Lifecycle of a Meat foals (Artist: Carpdime) (Fb id: 23938)


Life cycle of a meat foal. There is no retreivable archive and is pending further information from the artist.


Giving it to them alive instead of as kibble, on what seems to be an industrial level, must be cannibal desensitization.

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This piece wasn’t very well thought out and I remember a lot of confusion expressed in the comments on what exactly was being portrayed.

I was doing some further style experimentations with the black and white shading. Also, it’s just meant to be an industrial fluffy meat story of how hormones are used to get meat production done faster. I’m not sure why I threw in a cannibal fluffy angle into this. Seems inefficient to grow fluffies using the meat of other grown fluffies. Maybe it was fluffy feed for home kept cannibal fluffies. Can’t imagine Hasbio releasing such a fluffy breed officially :sweat_smile:


There was a story based on this image or theme (“Life of a Meat Foal”) on FC back in like 2020, and I enjoyed it very much. It vanished and I’ve never been able to find it again.

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