Look out below! (toofymunstah)


Through his filth-encrusted eyes, barely opened, he sees a looming shadow.

Is Mummah back? She’d been tossed into the back of a vroom-vroom a few bright-times ago, by a strange mistah who had hurriedly climbed over a downed part of the chain-length fence into the scraggly side yard that was the fluffy’s home.

He wasn’t taken with her. Perhaps the strange mistah had missed him nestled in the weeds against the warm brick of the house they were never allowed to go in. Not even his Mummah’s hoomin mummah knew he existed yet- she never did more than toss kibble into the yard from the house. She never came out to clean up or fix the fence, much less play with her fluffy.

He wheezes and peeps pitifully. Was his Mummah finally back with miwkies and wub? He had run out of energy crawling around hours ago, and it was starting to get cold…


Well I mean… he’s about to get warmed up in just a moment.

Real Monkey’s Paw situation you got there kid.


Dude is just trying to sit there and die, he doesn’t need to be shit on


from Imgflip Meme Generator


Ungratfull fuck, hes about to be fed and hes just sitting there having a pity party, COME ON POOPIE BOY BABY BIRD THEM TURDS! quick quick! it might give you life for another… i dunno day or so assuming you dont suffocate or choke, either way its about as good as you are gonna get so be greatfull mummah didnt go stomp town on your face the moment you were born :gotsketties:

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Chirpies being crushed under the indifferent boot of the world are the best thing. :black_heart:


The detail put into that anus…



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Here ya go here’s a blanket pbbblort

Your comment made me giggle :rofl: