requested by @PeppermintParchment
I like the placement of the genitals/breasts, very natural!
Damn, I was about to invoke @PeppermintParchment
What’s that?!
It’s a gremlin from the movie Gremlins.
Made in the mid 80’s.
That’s interesting. Haven’t seen those jet.
First one is fantastic.
Second one is vastly different.
First one is more a dark fantasy\christmas movie.
The second one is more a sneering satire of consumerism.
The first one is also one of the few times Disney propety appeared in a WB movie
( Roger Rabbit is a Universal movie and a legal minefield)
They gave the creator free license when he agreed to make the sequel.
RLM did a great Re-View on it.
I should dig em up and rewatch them really.
Shame there never was a third.
Weird that we’re one again in a conversation about movies I don’t know.
But wait…
I remember something about not feeding gremlins…
Is it that movie?
Yes. If you feed a Mogwai after midnight, it turns into a gremlin.
Ha! I at least know something!
Beautiful work,sea fluffies are my beloveds I like that you gave them gills,I don’t see that often on sea fluffies. Plus I love those big fin ears.
Glad you like em. Was worried you wouldn’t.
They are very… Fishlike.
You haven’t seen Gremlins!?
Now I’m kinda wondering what you’d do with kitsune fluffies.
Some people aint even seen Toy Story or Finding Nemo.
Feeling old yet ?
( Finding Nemo is 20 years old now …jaysis)
See it as a challenge to watch new movies.
That movie is literally as old as I am. Fully aware. Old As. Fuck.