Left To Rot (Art by EgorAlexeev)(Story by Dyldex)

I simply could not get enough of Egor’s art, here is another story based around a particular piece

Caramel is a milk bag fluffy, well, she WAS a milk bag fluffy. As of now, her feeding tits had run dry after being forced to give so many milkies to foals that weren’t even her own! She had forgotten what it was like to have weggies and play with her fluffy friends, all of whom were adopted or left behind in the pen she was raised in. She had her babies taken away from her a long time ago by the breeder, it’s been so long, that she couldn’t even remember what they looked like. She now spends the rest of her days rotting away in an alleyway.

“Huu huu…” Caramel sobbed at her misfortune. No longer serving the purpose of being a milk bag, the breeder tossed her out, not even bothering to put her in the dumpster. She just sat on the grimy concrete surrounded by empty glass bottles, used cigarettes, and the smears of her own piss and excrement.

Every now and so often, a passerby such as the garbage man or resident taking a shortcut would stroll past her. Caramel would beg for them to take her a new house, dreaming about how it would be like to raise her babies in a warm safe room filled with toys and sketties.

“Pwease nice mistah, gib nyu housie to fwuffie? Fwuffie so cowd and hungwy….nee wuv en huggies… huu huu.” Caramel pleaded to the garbage man emptying the dumpster. He paid no heed to her plight and promptly left after his job was done.

The rough concrete chafes at her undersides, scraping and bruising her tits. The bottom of her body was filled with open sores from being on the coarse ground all the time, marinating in putrid stains of street grime and her own piss. Caramel would try to move every so often to no avail, as it hurt to wiggle and squirm her soft pudgy body across the rocky surface.

When nobody was around, she just spent most of her time staring down at the ground, trying to ignore the filthy state of her surroundings. Unfortunately, it happened to be a rainy day that night, making it difficult for her to sleep off her misery.

“Nuuu! Nu sky wawa….pwease gu away! Wawa bad fo fwuffie!” She turned and twisted her head in a vain attempt to avoid the heavy rain droplet drenching her coat. It continued to rain throughout the night, with the water sometimes pooling up and threatening to flood the miserable creature’s surroundings. Unable to sleep, Caramel spent her time gagging and sputtering from the rainwater, her walnut-sized fluffy brain being doused with the instinctive fear of drowning.

Morning came, and the rain finally ceased. Caramel was in a sorry state, weary from the late night downpour and starving from the lack of food, her stomach all knotted up. With no weggies, she was unable to search for anything to eat and was running out of nearby trash to consume.

A few minutes passed, and a fat middle-aged man holding a cake roll passed by. He stank of sweat and whiskey; in addition, he panted and wheezed from intoxication. In a dizzy state of mind, he dropped the cake and vomited the contents of his stomach out, leaving behind a disgusting pool of digested eggs and pickles. Stumbling and drolling, the man left the alleyway, not even taking notice of the amputated mare wallowing on the ground.

Caramel couldn’t believe her eyes when she saw the cake next to her, only mere inches away! Using the last of her energy, she squirmed and wiggled her rotund body towards the sweet treat. It smelled so good! Her body sagged and heaved as she tried to stretch her head for a nibble. She closed her eyes and opened her mouth wide, she was almost there!

Out of nowhere, a dog snatched away the morsel, leaving Caramel flabbergasted. She couldn’t believe it! The bawkie munstah just ruined her chance to eat something tasty! Her face sunk down in despair, it just wasn’t fair! That was when she caught the scent of the rancid vomit next to her.

Her eyes swelled up with tears whilst her stomach ached when she realized what she had to do. She must lap up the sicky-wawas if she doesn’t want to starve to death. Crying to herself, she began to scarf down the putrid slurry. Not long after, she vomited it back up and had to force herself to lick it all back up again.

“Nu taste pwetty….nu smeww pwetty…Huuuu huuu….”


If she can take all that, I wonder what she’d need to reach Wan Die?


Probably alot more, she chose to eat vomit instead of letting herself starve.


The survival instinct on these things never cease to amaze me…


Let’s test her.


Someone should take her skin and leave her there to cry