learning with examples (InfraredTurbine)

I guess he’ll never forget to use the litterbox now ahead.

So, this is the first complete fluffy drawing I could finish using a galaxy tab s6 lite. Still learning, and when I was pretty disappointed with it, I learned about Clip paint studio, and it all seems so much better to draw, specially than sketchbook. I might migrate from sketchbook to clip studio on pc soon too :V trying to adapt to it.

For commissions, illustrations and so on, feel free to contact me!


love this! Really need more babbehs being tormented by having stuffy friends and toys destroyed


If they make bad peepees/poopies again…burn them


Huh. Just thought of this, but if you let your fluffy see you reattach stuffed plushies limbs or other repairs, do you think said fluffy can be made delusional? Like, they believe you actually can give their legs back if you cut them off. Or maybe you have a burn so bad fur won’t regrow.


A common trope for pillows is them thinking their limbs can be reattached and offered up as an incentive


Burn the “peepee pwace” next, then maybe it’ll sink in


Yeah I know, but what about incorporating the stuffed plushies?

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This is great! You even have the little bits of ash falling down.

Such great talent, a shame the fluffy couldnt be better behaved for being drawn so well.

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Hilariously, there’s also a cliche where they get legs ‘donated’ from other (often, bad-behaving or hilariously ironic) fluffy ponies.

Gonna say one thing here: That’s a good Whipping Toy >:)


Hmmm. I do like the emotional damage, but hurting an inanimate object instead of the foal feels a bit too kind.

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They really need to get serious if shitrats like these keep doing it with no concequences.


Looking good!

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I agree. There was a post here a while ago about having two fluffies, one of which was punished any time the other did something.
But my issue was, I don’t think fluffies would really care that much. Sure, at first they’d feel bad, but after a few times they’d basically realise they were untouchable and would start deliberately fucking things up because why should they care?

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If you are looking for discipline but you dont want to damage your fluffy, stuffy freinds are so usefull.

Id suggest adding one of my patented “saddie sticks” inside the stuffy so it can say phrases while its getting abused
“You did this to me, this is your fault”
“ill never be your freind again, and neither will anyon else”
“im going to smother you with your blankie for this”
etc etc :shrug:


This is a punishment!

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This is likely what you’re thinking of. Notably, it’s directed at a foal and they’re generally cutesy, completely innocent creatures. So in that context I think it’d work because they’re (usually) depicted as having a dumb drive toward empathy.


I don’t know, I think it depends on how you view them.
Personally, I hate these things, so I tend to think of them as being, on a deeper level, inherently selfish and spiteful. As said, once or twice they’d feel bad for their friend, just out of instinct, but eventually their smooth-as-fuck brains would connect the dots and realise they themselves don’t get punished for being bad… so why not keep being bad?


They could have empathy as part of a survival instinct. I imagine foals do because they have literally no other form of defense available to them. All they can do is beg for/give love and shit themselves.

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True, but then there’s also things like Smarty Syndrome, where a Smarty will stare down a rhinoceros and demand it get off of ‘Smarty’s land’. To me the empathy was just surface-level and, when push comes to shove, they’ll happily abandon each other to death and torment if it means they get to survive.
Sure they might feel guilty about it later but in the heat of the moment, they’ll forget all about the others in favor of saving themselves.

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As Chungus said, it’s just a matter of personal headcanon.

I pretty much entirely reject the concept of ‘justified abuse’ in my own work. I see fluffies as being fundamentally innocent - they didn’t choose to be made, or choose to be defective. They’re designed to be empathetic and loving by nature; the negative traits that develop are entirely learned behaviours from the environment around them. Even smarties and bitch mares are really just victims of mental disorders they have no control over, which people use as an excuse to inflict whatever horrendous tortures they can think of, when clean euthanasia would be the appropriate response. You still get bad fluffies, but that’s a result of their upbringing and those around them.

With all that being said, that’s entirely contained to my own stuff, and would neither expect nor want that to be shared across everyone else’s work. I still read and enjoy all of Chungus’ work, even with pretty opposing views on what fluffies are.