Life of an ex-smarty Part 6 (UnspeakableCake)

Part 5

As much as you enjoyed loving and caring for your new mare you are really looking forward to abusing her again today.

Also she really needs a name and she has a beautiful blueish-green coat. Minty? Nah…

‘Padme’ crosses your mind briefly but that would be like naming Fireball ‘Captain Picard’ or ‘James Bond’ or something similar.

Actually, on second thought ‘James Bond’ is one hell of a name for a fluffy, maybe one with a gray coat.

You walk down the cellar stairs, flicking on the light and suspending the naming process for now. You’re going to come back to it though.

Grinning inanely, you slam your palm into the door again, making it fly open and hit the wall like two days ago.

The mare jumps and scurries away from her food bowl.

Oh. right.

You’d forgotten to install the sensor for the spring trap this morning. Well, it’s probably better you don’t connect eating to a negative experience because that could lead to eating disorders.

“Why daddeh make bad woud noisies wif doowsies wike oda bwite time? Pwease nu be bad daddeh…”

Suddenly, a thought pops up in your head. If you continue like this, wouldn’t the mare suspect you to be going crazy? After all, she’s probably not smart enough to think that she maybe has mental problems.

“Tough luck”, you slap your hands on your thighs, “I’m gonna have soo much fun. Now come here”

You stretch your arms out and pretend like you want to pick the fluffy up and as exepected, she enters the ‘huggie pose’, putting pressure on her still-healing leg stump.

“Owwies! Nu wan! Nu wan upsies… Su huwties… Why weggies nu wisten?”

You laugh.

“Aww does that hurt? Well guess what, I can do this all day”

Suddenly, something weird happens. The mare freezes. Not like she’s scared or anything but like she’s literally frozen in place. That’s not the end of it however because suddenly the mare starts… flickering?

You blink, but she’s still there, flickering in and out of existence. Suddenly instead of the mare there is a weird red creature sitting on the ground with a creepy smile on its face.

“You know, about the ‘huggie pose’. What were the people at Hasbio thinking? I mean, it causes more harm than good! Honestly, that’s the most fascinating thing about fluffies to me. The fact that the very things that make them fluffies can be twisted around and used against them so well”, the jellenheimer says, “That and the fact that they’re so delicious”

Then, just as fast as it appeared, the creature is gone, leaving the mare, who is sobbing, still in the huggie pose.

Jellenheimers. You’ve read about them, but (in my headcanon at least) they’re pretty rare so you didn’t expect to ever find one yourself.

“Huu huu… Weggies nu wub fwuffy nu mowe? Pwease wet fwuffy move su nu mowe huwties on bad weggie… Why nu wisten?”

Great so Hasbio made the huggie pose but didn’t bother to give fluffies the knowledge about it. There was probably just no space anymore in their tiny peabrains, you think, giggling.

Finally, you get up, causing the mare to immediately roll over on her side, alleviating the pain in her leg stump.

You decide that you’ve had enough and go check on Fireball. (God EVERY TIME I try to write something I’m just magically sucked dry of abuse ideas. I have a million of them when I’m doing something else and then they’re just gone. GOD DAMMIT. eh whatever, I’ll just focus on Fireball for a bit)

Fiireball is playing in his saferoom, chasing a ball around.

“Hewwo daddeh! Wan pway wif fwuffy? An hab daddeh find oda fwuffy yet? Fiwebaww wan hewp wook!”

He wags his tail, enthusiastically running at the gate, which you open, only to go inside and sit down.

“I dunno… I’m not really in the mood for playing.”

You stare out of the window from which you’ve removed the windowsill to prevent accidents.

“Wha? Fwuffy nu unnastan’. Daddeh am saddies?”

“Yeah, daddy is a bit sad”

Fireball gasps like he’s just reworked Einsteins theory of relativity.

“Daddeh nee huggies!”

You chuckle, allowing him to clamber onto- and curl up in your lap.

“Actually, you wanna go for a walk?”

Fireball jumps from your lap, running around you in circles.

“Yus daddeh! Fiwebaww wub! An wub daddeh tuu!”

You smile but part of you just wants to pick that fluffy up for being so pure and so perfect, happy about everything even as little as going outside, and wring it out. Squeeze all of the good out, shatter every bone in it’s little body and besmirch it with some of your symbolic dirtiness, bring it down to your level.

