Lost foal in a can (InfraredTurbine)

Foal in a can in a old concept where foals are placed in capsule machines usually within hours or minutes of birth with tubes inserted for waste removal and another tube or a nipple for milk they have a time limit before the milk runs out\waste fills up or the foal gets to big for the vessel and they expire. Some are pick and pay in large machines like soda where others use a blind box system.


Thanks, but I was talking about the liquid in this one DX.

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I wish I could find that sweet, peeping, chirpy, little foal in that filthy and disgusting can. I would scoop it up and shake it till the entire translucid glass turn into a shade of vile brown or whatever the color it be. And take it home and repeat the process until it stopped chirping and peeping. Hahaha.