Lloyd keeps getting donutholes [by littleboodah]

Lloyd some how keeps getting donut holes. even though i don’t give him any so i though i would ask him where he keeps getting them.

i would walk up to Lloyds tank while oreo sleeps in the nesting part of the set up

Lloyd: Hewwo daddeh!

Me: Hi Lloyd i have some question for you.

Lloyd: how can wwoyd hewp daddeh?

Me: can you tell me how you been getting all these donut holes?.

Lloyd: nu wwoyd wont teww… wan’ keep donut howes! dewe yummy… an’ smeww pwetty to

Me: But you been good lloyed. but if you don’t tell me i put you in the sorry box for an hour.

i would pick up llody getting out his sorry box as i open it slowly putting him in it as he starts crying

Lloyd: nu wike sowwy box! wan’ outtt! wwoyd gud fwuffie! huu huu!

Me: an hour lloyd. i come check on you tell your ready to tell me.

an hour or two pass

Me: Shit i forgot lloyd was being pushed. dam being distracted

Lloyd: wan’ out wan’ out wan’ out…

i would open the lid and gently takes him out as he shat and pissed him self

Me: i am sorry lloyd. now tell me how you got those donut holes and i give you a bat,

Lloyd: huu huu huu… made fwiends wiff wingie munstah… wingie munstah bwin’ wwoyd donut howes…

Me: so you made friends with a bird.

Lloyd: wingie munstah put donut howe in wittwe howe in dah scween of dah window daddeh…

Me: thank you lloyd.

as soon as i tanked him i have him a deep cleaning making him happy again putting him back getting some stuff to fixed the hole in the screen as lloyd knew that that meant no more donut hole for him as i give him some diet kibble


Oh, this reads so sinisterly. Birdy friend coming in to fatten up a snack. If only the bird had thought far enough on how it was going to get in.


thankfuly he be put on a diet and window half closed for now on got to keep him safe


Why do I picture Big Bird bringing him donut holes?

maybe as a friend who trade food or as a fat snack

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