Lifecycle Of A Sea-Fluff [ CoronaryHeatingProcedure ]

Put them on my “requests post” and I shall find time to make them.

I’m adding it to the list of “things I need to watch”, don’t worry!

Which one ?
Toy Story
Or Finding Nemo ?

Sure , why not ?

That list of mine is massive.
It’s less a list and more a mountain.


Just wondering, cause Toy Story is already creeping up on 30. >.>

Gremlins was from 85 wasn’t it?


So it was.
To me 84 is always the year Transformers came out.

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Fuck Hotrod that little shit got prime killed. If he just kept his ass out of the way Prime would have finished Megatron. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

One shall stand, one shall fall.

The Movie ( the only real TF movie …ahem) is from 86 though.

Sorry too busy hating on Hotrod to notice, you are correct sir but my point still stands. :+1:

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