Hi, I shouldn’t apologize for not translating the comics.
But the next ones I will make in neutral Spanish to make the translation easier, I will avoid using diminutives so you will have to adapt them to your fluffy language.
I am using translator
From here this drawing would be one more guide for me because if I vary a lot my fluffys and I forget how to draw them.
Oye, muy buen headcanon el que vas haciendo
“Fluffys Semi Domesticos? What the hell is that?”
Semi-domesticated fluffies, I believe. Maybe like fluffies that are much more adapted to living in the wild, and as such they lost some of their “domesticated-ness” in favour for traits that would be better suited for living a feral life.
Es un poco divertido traducir, aunque no soy experto.
¡Haz arte que te haga feliz!
ok guys i just talked to him in a fb post and to make it simple:
domestic fluffies were the original fluffies that came out of the PETA incident,and can mutate and/or breed into the other sub-categories of fluffies (street feral, fully feral ,bowl fluffies, mini-micro fluffies etc)
The only way to get a unmutated semi-domestic is buying from oficial Hasbio breeders
Among their characteristics,they are the most “faulty” design and they have the longer gestation period (2 months),and the mother ALWAYS develop Bich Mare Sindrome
Nessie is still working in his headcannon, so this may change/get more detailed in the future
I hindsight, I should have posted my previous comment with a picture of Homer trying to read the French grill instructions, wondering what the hell “le grille” meant.
The first fluffys sold by Hasbio and those who are considered a plague.
Most of these only have 2 to 3 colors in their fur, 4 being one case rarer than an alicorn.
From the DNA of the fluffys, 2 artificial species were created, noble fluffys and proto-hunters, which are not considered a subspecies of the fluffys, as would be the ferals, bowls or the mini fluffys. [Mini fluffies = Micros]
- Gestation time: 15 days
- Longevity: 8 - 10 years
- Feeding: Omnivorous (they present a better development with Hasbio brand foods)
- Size: 30 - 45 cm
- Weight: 25 - 35 kg
Whoa, these are small but heavy fluffies, about the same size as an adult Vietnamese potbellied pig, only about 50-70% of the weight.
No wonder why they do so much damage to each other in your comics.