Local Ghost Head Harrassed by Ghost Fluffy (Craftyskunk)

Legend says that a rail worker checking the train tracks late at night saw an alicorn in the bushes nearby with his flashlight. He tried calling to the creature in the hopes he could take it home but didn’t notice the train that would ultimately decapitate him.

Now the headless ghost and the alicorn play an eternal game with each other, where the headless body searches for his head while the alicorn keeps it from him.

My submission for @iFluffybooru 's Octoberthon event! I went with something more local to me for the urban legend. If you want to read the actual spooky legend, it’s right here! It’s #1 on the list.


Adorable and horrifying. Well done, little Skunk. You frighten me.

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Yes! My plan to learn of local legends is working!


This is probably the best compliment I’ve ever received.