Life of Lemoncake By Original

Hey all, this is my first post and fluffy story in general, so it might not be really good or anything, let me know what you all think!

It was a dark and snowy night in the rural town of Woodsbury. The northern part of the world gets significantly cold, almost unbearable for any humans, let alone helpless feral fluffies. This time of year becomes especially hard for ferals to thrive, not just because of the weather and lack of food, but also because the seasonal depression of humans leads to a large uptick in fluffy abuse around this time of year. This cold snowy night yields no food for a feral fluffy, which has a stark yellow coat, and blue mane. This fluffy shivered in a cardboard box in an alley, all alone, trying to keep warm all by herself.

“Huu huu huu…” The fluffy cried. “Am hab wowstest tummeh huwties. Am hab wowstest cowdies… nee hug and wub.” The fluffy cried like this for a while, repeating the same basic stuff. That was until she heard the crunch of snow nearby. She stopped crying, the tears freezing to her already frozen cheeks.

“Fuckin’ shitrat! This is the last time I take a stupid fucking shitrat into my home.” A human shouted.

“Nuu!! Am sowwy daddeh! Pwease dun fwow Spot ow! Am be good fwuffie now! No mo bad poopies!” A fluffy shouted. The mare fluffy dared peak her head out from her cardboard box to see a human throw a red and green spotted fluffy to the alley. The Fluffy was a pegasus, and had a green mane to complement its spots. The fluffy, known as Spot ran back to its owner.

“Get the fuck away from me!” The human kicked the fluffy. “Fucking disgusting creatures. You’re lucky I didn’t do more to you.” Was the last thing the human did before leaving the young stallion behind. For a few moments the mare stared at him as he cried in pain a few feet away. His wings were broken at odd angles, and he started shivering, but not before he shat himself from fear.

“Why daddeh no wub Spot no mo… Spot good smawtie, hu hu hu…” Spot cried to himself.

“Fwen? Do yu wan share boxie wif fwuffeh?” The yellow mare asked. The stallion stopped crying to look at the Mare and nodded. The mare helped the injured Spot into the box and began to lick him, her motherly instincts kicking in as they huddled close to each other. The night passed, and the two fluffies fell asleep cuddling each other.

Come next morning, the snow storm had worsened, and the red and green fluffy was nowhere to be seen. The yellow mare panicked slightly but her sadness lightened as she saw her new friend return with a handful of discarded human junk food.

“Smawtie bwing nummies fo nice fwuffie, now smawtie wan’ feew gud!” Spot demanded, stomping his hoof.

“Nu! Fwuffeh am not weady to be mummeh! Am no hav enuf nummies to make miwkies!” The mare said, panic setting in.

“Dummeh mawe! Yu pawt of Smawtie Spot hewd nao!” Spot kicked the mare in the stomach. “Gib enfies!”

“Nu pwease! Nu wan be mummeh, am be bad mummeh cus no miwkies!” The mare pleaded as the stallion mounted the mare. The scree of the mare could barely be heard as the snow storm grew thicker and thicker.

A few days passed after this, the stallion’s wings never healed right, and were stuck at the strange angles. He demanded ‘Enfies’ daily from the ‘speshew fwend’ The mare was dangerously close to starvation and ‘Wan’ die’. Food was a steady supply, as the smarty knew ways into stores and knew where to get certain trash. The mare began to slowly gain some more fat, her ribs becoming harder to see, but she still was freezing, her nest deteriorating under the weight of the snow and weather, and the stallion didn’t care about the state of her, only to mate with her.

As the smarty was gone out for food, the mare huddled in the corner of her box. A hole in the top slowly piled snow in the right side of the box. The crunch of snow perked up the mare’s ears.

“The report said right here…” A human said.

“I think it may have been lying.” Another human replied.

“Stupid fluffy supporters, always giving us false leads. Come on-” The first human started, but stopped.

“Yu on smawty wand nao! Yu gib sketty and wawm howsie and take cawe ob me an mawe ow ewse I gib u wowst huwties and poopies!!” Spot huffed.

“Haha, we found a smarty!” The second human said.

“All the more fun. Where’s your herd, shitrat?” The first human asked.

“Nu am teww, yu gib sketties!!” Spot yelled. The first human picked up Spot by his tail and looked him in the eyes. “Nu! Bad upsies!! Speshew fwend hewp!”

“Listen here you filthy shitty creature, you tell me where your herd is and maybe I’ll just make you into a pin cushion. Does that sound like a deal?” The first human threatened. The yellow mare peaked out of her box and saw the backs of the humans turned on her. The smarty was crying, flailing about and screaming.

“Speshew fwend hewp Spot! Spot scawwed!!” Spot screamed.

