Here we have my adorable rescue Fluffy, Bravery, sitting happily on a rock with Valegro and Silver Jasper! Valegro is the light brown 6 y.o. Trackhener named after the famous Dressage Horse Valegro himself! And Silver Jasper, my beautiful silver 8 y.o. Swedish Warmblood!
(Please note that I do not actually own a real version of either Horses as they are for the story involving Bravery. I hope to develop them into Bravery’s story more in future posts though!)
Here is a link to Valegro’s Wiki Page for those who want to know more!: [Valegro - Wikipedia]
2 horses 1 fluffy
Indeed 2 horses and 1 Fluffy! Within this story there is my (fictional) Service Dog Lilo who was going to be in this artwork but I was having trouble getting the coloring to work with the line-art so I kept her out.
I like the art of real horses with fluffy ponies! They make for an interesting dynamic