, stepping over to the chair. Fingers which were grabbing at air seized against her fur, lifting her up by the nape of her neck.
“Bad upsies! OWWIES!” Lulu cried out. Gagged. The smell around mummah was incredible but actually being on her lap? That was something else. Rotten meat, curdled milk, different LAYERS of poopies, decaying teeth. A hand patted heavily down on her spine, forcing her down onto the food and shit encrusted dress her owner had basically been melded to.
“Hewwo mummah.” Pinning her ears down. Her distaste for the human was palpable. Only someone completely ignorant or uncaring could see just how much she loathed her owner.
Kathy was such a person. Hand planting down on Lulu’s skull, she forced her to look at the teebee. Ragged nails drove deep into her fur, tense the skin up so that her eyes were kept open.
“Look at them sluts! Fightin’ and carryin’ on! Don’t they have no class?” She asked in a great big gasp of fetid air that curled in around Lulu’s nostrils. Kibble was forcing it’s way up her throat, and she felt scared to watch the teebee. The mummahs on it were scratching one another and pulling eachother’s hair, screaming the entire time. Lulu hated screaming. Hated fighting. Why? Why did mummah want her to see this?
“Nu wike, nu wike mummah! Nu wike meanie fings! Pwease nu!” Worrying about teebee and the horrors on it was to be of a secondary concern though. There was a loud ‘frrttt’ sound, the sound of sloshing and Lulu watched in abject horror as poopies slid right out from underneath her mummah. No. Icky! Bad! Stinkeh! NU! Beginning to thrash around against Kathy’s hand, the woman gave a loud breath before flicking her away. The fluffy went sprawling down into the pile of used needles, screeching and flailing around as they went jabbing into her sides. Face. It hurt but the true horror came when she came flipping down into the poopies which surrounded the chair. Once she could, she went screeching out of the room with hypodermic needles jiggling around her flesh as she did.
It had taken awhile to get the pokies out of herself. A difficult job too, especially for a fluffy who of course had no hands. Easing herself against the doorframe and rocking her body back until the needles slipped out of her flesh was all she could do.
Getting the poopies off came at a sacrifice. Taking the blanket off of the cushion bed, she curled her body against it and went rolling across the kitchen floor in order to soak it all off of her body. No fluffy ever wanted to be covered in such a thing, and now she’d have to go cold for now on.
“Haechu mummah. Fwuffy haechu. No wike dis. Bad housie. Nu wan.” She was curled up on the middle of the kitchen floor, tail curled around herself. Everything felt so hopeless. The shelter had said they’d give her fowebbah sweepies if nobody adopted her and now she just wished that were true. If it were true at least she wouldn’t be here.
All of her pain and disgust? Mummah didn’t care about it. Instead she sat right in front of the stupid teebee like always. Laughing in a way that sounded more like a croak than a sound of merriment. Clapping her big meaty hands together as the people on it fought one another.
Life carried on as it always did until one day her mummah came calling for nummies. Ears pricking up, Lulu looked all around the kitchen. There wasn’t anything there. The floor was in a rare state of looking rather bare, except for random wrappers or cardboard boxes that had found their way in here.
Uh oh. Mummah wasn’t going to like that. Wasn’t going to like it one bit. Eating was one of the few things Kathy even did. Except for watching teebee, that’s all she really seemed to care about. Lulu went into the living room, coyly poked her head above a mountain of trash.
“Dewe…dewe nu nummies mummah.” Her body was shaking in fear. What would mummah do? There was a moment of silence, an arm thumping down across the arm of the Lazyboy. Fingers twitching at the air as if playing an invisible piano.
“Come here.” Was all she groaned out but Lulu didn’t want to. Not after being thrown into the pile of pokies and poopies. Still. Still, she was a good fluffy. Fluffies should TRY to listen when asked to. Stepping across the cardboard bridge over the poopies, the yellow mare stayed a fair distance away. Out of grabbing distance.
“More.” A finger curled, beckoned her even closer. Scared for real now. So much so that peepees trickled down against the floor behind her. Still, she came closer to the hand. Whimpering and attempting to keep her head bowed to the floor. With much more speed than she thought mummah capable of, the mare got snatched up with a flail and squeal.
“Mummah! Nu-huu-huu! NU! NU MEANIES TU FWUFFY!” Whatever was happening she knew it couldn’t be good. Kathy kept her fingers squeezed in against the fluffy and brought her in close to her chest. Breathing heavily and clearly out of breath even for that brief burst of energy. Without much warning, Lulubelle found herself flipped over and brought to mummah’s mouth.
What was happening? She was confused for a moment before shards of teeth seized into the tender, fluff covered flesh of her belly. Lulu screamed in absolute terror.
“FWUFFY NU AM NUMMIES! NUUUUU! MUMMAH NUUU!” Kicking her hooves around, feeling the decayed teeth scrape across her fur and force pressure down on her tummy. A crushing force that caused the fluffy to expel poopies, kicking and writhing against her mummah’s jaws. Tearing off a clot of fluff with her teeth, Kathy gagged against it and loosened her grip. Just for a moment. All Lulubelle needed to squirt out from between her hands and go down to the floor with a splash.
