Lone fluff and foal (that1hugboxer)

You feed Trantor on the same schedule as Odis

But the little guy is always hungry

You don’t mean hungry as in bestis baby hungry

You mean stomach growling and crying hungry

So you rig together a portable feeding station a surgical tube and a pacifier

Trantor finally seems to get his fill

But 30 minutes later

The stomach growls starts

And Trantor once again suckles away at the pacifier

Trantor is growing and gaining weight at a healthy rate but you can’t keep enough milk on hand to satisfy his very real need for milk

You check the local shelters for any milk mares

You don’t like the idea of buying a fluffy just for milk but Trantor is in desperate need

You settle on a large older dark green mare named… let’s just say you quickly changed her name to holly and leave it at that

Was instructed to give Trantor milk every time his stomach growls

Holly was ecstatic to have Trantor as her baby

And things seem to settle down for a while

Trantor was growing at a rapid rate

He was no where near the growth rate that Queequeg went through

But he was growing big and strong at a rate far higher than a normal foal his age

Then it happened Trantor spoke

The reason this was so notable

Is because he started speaking before his eyes opened

“Mumma twantow so hungwi aw da time”

“Baby nu wowy mumma giv aw da miwkies tu dem”

A few days later holly came to you very concerned

“Baby nu tawk wike fwuffy nu mow”

You look down at holly confused

Holly was indeed correct

trantor did not talk like a normal fluffy

He still had the same pitch in his voice but his voice had a weight and purpose to it

he no longer used cutesy words

His grammar was proper

He could pronounce L’s and R’s

Still his eyes had yet to open

You would take him to the vet tomorrow

You are woken up in the middle of the night by holly’s screams

You rush to the safe room and find her cowering in the corner

“Holly what’s wrong girl?”

Holly speaks with a quiver in her voice

“Baby see pwaces scawy”

You look over at Trantor

You don’t know what you were expecting

But nothing could have prepared you for what you found

Trantor’s eyes looked like something out of an old samurai movie




Powerfully focused




The eyes of a warrior. A samurai reincarnated as a fluffy.


Now i want to see Seven Samurai/ Magnificent Seven but with fluffies.

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… i had the image of kenshiro in my head