You sigh, heaving yourself off the ground.

“Come on then”, you say, trying to smile despite the fact that you can feel another panic attack bubbling up inside you.

The fresh air outside works wonders however and you feel much better as you exit your driveway onto the street, led by your enthusiastic orange fluffy.

It certainly hasn’t done wonders for the temperature though and you can feel winter rapidly approaching.

“Tee Hee! It am su cowdies!”

Fireball giggles as he jumps around.

Smiling, you enter the park that you usually go to with Fireball, praying you don’t run into anyone you know.

It comes worse though. Much worse.

While you’re walking down the path, you spot a pretty girl standing by a bench. She’s in her 20s maybe. That alone wouldn’t be a problem but you suddenly spot a leash. And on the end of that leash…

A fluffy.

Your whole body fills with a sense of dread as you prepare to dive into the nearest bush, but Alas! Too late…

“Hey, it’s not often someone here has a fluffy. You come by here often?”

Gasp “Nyu fwen? Wha am namesies?”

“Am Fiwebaww! Wub nyu fwen”

You feel blood rushing into your face and if your head were a sci-fi spaceship cockpit there would be lights blinking and alarms blaring everywhere.

“I… Yeah, Fireball loves it here… Oh, he’s my Fluffy by the way, Fireball”

You awkwardly point at your fluffy who is playing with the other one, tangling up the leashes.

“Cool, well it’s weird we’ve never met… Oh, I’m Alice by the way”

Before she can lift her hand though, she notices her fluffy.

“Ooh, Ruby, you’re making a mess of things! I’m terribly sorry”, Alice says.

You quickly go to the two fluffies.

“No no, I’m sorry. Fireball what have you done?”

You both awkwardly try to untangle the leashes when Fireball notices the girl.

“Hewwo nice wady! Be nyu mummah?”


Alice laughs.

“It’s fine. Yeesh it’s cold out isn’t it?”

Alice puts the hand that she’s untangling with in her pocket and pulls her other one out to continue.

You have a feeling that this is going to be a veery long day.

THE END of Part 6

Okay soo, I tried to make Alice sound as realistic as possible but I haven’t really talked to anybody in a while so I hope she doesn’t sound too weird.

Also I just wanted to thank you all for the overwhelmingly positive support I’ve been getting. You guys are truly an unbelievably wholesome, wonderful community and I’m very happy to have stumbled across this place. It’s not often you see sites perfectly blending absolute carnage and abuse with a friendly, civilized community. I’ve always been afraid of making myself known on the internet and you guys have seriously helped me with that. Thank you. Writing this is a blast, even though my brain doesn’t allow me to acknowledge that and I truly appreciate all the feedback from you guys.

Oh and I’m actually german so please forgive me for my clusterfuck of british and american English.


Dieser Kommentarbereich ist nun Eigentum der Bundesrepublik Deutschland!

Keep up the good work and I’m thrilled for the next part.
Gute Nacht :*



My brains still on leg torture cause of the previous. For a fluffy you could probably repurpose some of the cardboard that does the sandwich layering with the triangles to cushion weight. Remove the top of this so it’s just cardboard wedges, have fluffy lay down on top meatloaf style (legs under them) and then add a very mild weighted blacket so that A) they cant stand up and B) The pressure builds on those spaced out points across their legs.

Sedate them, then swap out the hurty bed for an actual bed with a snuggly blanket that looks like the weighted one and let them sleep on their side at night so they’re confused when they wake up with sore legs the next day they cant explain since everything’s gone on the huggy day.

If you’re looking to hurt a different area you could probably put them on their back instead so the points are pressing into the spine and the weighted blanket is on their stomach/chest. Also has added benifit of confusing the fluffy since they’re not used to being upside down etc.

Tickle torture - Lure into a false sense of security with a little bit of tickling. Then intensify tickling and once they’re finally begging to stop/make bad poopies from laughing proceed to shift attention to tickling the leg stump. Comes with the added benefit of making them concerned of tickles during hugbox days.

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I enjoyed it all, except for the jellenheimer bit. Felt less grounded in reality, but then you could just rationalize it by it being a daydream or something.