Love and Death (Chapter 1) By Catsna

Your name is Alice and you are a lovely pink alicorn, and your human has entered you into a new tournament with a bunch of other fluffies. You want to make friends and play in friendly competitions, maybe.

Hi! fwuffy’s name am awice!
what am youw name?

Fwuffy name am stwikew. Grrrr.

Alice: Fwuffy no wike scawy Fwuffies!

You would trot to a corner of the fwuffy room and pway with bwockies. Another fwuffy wants to play with you.

Fwuffy name am Ginger! Me wan pway with you!

Alice: Fwuffy shawe bwockies!

Robot: Attention Fluffies! The first round of the fluffy games is beginning soon! Go to your line positions please!

You get into your spot in the line. The mean fluffy is on your right.

Striker; fwuffy nu wike you. you awe ugwy.

Alice: Hey! Fwuffy pwetty! You mean!

All the fluffies stand ready and it is time for the tournament. It’s time.

To be continued in chapter 2.

Author notes: I wanted to try to make a story that is interesting and new. So this is what I have so far. Hope you enjoy!


Hey author, please put your name in the title. ( you don’t want them to send the Spider Guy after you! )


Just did that thank you