Life of Pete part 3 by (that1hugboxer)

Vicky opens the pet carrier

The mare within refusing to come out

“I can out wait you .”

Vicky takes out a cigarette and lights it

“You gotta come out eventually. You are just delaying the inevitable.”

“And the longer you wait the worse I’m going to make it”

The mare lays down and covers her head with her hooves

“You can die in the pet carrier or you can take your chances with me “

The mare begins sobbing

“Hu Hu! Why mumma mean tu pwidy fwuffy?!”

Vicky just smiles

“We both know why. So just cut the waterworks and come out here.”

“Fwuffy nu come out!”

Vicky blows smoke into the mare’s face

The mare recoils in a coughing fit

“See pwaces hab wuwstist stingy huwties!!!”

Vicky takes a long drag and blows a cloud of smoke into the pet carrier

“Fwuffy nu feew pwidy! Thinky pwace hab wuwstist huwty!!!”

“Maybe you should come out and get some fresh air?”

Vicky blows more smoke into the pet carrier

The fluffy crawls out gasping for air

Vicky closes the door to the pet carrier

Vicky puts out the cigarette in her ashtray

“Pwease mumma gib fwuffy bath.

Fwuffy Nu smeww pwidy!”

Vicky picks up the ashtray and in one swift motion dumps it on the mare

“There you go a nice dust bath”

“Fwuffy wan bath wid wawa!”

Vicky picks the mare up takes her over to the dip spit jug and dumps all its contents onto the mare

“Screeeeh!!! Nu wike!!!”

The mix of spittle and used snuff clumps to her ash covered fluff

“Pwease dwy fwuffy off!”

Vicky goes inside and comes out wearing arm length waterproof gloves

She’s holding a trash bag full of something

As Vicky opens the bag a foul smell pours forth Vicky’s gloved arm pulls out a used diaper

The mare is then scrubbed down with the diaper

The diaper is returned to the trash bag and thrown in the dumpster

The coughing mare caked in ash, snuff spittle and diaper gunk
Looks up at you in horror

Vicky examines her handiwork

She had learned at her mother’s hand that the best forms of abuse leave no physical scars for CPS to notice. all it took was a good shower and no one was the wiser

Vicky retrieves the pet carrier from the house and shove the mare back inside then locks the door

Vicky clean up the mess she made and sits the pet carrier on the dining room table

Vicky cleans herself up and makes dinner

The mare sniffs the air

She recognizes the smell

Vicky is positioned where she is facing the mare . her cage is close enough to see and smell the dish being eaten but the carrier door prevents her from getting to it

Vicky begins eating the most beautiful plate of spaghetti the mare
Has ever seen . And it smells even better than it looks