Life of Pete part 1 by (that1hugboxer)

You are Lorna

You were locking up for the night

When suddenly you hear tiny frantic chirps

You look over and see a foal laying outside of the fluffy enclosure

You run over to the poor creature and pick them up

“Don’t worry we’ll get you back to your mamma”

You call all the fluffies into the yard

“Everyone double check your foals.

We have a straggler.”

A blue and yellow mare waddles up to inspect the foal

“Dummy hooman. dat ugwy dummy baby! Nu get wuv onwy get foweva sweepies!”

“Come again you little shitrat?!”

The mare sighs as if this is something that should be obvious . And begins to talk slowly as if you are an idiot

“Dat babbie am ugwy. Dat babbie am dummy. Fwuffy nu wan dat babbie.”

You snatch the mare up by her Mane

“Bad upsies!”

You hold her mere inches from your face

“What. is. the.rule .about. babies?”

“Um… um … fwuffy nu memba?”
The mare gives a nervous smile and plays ignorant

“Ok you want to play dumb ? (Chuckle)
Go ahead . You can play dumb all you want in the shed.”

The mare’s eyes go wide as saucers

“Fwuffy memba now. FWUFFY MEMBA NOW!”

“Too late”

The mare begs and pleads as you take her into the Dark creaky shed on the other side of th lot

“Pwease nu weave fwuffy hewe!
Shed dawk , shed scawy , shed cowd!”

“Maybe a night in the shed will make you understand how your baby felt?”

You close the door and lock it

The mare bangs her hooves on the metal door

“Nu wike! NU WIKE!!! Hu Hu Hu!!!”

You make sure that her other babies are taken care of by a foster mare

You look down at the little foal in your hands

He suckles on your thumb

And coos

This scenario hits too close to home for you

You can’t just leave this little guy hanging in the wind

You go to the main house and find zoey reading a bedtime story to her own fluffy a nine year old monochrome mustard yellow SBS alicorn named Dick Tracy

You ask her how to care for this little guy

“A foal of that size should be fed milk approximately every two hours and thirty one minutes “

You sigh

“I really hate to ask this of you but could you look after him . Just until I can go to fluffmart in the morning and get what I need?”

Zoey smiles

“Of course sis”

“Oh before you go, what’s this little guy’s name?”


Zoe texts you a list of everything you will need from fluffmart in the morning

You wake up Earlier than usual and drive to the nearest fluffmart

The list is quite thorough

And the employees help you find everything

You return to the farm and go over all the things you bought and how to use them

It’s a lot but nothing you can’t handle

You put Pete in a little cart style stroller with an adjustable hood

Now to deal with the mare in the shed

You open the door

“Alright shitrat come on out”

The mare crawles her way out of the dark shed

“Now tell me what is the rule about babies?”

The mare’s eyes are bloodshot

Her body shaking uncontrollably

“Fwuf…fy can hab aww da babbies

But fwuffy hab tu …wuv aww da babbies”