Left behind (by Fluffy_idiot_2)

It just got an upgrade to it’s legs. You don’t want them wet on the first day! No matter what…


Hmm, So water being bad for Babbehs was overwritten by Water is bad for Fluffy + Water if bad for Nyu Weggies giving the mother priority to abandon the pillow foal.

Interesting… ~notes~


cmon lady, you coulda grabbed your kid before running >.> lol


Coulda but if she was that thoughtful she would have shared two of her legs with her baby so they could both move. :slight_smile:

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Hm the smell of rain and the screaming of a maybe drowning pillow baabeeh. Sigh time to get Mister sorry stick to wak a bitch.

I say take the legs away and give them to the foal as punishment.

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That poor foal it could drown in a puddle :rofl:


Good idea but they are far to big for the baby. Perhaps melt the metal down again and recycle them into babbeh size weggies


I’d laugh if the legs had a few sensors that noticed that the mare is leaving it’s foal, halts the mare and picks up the pillow. After getting indoors, the legs detach from the mare, and head to the charger and stays until human interacts with the legs.

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Fixer wants to know your location

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