Leggies (by fluffysomething)

Blueberry is a fluffy! Blueberry has a mummah, and she can be… loud.

Blueberry’s mummah is in a special group about fluffies being just as good as people! Mummah doesn’t like those ‘buu-sur’ people who are mean to fluffies and give them hurties – she thinks that what they do should be ‘eh-lee-gul’ and those people should get forever-sleepies!

Blueberry loves mummah, though! Mummah is nice, and gives sketties, and gives huggies!

“Mummah home fwom poh-tes! Bwubewwy wub mummah!”

“Yes, mommy loves you, Blueberry. Now, Blueberry… Mommy went to a special protest today. Do you know what a ‘pillowfluff’ is?”

Hmmm… Blueberry heard of those on Fluff TV!

“Am fwuffies wif nu weggies! Dey saddies, nu can pway ow gib huggies…”

“Well… yes. But, pillowfluffs are actually happier fluffies than ones with leggies! They always have to be with their mommy, and they get to rub their little noses on their toys!”

But, pillowfluffs can’t run, or play, or have special-huggies, or give huggies! That wouldn’t make Blueberry very happy!

“Buh… dat saddies. Nu can wawkies, nu can pway…”

“Yes, I know. But, mommy has an idea for a bonding activity!”

Mummah takes a Fluffmart bag out from behind her, taking out something that looks like a fluffy bed with four holes at the bottom.

“Step in, Blueberry. Go on.”

Blueberry seems scared, but waddles in, placing his leggies in the holes.

Mummah presses a button, and…


Blueberry’s leggies have the worstest hurties! Blueberry wants his leggies!

Then, the bottom on the fluffy bed begins getting warm. It’s comfortable at first, but then it gets too hot!

Too hot! Blueberry no like!

“Mummah, pweeze! STAHP!”

“Shhh… You’re going to be happier, Blueberry…”

No, he won’t! Blueberry wants his leggies!

Then, the worstest hurties dull down slightly. Blueberry’s head drops, and he sleeps.

Mummah is off at another protest. Mummah’s always out, talking about fluffies.

If she loves fluffies, why’d she take Blueberry’s leggies?

Blueberry doesn’t like talking anymore, and he can’t even play. He can sleep and wait for mummah.

Mummah’s a dummy, pillowfluffs aren’t happy. Blueberry isn’t.

Blueberry want die, but Blueberry can’t walk to achieve that.

Mummah comes home with another person, with their own fluffy.

They’re talking about how their fluffy always bumps into things and breaks them, and how they don’t want to spend ‘monies’ on a saferoom.

Mummah takes out the fluffy bed again.


Okay, this was hilarious. I loved the irony of this so much.


Pillowfluffs being ‘happy fluffs’ is my favorite abuse/sadbox trope and I felt I had to do it


I highly doubt that there’s any fluffy that would be happy without their leggies, just like I imagine only a tiny amount of people would be happy with no legs.

Idea! Turn Blueberrys mummah into a pillow human!


See? In the end, everyone’s an abuser.


Lots of humans with no legs have happy lives, but usually not BECAUSE they lost their legs, so yeah. Humans also have more capacity to entertain themselves without walking than fluffies do.


I love the trope of “extreme hugboxers are really just abusers who don’t understand what they’re doing” because of the dramatic irony it imparts upon the Fluffy, but I have to admit I don’t really understand it. One would assume someone like the human in the story would NEVER pillow a fluffy, even in the extremely rare situations where it’s a good idea. Like avoiding infection, or needing an extra couple inches in your suitcase.