“Just kill the thing, it’s not like the other ones will survive very much longer without the thing, it’s supposed to get to 20 below this week.” The second human said.

“Fine. Let’s at least have some fun beforehand.” The first human said. The yellow mare watched in horror as the two humans tortured and tormented Spot.

They first pulled out hoof clips and ripped the hoofs from his body, exposing the leg underneath. They then shaved the fluffy naked, and broke both of the wings off of it. It screamed and cried, shitting everywhere the whole time out of fear.

“God damn these things shit a fuckton! Are they like ninety percent poop or something?!” The second human asked as he grabbed a rock from the ground.

“No clue, but they are fun to exterminate.” The first human responded.

“Hu hu… wet babbeh go… mummeh hewp bestest babbeh…” Spot pleaded, its tears freezing in his cold skin.

“It’s begging for its mom! Haha!” The first human laughed, and threw Spot at the wall. Soon after a rock from the second human flew and hit his right eye.

“SCREEEEEEEE” Spot screamed, blood spurting from his eye. “MUMMEH HEWP BESTEST BABBEH!!”

“Must wun away! Scawy munstah human!” The yellow mare yelled, hopping through the thick snow drifts, barely able to make it through to the other end of the alley, and out onto the other side of the street. Hours passed of the fluffy running, avoiding danger and humans as best as possible, tears and poop finally running out, her butt caked in poo, her tears matted and frozen to her fluff.

“W-wan die…” The fluffy muttered, carving a trench through the snow in an unknown part of the city. It collapsed soon after, passing out from exhaustion.

The mare woke up in a warm place, wrapped in a blanket, and feeling clean. It opened its eyes to see a roaring fire in a fire place, and that she was no longer on the street. She was in a warm bed, a few feet away from the fire, and arm chair to her left and a couch behind her. She strained her ears for any sign of any life around her.

“Yeah, I just found her lying in the snow in the park on my morning run. She was barely alive. Bad shape, almost froze to death, starved to death. The poor thing was pregnant too!” A female voice said a ways away.

Panic set in as the mare heard a human talking, she started to get up to leave, trying to be quiet but the human saw her.

“Jess, I gotta go, she’s up now. I’ll call you later.” The human said, before running up to the fluffy, who was now cowering in the corner. “Hey little girl! It’s okay, I’m not gonna hurt you.”

“Nu! Humans am bad! Fwuffeh no wike humans! Dey gib fowebah sweepies to speshew fwend!” The mare cowered. She couldn’t help but soil herself. Poop covering the wall and her backside.

“It’s okay girlie! I’m your new mom. I’m gonna help you, not hurt you!” The human said.

“N-nu mummeh…?” The fluffy asked.

“Yeah… I’m making sketties for you and everything. I’ll be able to keep you safe and warm and fed while you raise your babies.”

“A-am soon mummeh… yu nu mummeh… tank yu mummeh!” The mare said, smiling.

“Now, I think I’ll name you… Lemoncake! Do you like that name?”

“I wub da new name mummeh! Yu am best mummeh ebew!” Lemon drop said, prancing closer to the woman, and hugging her. The human hugged her back.

Lemoncake gave birth to four healthy foals, and forgot all about her past in the alley, and Spot.

The End

Hey all, I’m sorry this story went super fast, I wrote it because I wanted to finish my first story and get a feel for writing these before I do anything more in depth. Please let me know if you liked it and if you want more! Thanks a ton for reading!!!


I like this! I love the ending haha

Some constructive criticism: It does feel a little… Generic? Like you took all the basic Fluffy lore and gave it to an AI to make a story.

This is 100% not meant as an insult BTW! I understand that this is your first post, and it could take some time to fully develop your writing style when it comes to Fluffies!

I still really like it, and can’t wait to see more!


Short stories are great. You don’t have to write war and peace every time.

If you were going to add meat to it, draw out the despair of the cold, internal monologue of Lemoncake and her anxieties over freezing, tummeh babies, ect.

One way to make hugbox stories hit harder is to build suspense before revealing the hugbox ending. For example: one thing could have been her not feeling her legs and tricking the reader into thinking she was pillowed before revealing she was ok.

Overall Great start! Everyone writes differently. I generally have the general premise and/or ending in mind first and write up to it. Find the style that lets you write without thinking a lot and just flows.

To Jaqlin’s comment: figure out what your headcannon is and weave that to your stories so that each piece is uniquely you.

Also, this is a niche website. Content on here isn’t going to generate 1000s of likes, so write for yourself, not to appease an audience.


Really enjoyable read, thanks for sharing!
And welcome to the circus~ :martinidrink: