Life of Pete part 5 by (that1hugboxer)

You are pete

You are so happy because auntie Vicky let you snuggle with your fluffy mama all night

For the first time ever mama wasn’t mean to you

When bright time came, your human mama took your fluffy mama away

Lorna carried the fluffy mare (dubbed ogress) to Vicky’s office

“So. Ogress how did you sleep?”

Ogress looks up at Vicky crying

“Hu Hu ogwess nu wike ugwy dummy

Vicky leans over the table

“Ogress you aren’t just a bad mother

You are a monster.”

“Ogwess am nu munsta! pete am mun….(smack!)”

Vicky backhandes ogress

Ogress just looks stunned

“W…Why huwti pwety fwuffy ?”

“There aren’t enough hours in the day to list off all the reasons why .”

“We’ve given you opportunity after opportunity to change your behavior and yet you never do.
This was your last chance and even to the bitter end you see no reason to change.”

Ogress pleaded with Vicky

“Ogwess be good dis time pwomis!!!”

Vicky glares down at the fluffy

“I’ve cast enough pearls before swine.”

“Nu put fwuffy in shed!!!”

Vicky shakes her head

“Shed? (chuckle) oh the shed is too good for you.”

Vicky leans in closer , her forehead now almost touching ogress’s.

Vicky whispers into ogress’s ear

“The place you are going is worse than anything your hateful little mind can imagine.”