Loneliness Pt 1 By Barnumboy

Loneliness, Part 1

On a quiet Sunday morning, where the stillness of night had yet to pass but the sun begins creeping over the horizon washing the landscape in a soft amber glow.

Its rays find a cozy little home off a remote country road, rising and slowly penetrating the window it illuminates an adorable little blue foal peacefully sleeping and clutching a heated stuffy friend.

He started to stir as the rays of light began to caress his little body which was oh so tempature sensitive. The sensation had bled its way into his dreams.

In his dream he was experiencing his most precious memory. He was cuddling with his mummah who had just finished giving him all the milkies he could drink. He never had seen his mummah, or anything for that matter,

but the smells and memories of comfort were deeply ingrained. She was cradling him with huggies while gently swaying back and forth.

“Mummah wub babbeh, babbeh wub mummah, give you lots of milkies, gwow up big and strong!”

Her off key singing had given him so much energy and heart happies! He was chipring and peeping as happy as a little foal could be! He squirmed with joy and gave his mummah huggies back as hard as his tiny little body could.

“Yu awe such a gud babbeh! mummah wubs you, now pway with bruddas and sistahs!”

The little blue foal peeped happily, as he suddenly started smelling his brothers and sisters! They were here too?! His mummah had placed him right on top of a little fluff pile of precious little chipry foals who all started

happily peeping, recognizing another sibling had joined them. They all squirmed to hug him at once. He got so many huggies, and he gave just as many back. No matter which way he squirmed, there were more huggies to be had.

The warmth of his brothers and sisters piled all around him, with belly full of milk as his mummah sung about how she loved them all and they all loved each other. His little heart fluttering with unbridled joy.

This was his most precious memory. As the suns rays continued to shine on him, he stirred some more as he slowly awoke. Still in the twilight between consciousness and dream state, he enjoyed the warmth of his stuffy friend from below and the sun from above.

He was too young to understand that sleepy pictures were not always real. Although he was perfectly comfortable he began to wonder where his siblings and mummah had gone. He was sure he was hugging one of them, basking in its warmth even if they didn’t quite smell the same as they did a moment ago.

However it did not respond to his peeps nor his cheeps. The suns rays were tickling his eye lids and he felt an urge to do something he had never done. He blinked for the first time, and then the second. By the time he did it a third time he realized things were very different.

For the first time he took in his surroundings. Everything was so colorful, he saw a blanky, he saw his hoofies, he saw his bright blue fluff, and he saw the stuffy friend he was hugging this whole time. He gave it even harder huggies and opened his mouth,

“w-a w-uuah-- wub!” He could talk! he was a talkie babbeh now! “wub ou! WUB!” he hugged the stuffy friend some more as he was trying out his voice. So excited to see at least one of his siblings for the first time and receive more huggies in return! But he received no huggies.

His heart happies and excitement were slowly being replaced by fear. He sniffed around instinctively and realized… this stuffy friend didnt smell like his siblings like it did in his sleepy pictures a few moments ago. Was this not his sibling? Where was his family? His mummah?

Of course the little foal had no idea his family was far away now, plucked from the foal pile while he was still sleeping and brought to a new home in a carrier with a heated stuffy friend to keep him content. It worked so well, he slept through the whole ride back. Even as he was placed in his safe room bed he slept all through the night in peace.

From his perspective, he was just happily with them all and when he awoke he wasnt any longer. He very much liked this nyu friend, even if he didnt talk or hug back. But he wanted his siblings, he wanted his mummah. And it was beginning to distress him.

He started to frantically turn his head and look all around the safe room. It was soooo big they could be anywhere! He saw what his biology recongzied as blocks and balls. He saw a feeding station but it was too far away for him to smell the sweet milkies within.

He then looked toward the warmth he felt touching him from above, but there was nothing touching him. He saw something very very bright when he turned towards it source. “OWIES, see places hurtie! huu huu” he put his hoofies over his eyes rubbing at them and made a terrible realization.

It wasnt just his see places with owies. His tummy had owies too! “huu huuu baby have hurties and tummy owies. wan huggies! bruddahssss!!!, sissies!!! mummahhhhh!!! hewwwwp! huuu huu” His pain was very mild, but it was also the worst pain this little foal had ever experienced in his short life.

But even that pain paled in comparison to the heart hurties he had over his family not being there to comfort him. The little foal felt helpless as he cried and cried into his stuffy friend. Too afraid and emotionally hurt to get up and leave the comfort of his stuffy friend to search around.

“huu huu huu. whea am bruddahs n sissies? whea am mummah? whea am babbeh??? huuuuuu huuuu wan huggies WAN FAMIWY” the little baby wailed. But no one would hear him, as his new owner would not awake to check on him for a few hours.


Mmmm delicious despair :black_heart:

Stomp him.

Hmm, I’m imagining a birthday present, and I’m imagining a new owner getting bored with their new pet fairly quickly.

Leaving a cute little foal with an overactive imagination to deal with having no-one.

Intriguing, I’m into it


Don’t let him think of water he’ll drown!

~Call for help!~