“YOU! COME! BACK! HERE!” Heavy arms slapped back and fourth against the Lazyboy, clawed at the air. Lulu was making tracks though, trying to find her way through the trash in the place. Only thing was? Being fast in this place spelled disaster. You needed to be careful.
Kathy twisted and moaned against the chair. Loud farts ripped through the place as the gaseous body was working itself into more motion than it’d seen in years. Tippling, wobbling around, attempting to free herself from the chair. Yet it’s fibers had fused to her body perhaps years ago, bedsores practically becoming a piece of the furniture itself. With a great squealing ‘REEEEEE!’, she flipped over onto the floor. Sprawled out with the recliner perched on top of her back like a great big hermit crab. Lulu looked at her for a long moment and felt a sense of relief. Maybe she’d gone fowebbah sweepies. This was dashed the moment Kathy lifted her head, doughy cheeks flapping around as she began to swim against the sea of feces and trash she was laid out in. ‘Swim’ being the only way to describe it as she shoved fists against the floor and kicked out with as much force as she could with her legs.
“NUUU! MUNSTAH! WUN WEGGIES WUN!” Attempting to find purchase on top of the trash pile, skidding back down because she wasn’t being careful. Munstah mummah was closing the distance, great rivulets of diarrhea sloshing from within the chair since gravity had been shifted.
“EEEE!” Lulu finally got to the top, felt fingers cinch in around her tail. Attempting to tug back. Digging her hooves in, the fluffy pulled with all of her might the other way until the munstah behind her was left with nothing but handfuls of hairs. She went toppling down from the trash and rolling into the kitchen.
Mummah didn’t climb through the trash. Instead, she barreled right through it with grunts and squeals. Shoved herself toward the kitchen while gnashing her teeth and dripping with thick strands of drool.
“SABE FWUFFY!” Lulubelle cried out and as it turned out, divine intervention would come. Instead of going through the doorway and spelling doom for the fluffy, Kathy found herself wedging in around the doorframe. The Lazyboy on her back had wedged itself into the doorframe. Howling and beating her hands out, the munstah screamed at Lulu.
“COME HERE!” Fingernails digging into the tiled floor of the kitchen, saliva spattering to the floor.
“Mommy needs foooood.” Kathy rasped out, eyelids fluttering as she watched the fluffy in front of her eat it’s kibble.
“Soooooda.” Lulubelle stared at her mummah, chewing on a mouthful of kibble. It wouldn’t be too hard to bring some over there. Why would she though?
Swallowing the food, she walked over to the water dispenser and happily lapped her tongue out. Soaked her parched mouth with the good stuff. This was the second day of being stuck, and mummah was thirsty. Lulu wasn’t going to be sharing though.
“Fwuffy haechu. Yew am wowstest mummah.” Precious water dripping from her mouth. Kathy stared at it longingly.
Moaning more for food. Lulubelle wasn’t even hungry but she walked over to the bag of kibble with it’s spilled contents, scooping up a bunch into her mouth and crunching just as loudly as mummah talked. Staring her right in the eyes.
“Fwuffy haechu.” She said with a mouthful of ground up food.
Five days since they’d been stuck in the kitchen. Munstah mummah was fowebbah sweepies now. She’d slipped into a sleep then never woke up.
In that time, her slightly elevated body had expanded to an even more immense degree because of the gaseous response of decay. Lulu had nothing else to do but watch as the woman’s dress split in the front, caved in as it burst open. The floor beneath had flooded with coils of stinking, diseased intestines.
There was food and water, so Lulu was quite comfortable. The rotting mass in front of her wasn’t altogether different from the woman Kathy had always been. So she spent her days eating, drinking wawa, occasionally looking to the body trapped in the doorway. It wasn’t a good sight. Fluffies should never see something so bad.
It did make her feel slightly happy though. No more mummah. No more munstah. It let her know that she wasn’t coming back.
Seven days in and finally the door to the kitchen opened up. Lulu shifted on her cushion bed, watched Will stumble in. Get a good look at what had happened to his mummah.
“Holy Jesus FUCK!” He got out, ducking over to the sink and emptying his lunch into it. Would he notice her? No. Will had never cared about her ever since dropping her off in this place. Maybe barely even noticed his mummah most of the time.
The door leading outside was wide open. Lulu saw bags of groceries outside, all stuffed up with honeybuns or bags of candy. 2-liters of soda. All the things mummah loved mostest. Looking to Will fumbling for his phone, tip-tapping over to the open door. The decay and horrible things behind her was cut through with the most potently sweet breeze a fluffy would ever experience. The outside world was one with puffy clouds, a pure blue sky. There were children playing happily and she could even hear fluffies too.
Lulubelle lifted her tail, farted loudly, then left Will to deal with HIS mummah.
A good fluffy could find a new one. One that actually loved fluffies. Lulubelle left the house with springing hops and a huge smile on her face. A new life was right there just waiting to be had.