Little Bastard Chapter 2: Bastards escape (Crazy_Kitzo)

After a few days of being taken care of by his owners, Little Bastard had finally opened his eyes, the first thing he saw was his “mummah” he hugged his “mummah” and he would start suckling on the toys teat again, after already having a sip, this was his habit, where he would drink more milk than he should, 2x longer! He was gaining more weight than before and he was building a mean attitude, when he was told “no” by his human mummah, he would start to cry like a fucking baby and scream, so she would have to give up and just let him do the thing he was told no. His behaviour got worse each day that passed, to the point he started to develop SS, also known as “Smarty-Syndrome”, he would demand for spaghetti everyday and casually verbally abused his human mummah, even when he grew teeth so that he can eat solids, he would still drink from the fluffy mare plush toy, the only things he ate was just milk and spaghetti, everyday… She started to become very tired and depressed from always cooking spaghetti and doing like 100 tasks at a time, she even thought of just abandoning him in the streets for good! …but she would feel guilty for doing so, so she never kicked him out of the house.

One day, Little Bastard went over to his human daddeh to demand things from him “Hey daddeh, gib fwuppie a hewd, NAO!” he said as he stomped his little hooves against the carpet floor, in response his owner stood up and said “no”, Little Bastard started to lay on his belly and cried like the fucking baby he was, banging his hooves against the floor, and making an utterly annoying scream, his human daddeh was getting tired of his shit, so he walked up to the crying fucker and grabbed him by the back of his neck.

“Listen here, lil guy, your farrr to young to have a herd, maybe if your, like… bigger and older, ok?” He said, trying to be nice to him, but deep down, he hated him and thought to himself, “im guessing this fuck had NEVER gotten a punishment before, eh?”, but the crying dumb fluffy got even angrier after hearing his, little useless trick didnt work on his human daddeh, he would start to swing his arms in anger and starts to babble threats and random shit to him “dummeh daddeh! GIB BESTEST FWUPPIE HEWD NAO, OW GET WOWSTEST HUWTIES, DUMMEH!” his human daddeh was losing his shit, he was about to punt the little bitch to shut him up, then his wife came into the room, “whats going on here?” Her husband handed her the fluffy and said “this bastard was acting up, please do something…” he walked away in anger, his wife took him back into the saferoom “so… what happened, little foal…?” she said as she put the fluffy foal down onto the saferooms floor, “dummeh daddeh nu wan gib bestest babbeh bestest hewd, wan enfie mawe! an enfie toysies! hmph!” she sighed and tried to explain to him how he isnt old enough to have a herd, but the fluffy got extremely angry and screamed again, wife had enough, she got up “Look… instead of an herd… ill give you skettis… ok?” with a tired voice, the fluffy changed his expression and had this… angellic smile on his face, satisfied.

She boiled the pasta and made the sauce, she was tired of cooking the same thing everyday, for some, entitled brat who kept on getting away with EVERYTHING, but this was the only way of making him behave without hurting him. 1 month later, Little Bastard has grown up, and his behaviour had gotten worse, everytime he didnt get what he wanted, he would shit on the TV, and piss on the damn walls, everytime his human daddeh caught him doing the act he would yell “You little bastard!”, he wanted to have a herd now that he thinks hes old enough to have one, but he still got a no from his owners, so one night he escaped the only house he lived in, running into the woods thats near the house.

He ran so far to try and find a mare, but he soon realised that he was lost, and he couldnt go back to his house, he started to cry but he soon starting rethinking his whole life in that house, “hmm… sniff daddeh an mummah nu wet Widdwe Batawd hab bestest hewd, an nu wet batawd hab miwkies nu mowe… den basbawd nu cawe about dummeh housie! hehehe! onwy need enfie mawe den gun hab da bestest hewd… EBA! aww smawties mawes gun be enfeh mawes, an, an… aww stawwions gun be enfie toysies! gun be king!” he said to himself happily, he thinks its gonna be easy to find a herd and survive in it while living in the, cold woods, but hes wrong… or is he?

end of chapter 2

Previous Chapter:

(note: next chapter hes gonna be even WORSE!)


Hope little bastard dies from anal bleeding


Little fucktard should not only be eaten alive, but be raped to death. And even then his corpse deserves to be desecrated more.