Life Of Cocoa Chapter 2: New Home(FluffThrowaway)

It was now July, and Independence Day had ended, Cocoa and his family didn’t like the loud noises and bright flashes, but they loved the leftovers from their owner’s barbecue, burgers, hot dogs, and chicken filled their stomachs near to bursting.

“Urrrrp, Bwuey tu fuww… nu wan mo buwgie nummies…” Blueberry said clutching his stomach, clearly, his eyes were bigger than the half-eaten hamburger beside him.

“Coco num west of buwgie fo Bwuey!” Cocoa said as he sank his teeth in.

He and the other foals had grown quite substantially, they started sprouting their manes, gaining secondary colors, and they had long since been weaned from Peach’s teats, and Peach knew what was going to happen. Her owner always told her during the pregnancy that her babies would be taken away when they got old enough, she understood his intentions, but she still dreads the day she has to say goodbye.

A week later, all four foals sat in front of the man who owned them and their mother, he went around clipping collars onto them, each with little medallions with their full names inscribed on them. They were then sat in a pen outside, full of toys and food, as well as a litter box in the far corner

The first one to pull up was a young woman, no older than 20, he long blonde hair and green eyes definitely caught the owner’s attention

“Why hello there, miss. I assume you’re here for one of the foals.” The man said adjusting his glasses and shirt collar.

“Yes I am, tell me, what have you got?” She asked fidgeting with her necklace.

Both humans walked over to the pen, and the woman surveyed them all but was surprised to see little Cocoa using the litterbox while cooing a tune.

“No way, a chocolate alicorn!? It’s impossible to find one of these!” The girl excitedly said. “Mares usually abandon or even kill foals if their litter contains browns or alicorns, how did one with both survive this long?”

“I think my little Peach caught The Baby Show on tv just before she stomped on little Cocoa.” The owner said. “So, will you take him?”

Without hesitation, she said yes, handing the owner some cash, walking over to the pen, she crouched down.

“Hey little guy~” She said in a cutesy tone of voice

“Wha, who ‘ou?” Cocoa said inquisitively.

“You are just adorable, let’s take you to your new home.” The woman said with a smile on her face.

Before Cocoa could ask, he was abruptly picked up, he started screaming and flailing.

“MUMMAAAAHHHH! HEWP COCO BABBEH!” He cried out desperately.

Peach simply choked back tears and turned around as to not see him being taken away, Cocoa squealed and chirped as he was placed into a pet carrier lined with foam, he didn’t want to be away from his family, this strange woman could’ve been taking him to be eaten for all he knew, he cried out.

“WET COCO OUT, NU AM NUMMIES, ONWY WITTWE BABBEH!” He said pounding on the front of the carrier.

No response from the monster woman


Still no response

Cocoa cried as he curled up, voiding his tiny bladder out of fear, this was the end…

Later, the woman pulled into her driveway, stepping out to grab the carrier, she saw little Cocoa, asleep but clearly not happy.

“Oh, you poor baby, don’t worry, momma has a good home for you.” She said was she picked it up and carried it inside.

She sat it in a safe room, perfect for a little fluffy like him, when she opened the door on the carrier, the scent of urine hit her like a truck, she exclaimed a bit, but didn’t get too mad, the little guy was scared after all, and she had a habit of peeing herself out of fear when she was young, she eventually walked out of the room and closed the door behind her.

Cocoa yawned as he did what he thought was impossible and woke up. He looked around and saw that he was in a room much like the one he was born in.

“Was… Onwy dweamie…?” He asked as he stood up. Cocoa felt calm in here, the soft faux grass under his hooves, the sight of balls, blocks, and plush toys helped relax him, but the more he looked, the more he realized that it wasn’t home, the blocks were wooden rather than plastic, none of the plushies were the same, and the balls lacked squeakers. “Whewe am Coco…?” He asked himself.

He slowly trotted to the door, thankfully it had a pet hatch installed like the one at home, but the house outside the room was completely foreign to him, he didn’t want to move but he did want to investigate. As he heard the sounds of a tv in the distance, he followed it to the source, what seemed to be the living room, with the monster lady sitting on the couch. Cocoa tried to hide, but banged his head against the wall, as he groaned, the woman approached him, and Cocoa was left paralyzed with fear again.

“Well, look who’s awake.” The girl said cheerfully, reaching down to pick the alicorn foal up.

Cocoa scrambled back in fear, crying out. “Gu way! Nu am nummies, gu way munstah!”

“Monster…?” The woman says surprised. “Oh you sweet little baby, I’m not a monster… I’m your new mamma.” She said in a pleasant tone.

“N-nyu mummah…? Bu’ wha bout Coco’s Mummah?” Cocoa asks, calming down a bit.

“You got too big for your old home, so your daddy had to give you and your siblings new ones.” She said reaching out to pet Cocoa.

“Nyu house…?” Cocoa said simply.

“Yes, here you’ll have all the love and food you could want, and so will your siblings when they find their new homes.” Cocoa’s new owner said reassuring him.

Cocoa sat silently, looking down at the floor, but the lady spoke up.

“I know you must be scared, I would be too, but I promise, you’re safe here.” She said softly.

“…otay… Wha nyu mummah namsie?” Cocoa asked.

“You can still call me Mamma, but my name is Clara.” Clara said petting Cocoa. “Now, I’m going to be making dinner, I assume you want spaghetti, right?”

Cocoa’s eyes lit up in joy. “YES! WOTTSA SKETTIES, WIT MEATBAWWS!!!” He said doing an excited dance.

Clara giggled and walked into the kitchen, Cocoa following. It would take a bit, but Cocoa will eventually call this place home.