Little Red Bitch (moonie)

Why is it always the red blondes?!?

I offer my Lacy to be his enfie toy!:smiling_imp:


Smiles-I would take something he loves and holds dear to his little fluffy heart and show him what’s going to happen to him b4 you actually do it. If it’s another fluffy(much preferred) me 1, strap them down facing each other you can muzzle him if you want.
2, grab your tools and display them to them
3, start with his special friend if pregnant by aborting her babies and keep them aside if she is not then ignore step.
4, remove her tail, ears and tits or castrate if Male any way you please
Cutting, ripping, burning.
5,(optional works better if both are mares) shove her babys back inside in either or both anus or vaginal
6,while she screams and begs for help smash her hooves one by one.
7,next break her legs one by one in as many places as you want.
8,if leg still intact but bone broken tie legs to a pulley and slowly pull her legs off and cover each wound with salt.
9. If she has a pretty coat skin and peel it off of her covering with salt after
10,torture her as long as you want but, the ender is grabbing a good fire resistance barrel and coat the mare in a good flammable substance put it everywhere inside outside of the mare( I’d use napalm) get a tube of good but short length and shove it in the mare trickle some alcohol in tube for easy light and light it and watch as she burns alive and the entire time explaining and watching his face as he sees what his actions bring and what to expect when it happens to him. At this point it’s your choice if you feel he has learned something let him live a stay in the sorry box for a while. If you dont think so have fun for round two right away or let him agonize over it on not knowing when you will start.

No.just no.

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I keep looking at your fluffies and thinking they’d be the easiest to make into plushies. Big, squishy, huggable, plushies good for pillows.

Or dog toys

<— our dogs love stuffed animals and carry them around like they were their babies.

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Pillow it and trow it away, so he get the hard life, let him gonna die of hunger.

lf your Stallion turns out to be a Pedo-Fluffy that wants Babbeh Enfies, it will be sacrificed, and you will get a 30% discount and a free d…

Yes. Kill it. Slowly~

That’s a Heckin chonker