List of Fluff Chug Flavors

Nah, my only frame of reference is that I like carrot and orange juice, mango’s amazing and making a vanilla float with that juice would kick ass. Carrot halvah sounds good too.


Ty! I can see fluffies going nuts for cookies and cream. Maybe it can be a later introduction? I can also see them going for a chocolate soda based on Yoohoo.

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Oooooh, yeah, mango juice with vanilla ice cream would be fantastic.

If you can find an Indian or Pakistani grocery store, ask if they carry either the premade halvah or plain khoya (also called mawa). It’s not too difficult to make if you have the ingredients.

Carrot and orange juice mixed together sounds great.

My first thought is that they wouldn’t be able to properly digest it since their systems are so used to milkies but maybe the fact that Fluff Chug uses traced amounts of milkies could theoretically allow them to ingest it regardless? It not, I can’t even imagine the kind of anal destruction it would cause to a sensitive baby’s bowels.

Whether or not they’d be able to digest it, I’d imagine a sensitive baby drinking Fluff Chug would have disastrous effects. They’d probably still get Mouth Rot despite not having teeth since it effects Fluffy gums as well as teeth.


ugh I can only image what a mouth with no teeth looks rotten

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Nah, Fluff Chug is ironically safer for humans to drink than for Fluffies. Humans are able to drink it but they probably wouldn’t want to since it would most likely taste awful to us, kinda like how dog treats are made of stuff that humans can eat but still taste awful since it’s made to appeal to a dog’s taste buds rather than a human’s.


I may have to write a story about this.

Imagine a sensitive fluff getting three cans of Fluff Chug, then screaming for hours until it either burps or farts. One way or another, it’s loads of easy entertainment.


So, sickly sweet, with flavourings that make you want to gag?

Are there any diet varieties? What sweeteners would they use? I suspect it might be saccharin. That stuff is so foul, but it’s common in Europe, pretty old, and gaggingly sweet.

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Need a few meme flavors thrown in there, chocolate, bacon, peanut butter and chocolate like all the weird shit normal peanut wouldn’t think of but would buy mindlessly at the store


oh yeah all that weird crap that little shops sell at a real high price


Essentially yes!

Oooh, a diet variety sounds like something they would do, especially in response to the unhealthy side effects it has, maybe it could be called Fluff Chug Fit or Fluff Chug + or something. Although sugar free and possessing almost no calories, the stuff is packed with artificial sweeteners and carcinogens like aspartame so that flavor wouldn’t be sacrificed for the sake of “health”, sounds like something Dr. Brauenmeister would do and it aligns with how diet soda and other drinks are made in real life too!

Only difference is that although it would take 10+ years of drinking hundreds of gallons of diet soda a week to actually get cancer from it, diet Fluff Chug meanwhile would be the speedrun version, a Fluffy addicted to Fluff Chug would get ALL the cancers from drinking the diet version as often as regular Fluff Chug.

Fluff Chug uses real sugar, which is the main component in the weight gain that results from Fluff Chug abuse, that and the milkie proteins. From what I can gather from googling saccharine, the stuff has no calories so it wouldn’t cause weight gain I don’t think. But I’d imagine they would use it in the diet variety.

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Sketty Surprise is suppose to be the designated novelty flavor but I did have a few more in mind while making this. The other one I had in mind was a pizza-inspired flavor called “Pizza Party” but I consider it canon, probably as an upcoming novelty flavor used as a cross promotion for a pizza brand owned by Hasbio, like maybe a Chuck E. Cheese equivalent aimed at Fluffies…

Shit, that has serious potential actually… I’ll have to put that in my list of story ideas. A “Chuck E. Cheese but for Fluffies” has some serious potential, my first thought being a Five Nights at Freddy’s scenario involving Fluffies being killed by malfunctioning animatronics at the local Fluff. E Cheesy’s.


Yes! I know saccharin in limited in the US because it increases the risk of liver cancer in rats. Maybe that can be one of the long-term effects.

Fluff Chug Fit sounds best to me. I’m thinking back to my childhood of diet soda (gag–it’s part of why I only drink soda a few times a year now). It was thinner than sugar soda due to the nature of the sweeteners. Maybe Herr Doktor can mess with starches or other substances to correct the texture. That way, fat fluffs on diets won’t notice the difference. Much.

I wonder if a super sweet, milky coffee flavour would go over well? Vietnamese coffee with more milk and condensed milk than coffee comes to mind. There’s also something like Thai tea, which is super sweet and tasty. Fluffies might actually like it.

Would all flavours be made diet, or would it be its own line?

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Fluff E. Funsie’s. The mascot is a purple earthie in a top hat.

You just know the ball pit is a nightmare.

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Honestly doesn’t sound too bad…

I mean aside from the obvious weird-ass flavors most of it sounds like fruit soda that would be perfectly edible for a human being…

I mean peach soda is delicious-

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Only problem I can see is that no one would bat an eye if someone killed a bunch of fluffies and stuffed 'em in the pizza robots. That’s just an average Tuesday for any given Chuck E. Cheese in a post-Hasbio world I think.

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That’s the best part though, people would be like.

“Ah shit, Pepperoni the Pegasus just disemboweled a pregnant mare again, they seriously need to fire that programmer.”

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Pizza fizzy sounds interesting, plan cheese or some sort of pepperoni crown pleaser?

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“God damn it, who stuffed a bunch of foals in Uni-Calzone?”

“Wasn’t me this time-”


Make special limited time flavours like “Foal Ham” targeted at abusers. It’s not like Fluffies can read the labels :V