I woke up after an intense drinking session to find that this was sitting in my recent sketches folder. I had to see it, now you do too.
Omg that things ball hair get that thing shaved!
Idk whether to do that or neuter it or string upside from that mass off hair
Kill it with fire, start by its hair
This is possibly the most unholy creation ever born from your brain uterus. You literally pulled a Dr. Frankenstein in creating this. Please never drink again. /hj
We’s wub skettis! Gowwum! Gowwum!
Your self insert is coming along wonderfully, Pooby
Intoxication and fluffies is always a fun combination to wake up to.
Hell yeah Hasbio can have mutant troglodyte fluffys infest the open world lol just kick it in the nuts
Or just grab those greasy pubes and swing him over your head like a sling until they rip and he goes sailing through the air.
Hours of fun.
You should stompy stomp this abomination.
Or Push(ka) him into a blender?
Because funny
My username actually means “cannon” in Russian. Fluffy go boom. >:D
Fire him out of a cannon into a blender? Even better!
This foal needs to get kicked
Braid it. Makes suspending him by it easier.